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Israel could strike Iran without US help

how can Israel strike Iran on their own?Iran is big and strong so it's hard for israel to attack even if it gets the help from US.
They could but it would be limited. Israel has the aircraft to hit Iran. Those F-15i if equipped with their conformal fuel tanks and 3 600 gallon external drop tanks can reach Tehran(capital) and back (But it would be close). To do this though they would have to fly for a short period through Syrian airspace and i am not exactly sure what you could carry on them once you load them up with that much fuel. Chogy could possibly comment on that.

Most of the flight would go through Iraq so the Americans would have to support the offensive. And even if all this happens and goes well 25 F-15s won't be enough to really hurt the Iranian Nuclear program. The could hit some of their closer facilities but Iran has so many spread across the country to effectively cripple their program you would need to hit most if not all of the known ones. So you would need much more then the F-15s and the F-16 would need to refuel to make the full ferry back. So again the U.S. would have to know and support the operation through Iraq. Which would kill effective relations with Iran on their nuclear program and make it even more secretive.
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how can Israel strike Iran on their own?Iran is big and strong so it's hard for israel to attack even if it gets the help from US.

We already have struck at places of our choosing!
More than the strike on Iraqi nuclear plant read up on Operation Entebbe :devil:
I dare bet that even by 2015 Israel still hasn't attacked Iran, even if Iran kicks out IAEA inspectors. Israel=weakling that afraid of Iran and can only bully smaller countries like Lebanon and Palestine.
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