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Israel bars AESA radar export to India

I guess we are discussing this topic unnecessarily ... AESA for Tejas-2 wil being home made.. while we will take the consultation of other design partners for some modules... which is yet to be finalized.. i guess 2052 is not for MK-2.. May be if the partner is Israel we might get the design modules of 2052... while most of the design of the critical components will be designed by DRDO only...

But Indian AF is smart enough to consider foreign sources just in case the home made stuff is delayed. All the situations must be covered.
wat big statement? only u hear about them watever they r, cos you look for them. then make a claim to be a big statement.

especially that its a dealing with 3rd world country, the US couldn't really give a flying 'hoot' about this deal. IF the deal were to be made with a 1st world country like Australia, it would be an entirely different matter then, it would have a higher worth than just the economic value attached to it. As it will form a part of the US military doctrine of full spectrum dominance.

This isn't seems appropriate for someone whose navy survives on Indian coast Gaurd retired vessels.. Whose air force asks for Indian reitered Mig 27 & Whose Army officers fights LTTE with free training offered by Indian Defense colleges....:what::azn:
real asshole...
U can never trust usa with all weapon purchases.if usa wants it can ground even LCA by blocking engines.As it did after 1998.Learn from pakistan's experience atleast.usa is not a trustworthy partner.Alas indians never learn.

What's there to learn from your country's experience? like how to sell yourself and that too multiple times? if that's what you expect us to learn then sorry you are right what you said above, I will only add a word from India's perspective "Indians never learn... stupidity"

So I advise you and your country to learn from your own past and see how you were used and thrown? Funny thing is you are advising others when your own country is selling itself in open market even today by allowing others to bombard your territory. Believe me you will find very few examples similar to that...
oh right...and india is so high and mighty that they sell out countries they used to consider very friendly (e.g. Iran) for the sake of pleasing Americans

get of your high horse, or else get lost
What about Pakistan. They spread terrorism in their friendly countries including China and US, not to say Afganistan and even Iran.
What about Pakistan. They spread terrorism in their friendly countries including China and US, not to say Afganistan and even Iran.

as usual, another indian talking through his AS.S

care to elaborate?

and by the way, it was China which was THANKING Pakistan for sending religious delegation to quell the violence in xinjiang

if my memory serves me correct, indians support groups like northern alliance & the tamil tigers

enough said! :rolleyes:

either stay on topic; otherwise get lost, troll

i hope you exercise the latter option, we dont need people like you on here
oh right...and india is so high and mighty that they sell out countries they used to consider very friendly (e.g. Iran) for the sake of pleasing Americans

get of your high horse, or else get lost

Kinda off-topic ,but the voting against Iran was for getting our nuke-deal.Any move we"ve made is always has the element of personal interest first.

Besides,my nation can't afford to please Americans.
Kinda off-topic ,but the voting against Iran was for getting our nuke-deal.Any move we"ve made is always has the element of personal interest first.

Besides,my nation can't afford to please Americans.

guess what? nobody really cares.....now stay on topic
Bloody AMerican scum$ags.

Again, these creatures are poking their nose.

Really, giving MMRCA to Typhoon is the only way out to deny the Americans the money that they are so desperately seeking.

Those Bloody AMerican scum$ags are selling you Harpoons, C-130J, and lot of other stuff, those who helped you in NUKE 1-2-3 agreement.

What a hypocrate you are...
oh right...and india is so high and mighty that they sell out countries they used to consider very friendly (e.g. Iran) for the sake of pleasing Americans

get of your high horse, or else get lost

And who are you to preach us? Do I need to quote examples?:hitwall:

Most of the posters here feel that US has played it's game by blocking the 2052 and India should take this into consideration while deciding on any big ticket military purchase from US. What is wrong in that?

You too need to get of your high horse and stop such generalized preaching!:sick:

guess what? nobody really cares.....now stay on topic

That goes for you as well! :whistle:
oh right...and india is so high and mighty that they sell out countries they used to consider very friendly (e.g. Iran) for the sake of pleasing Americans

get of your high horse, or else get lost

Not for the sake of pleasing Americans but for our self interest. We gained a deal out of it which none could even imagine till date.
Those Bloody AMerican scum$ags are selling you Harpoons, C-130J, and lot of other stuff, those who helped you in NUKE 1-2-3 agreement.

What a hypocrate you are...
And for the same American we r paying HARD CASH $$
No one does for free..
Get a life u false flagger...(aka Ajtr)
And for the same American we r paying HARD CASH $$
No one does for free..
Get a life u false flagger...(aka Ajtr)

Why are you guys so annoyed? I don't see anything wrong when they try to protect their self interest. Be fair, we are paying money for getting technologies we could not get from other sources so our self interest is there as well.

If we were in their place, we would have done the same. They are probably doing this for upping the chance to sell their radar directly to India and I think that's fair enough.
And for the same American we r paying HARD CASH $$
No one does for free..
Get a life u false flagger...(aka Ajtr)

And for the same American we r paying HARD CASH $$

So why not pay hard cash for AESA radars too.....and permanent seat at UNSC??

I wanna see how India gets UNSC seat without US approval.......
Big deal, America can do what it wants, because they defend Israel and Israel has to listen.

Thats exactly why India has recently been so close to America, despite supporting Pakistan for 40 years, even in wars against India. Is so that India can get the latest weapons and technology from America and its closest allys.
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