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Israel backs Saudi Arabia in confrontation with Qatar

Yes, the Saudis with their new best friend, Israel.

Shame on them.
How very double standard of you, SA can invade bomb and make life hell for the the Yemenis, but if Yemenis crosses into SA they must be annihilated.

Hey kiddo don't be an emotional pillock. That is not my wish but analysis based on ground realities. KSA has one the robust defence system in the middle east with all the latest tech and has a central position in the world of Islam..in addition, it has support of the world powers too...

Right now a lot of people support houthis because they are defending their country but if they try to attack any country - KSA in this case, they will have no moral support and KSA will be free in defending itself and the world will support it and then the latest weaponry will be used which the rag tag militia won't be able to match.
Hey kiddo don't be an emotional pillock. That is not my wish but analysis based on ground realities. KSA has one the robust defence system in the middle east with all the latest tech and has a central position in the world of Islam..in addition, it has support of the world powers too...

Right now a lot of people support houthis because they are defending their country but if they try to attack any country - KSA in this case, they will have no moral support and KSA will be free in defending itself and the world will support it and then the latest weaponry will be used which the rag tag militia won't be able to match.
every weapons you have will not help you if you dont have skilled trained people
in saudi arabia to be more then
Lieutenant Colonel you need to be prince thats tell you all
thats why im sure iran will smash them even there weapons are not the latest model
they are more trained and more skilled in my opinion
Pakistan should distribute 1,1 nuclear missile to every Arab nation including Iran to resolve their disputes once & for all.

Believe it or not we did try but they themselves chose the longer more painful way to annihilate each other.

So nothing much more we can do
It shows who is pulling strings of ksa leaders for decades it's time for Pak to choose wisely because allying with KSA did not brought us anything we will defend holy mosques of Islam at any cost kings of Saudi Arabia are not doing justice to their job bring Muslim umah together but they are working on Jew agenda of getting separate each other so we be easy target
not friends partners against iran

Not partners, say master and slaves!

we have commun interest against iran thats it if qatar is part of iran or have realtion to iran we sopurt saudia on this what is the problem?

The secret alliance was always there, now you have taken off the mask, that's it.

Yes, the Saudis with their new best friend, Israel.

Shame on them.

Do you think the SA regime has any freedom about it? Faisal tried it and got killed for it.
Moment of shame for supporters of Aal e Sauds dynasty. The more i think about these dictators the more i feel disgust about them. Their rule falls into the same category as the rule of Yazid bin Muavia. Lakh di Lanat.
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there wont be a war with Qatar,it is unrealistic.KSA is already busy in yemen,iraq,syria ,with iran and funding jihad terrorists across muslim countries.
there wont be a war with Qatar,it is unrealistic.KSA is already busy in yemen,iraq,syria ,with iran and funding jihad terrorists across muslim countries.

The zionazis are pushing for it, so it's possible. These Saudi herem boys are not known for their wit.
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The Jewish faith has nothing to do with the state of Israel. Regional politics is beyond religious issue. Please don't mix the two

A two state solution is the best optimistic solution one could hope for. And that by peaceful means otherwise fireworks and that 4th of July style the world is not prepared for.
why create a second state on a stolen land of palestinians?? US and all other supporters of two states formula should donate their own states to them.
why create a second state on a stolen land of palestinians?? US and all other supporters of two states formula should donate their own states to them.
you say stolen land all israel is stolen land remind you 1947 un decide to
Divide the country between arab snd jewish they refuse go to war and lose so what stolen land you talk about
you say stolen land all israel is stolen land remind you 1947 un decide to
Divide the country between arab snd jewish they refuse go to war and lose so what stolen land you talk about
and what was the area of srael they decided to divide?
I think it was Much smaller land.
does that justified the rest of the stolen land???
why create a second state on a stolen land of palestinians?? US and all other supporters of two states formula should donate their own states to them.

I am pretty sure much of the land was sold by the Arabs. Its much more complicated than what you might assume it to be.

Best even the Palestinians want is a separate homeland. A two state solution is best hope for peace

Moment of shame for supporters of Aal e Sauds dynasty. The more i think about these dictators the more i feel disgust about them. Their rule falls into the same category as the rule of Yazid bin Muavia. Lakh di Lanat.

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