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Israel claims that it will only suffer 500 casualties in a war against Iran


Jul 14, 2012
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Tensions between Iran and Israel continue to escalate amid reports over the past week that Tel Aviv has drawn up plans for a strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities before the US presidential election in November.
Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak and the country’s new ambassador to China, Matan Vilnai, recently discussed precise estimates of Israeli casualties, and the timeframe of a possible war with Iran. A hypothetical war with Iran would probably last a month, and include about 500 estimated Israeli casualties from Iranian missile strikes, Vilnai told Israeli newspaper Maariv on Wednesday.
Though Israel has repeatedly threatened preemptive strikes against Iran over the country’s controversial nuclear program, this latest round of saber-rattling is taking place under slightly different circumstances.
A new, last-minute National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) update provided to the Obama administration mirrored Israeli intelligence that Iran had made bigger nuclear advances than previously thought, Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported on Sunday. Iran’s alleged progress towards nuclear weaponry was “far beyond the scope known” to UN inspectors, the report said.
Haaretz did not name any sources or confirm any information in its report, quoting a senior Israeli official who declined to be identified.
Tel Aviv seems to be taking action in support of its hawkish stance, testing emergency text-messaging services in some cities, and increasing the sale and distribution of gas-masks. Recent polls also suggest that, while domestic Israeli opinion is still opposed to war against Iran without international support, that stance is gradually softening as the government seems to be preparing its citizens for war.
Israel to strike Iran as window of opportunity narrows? — RT

seems Israel is delusional.In my opinion Israel will have 10,000-20,000 casualties in a missile war with Iran.Though Israel can win .
Even if they believe they will only have 500 causalities how is that any good??? They should try telling that to the mothers who will have to bury their children while the leaders of Israel will be hiding in some fortified bunker as the missiles rain down on their people. :disagree:

I agree with your assessment of casualties. :tup:
How the hell can he give precise estimates of casualties ?

I was wondering that. Besides, they went to war for one soldier. If 500 Israelis get killed and this was the scale of escalation, Netanyahu would simply go nuclear.
Israel did not nuke anyone in the yom kippur war. I doubt they will be nuking anyone.The only nation in Middle East that can inflict very massive casualties on Israel(in hundreds of thousands or millions) is Syria with its biological arsenal.Iran,Pakistan,saudis,Turks are overrated. The other nation that can totally destroy Israel is a Superpower nation Russia.
500 Casualties means around 500 families will suffer.:hitwall::hitwall:
Inappropriate estimation of war.
vk_man agree with u Russia super power alone can finish Israel but Russian made wrong strategy which broken USSR into pieces while USA fighting propaganda war tactfully along its allies putting other countries in trouble still no one know the reality of 911 CIA trained Asama bin laden and miss used international media:whistle: which invaded free states capturing their resources helped them to deploy army what ever the hidden motives were behind how much they achieved all know well UNO bringing peace always failed when matters come about USA how long can Israel survive if america pull out hands completely ? which is impossible as most Israeli don't like wars except extremest Zionist regime no one should be under estimated and wars have never solved any issue in fact increased miseries if go in the history like USA NATO wasted billions of dollars precious tax paid money of its nation in useless wars killing precious lives masks can not reduce casualties with wrong guess of deaths when leaders camouflage themselves and encourage civilians for wars leaving them to die after Palestine Lebanon Iraq now Iran new target of war crazy retard minds instead whole world should unite stop immediately this bloody craze for evil desires of devilish minds it can effect neighboring countries china India Russia etc etc even a single nuke will be horrible unforgettable mistake still silence of many super powers is mysterious.
Israel did not nuke anyone in the yom kippur war. I doubt they will be nuking anyone.The only nation in Middle East that can inflict very massive casualties on Israel(in hundreds of thousands or millions) is Syria with its biological arsenal.Iran,Pakistan,saudis,Turks are overrated. The other nation that can totally destroy Israel is a Superpower nation Russia.
What are you smoking? Try going for chemical or biological attacks on Israel, or even massive bombardments, and you'll find the world suddenly has one less Muslim nation.
What are you smoking? Try going for chemical or biological attacks on Israel, or even massive bombardments, and you'll find the world suddenly has one less Muslim nation.

Your deluded to the max . Your jewish propoganda brain seems to be off. First destroy the Germans who did the '' Holocaust''.
^^Didn't the Germans want to kill every single Jew and would have done so if they could?
My guess Netanyahu is using the 2006 War with Hezbollah to come up with figures for this.

He assumes that around 20 Israeli Pilots will lose their lives in an attack on the Iran. Which is around 10 Israeli Jets out of an attacking force of 100 Israeli Jets.

I don't think Israel will launch a ground invasion of Lebanon.

The remaining 480 deaths will be civilian and will occur due to Hezbollah and Iran firing missiles at Israel.

They might have some statistical analysis on the number of missiles penetrating Israeli defenses and killing Israeli civilians.

This is all war gaming and no plan ever survives first contact with the battlefield.
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