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Israel backs Saudi Arabia in confrontation with Qatar

What deposat? Qatar is also having a royal house like Al-Saudi. Don't forget Qatar is also funding Daesh. A pot call kettle black.its a family feud between Arabians, that's how I perceive it.

It's about who lead the Arab world. I think Qatar is not some anti- American hero as it host the biggest USAAF base in the Middle East!

Yes, Qatar is also a monarchy but at least they are not helping thugs like sissy in other Muslim states. As for the US base in Qatar, it was arranged by his father whom he ousted from power.
Yes, Qatar is also a monarchy but at least they are not helping thugs like sissy in other Muslim states. As for the US base in Qatar, it was arranged by his father whom he ousted from power.
I don't believe a insubordinated son will be a good King.

If he can oust his father, he can do all the bad things.

Without his father, where he is coming from?
I don't believe a insubordinated son will be a good King.

If he can oust his father, he can do all the bad things.

So you support his father's rule and then use that against his son. Nice game!
Which side Pakistan will be?
That's a difficult question but the best option for Islamabad is to stay neutral and try to bring all the parties to the discussion table.

I really don't understand why KSA and UAE are itching for a war in the middle-east? On whose tune they are dancing? Middle-East has not recovered from ISIS crisis...

The region needs peace and not another war.
That's a difficult question but the best option for Islamabad is to stay neutral and try to bring all the parties to the discussion table.

I really don't understand why KSA and UAE are itching for a war in the middle-east? On whose tune they are dancing? Middle-East has not recovered from ISIS crisis...

The region needs peace and not another war.
ISIS shall be terminated at all cost.

Qatar keeps challenging their bottom line, a firce reaction is long expected.

This is just family feud, that's it.
The interference from outside the Arab world make it even worse, especially Israel and Iran.
Look back 2000 years.. Its been always persian domain of influence. So Iran is not a outsider there. Infact Iran is the best thing that happened for Arabs.
Iran is the worst nightmare for the fat kings. This is the only country where a election takes place and people can come out in street to show their disagreement which kings dont like or feel as threat.

That's a difficult question but the best option for Islamabad is to stay neutral and try to bring all the parties to the discussion table.

I really don't understand why KSA and UAE are itching for a war in the middle-east? On whose tune they are dancing? Middle-East has not recovered from ISIS crisis...

The region needs peace and not another war.

The kings are in real danger of loosing their kingdom. If Houtis win and have a state on their own state then you will see the entire gimmick of middle east changes over night.
If this new confrontation takes place, ISIS will get stronger and that's why Israel is supporting the mindless kings KSA and UAE as Israel wants to see a strong ISIS. Remember ISIS is the result of Israel, CIA and GC countries policies.
China and Russia will help Iran and Iraq to terminate Daesh, currently we provide tanks and missle to Iraq government troops.

Look back 2000 years.. Its been always persian domain of influence. So Iran is not a outsider there. Infact Iran is the best thing that happened for Arabs.
Iran is the worst nightmare for the fat kings. This is the only country where a election takes place and people can come out in street to show their disagreement which kings dont like or feel as threat.

The kings are in real danger of loosing their kingdom. If Houtis win and have a state on their own state then you will see the entire gimmick of middle east changes over night.
Do you think Saudi will loose the war with Houthi?
The kings are in real danger of loosing their kingdom. If Houtis win and have a state on their own state then you will see the entire gimmick of middle east changes over night.
Well, I'm against the KSA's intervention in Yemen and Pakistan thus did not support KSA in that but we will be equally against houthis attacking or interferring in the internal affairs of KSA. If that happens then Pakistan will have to support KSA openly and defend it against any threat.

Do you think Saudi will loose the war with Houthi?
Houthis can fight in Yemen and it is their right to defend their country from foreign intervention but the moment they cross into KSA, they will be annihilated and the whole world will be with KSA.
Another opportunity for outsiders to create a chaos like that happened with countries like syria libya palistene...
Not surprised israelis were getting funding from saudis for palestine now this .....
Yes, Qatar is also a monarchy but at least they are not helping thugs like sissy in other Muslim states. As for the US base in Qatar, it was arranged by his father whom he ousted from power.
It is a dirty game and all the players have their hands full so it is not easy to pick sides. The best option is stay committed to bringing peace in the region and act accordingly. Support each step by them that it is towards the peace and discourage every action that is counter productive and detrimental to the peace...
Do you think Saudi will loose the war with Houthi?

They already lost it.

Houthis can fight in Yemen and it is their right to defend their country from foreign intervention but the moment they cross into KSA, they will be annihilated and the whole world will be with KSA.

Houthis already occupied KSA territory. You are not well informed.
Houthis already occupied KSA territory. You are not well informed.
:o::o: That's a news for me but I can't trust your statment. You must provide a good reference to backup your claim.

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