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Israel decides to build a cafe /Museum of Tolorece on Top of Muslim Cemetary 1400 year old


Sep 8, 2009
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Muslims in Jerusalem decry cafe built on cemetery

Jerusalem - A recently opened cafe in West Jerusalem, which is built on a park that Muslims say is the site of an ancient cemetery, is drawing outrage from religious leaders in the Holy City.

The Al-Aqsa Association, a group that advocates for protecting the sanctity of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and other holy sites in Jerusalem, released a statement after the cafe opened earlier this month, calling the move part of a "systematic scheme to destroy the landmarks of the cemetery".

"This is a sanctified location, a holy place for Muslims, and it's been a cemetery for 1,400 years. It's impossible to treat a holy place like this," Amir al-Khateeb, the director of the organisation, told Al Jazeera.

Representatives of the Landwar Coffee chain, to which the cafe belongs, were unavailable for comment.
Mamilla Cemetery is believed to date back to the seventh century, and it houses the remains of many important figures from the early days of Islam, including companions of the Prophet Muhammad.

It is also the resting place of many combatants from the Crusades, both Muslim and Christian.

Burials in Mamilla continued until 1948, when forces from the newly declared State of Israel occupied West Jerusalem.

In 1986, the Israeli government told the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) that "no project exists for the deconsecration of the site and that, on the contrary, the site and its tombs are to be safeguarded", in response to a UNESCO investigation of Israel's development projects on Mamilla.

However, the current government seems to be taking a different stance. Khateeb asserts that of the 20 hectares of land that belong to the historical location, only two hectares are still visible as part of the cemetery.

"They have built a hotel, a garden, a pool, and now the cafe - all on top of graves," Khateeb said.

Adding to the Al-Aqsa Association's outrage, the cafe also serves beer and wine, which is forbidden in Islam.

The Muslim community has been rallying for the continued respect of the site since 1948. But Khateeb said the boiling point came in 2005, when the Los Angeles-based Simon Wiesenthal Center (SWC) announced plans to build a "Museum of Tolerance", set to open in 2017, on top of the cemetery.

The museum will aim to combat racism and prejudice by examining historical examples of discrimination, with a strong emphasis on the Holocaust.

"Considering the toll [the Museum of Tolerance] has had on our cultural heritage, it is absurd that they would name the museum in such a way," Khateeb said.


Back at the cafe, located near the future Museum of Tolerance and across the road from some of the few gravestones still visible in the cemetery, Israeli patrons flocked on a recent afternoon to partake of the cafe's fare. Many told Al Jazeera they were unaware that they were dining on top of a contentious site.

Moshe Levin, a 22-year-old university student enjoying a beer and fried halloumi cheese, said he "didn't know Independence Park was a cemetery. It's always been a park for me".

When asked if this information changed his view of the space, he replied: "No, not really. The park is beautiful and if people can enjoy it, I don't see the problem."

Khateeb added that it is not only a legal matter, but one of common decency.

"Today, Jewish cemeteries all over the world are well-maintained. If someone defaces even one of the graves, it's a huge matter that is quickly resolved," he said.

"We want the Israeli government to treat all holy places - whether Muslim, Christian, or Jewish - as equal."



Ground breaking ceremony for the museum

http://www.haaretz.com/polopoly_fs/.../derivatives/headline_1218x685/4236730779.jpg (Source of this innaguration image is Israeli site)
State sponsored initiative of course
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also protest against saudis who are demolishing islamic sites in mecca !
Seems you can't dispute the content - or are you just relying on prejudice against Zionists? Two thumbs down..
Where were all these people when muslims were destroying each others thousands years old monuments ??
Why stop at two? Use all your fingers and toes while you are at it, and see if I give a rats a$$ to your rantings !!!
Who is ranting here? Who is responding with rage rather than changing his mind? Should Pakistanis let rage prevail over justice or not?

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