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Israel appoints its 1st-ever female Muslim diplomatic envoy

The Land of Israel belongs to the people of Israel. If you are part of the Jewish people, you can (and must) live in the Land of Israel.
Of course you will not agree, but it does not change the Jewish mind and desires.
The State of Israel is not a colonialist, the State of Israel is (wanna be) a European-style state for Jews (a bad idea) in the Land of Israel, the State of Israel is not a threat to Muslim countries,
The State of Israel is a danger (to be realized in the future) for the people of Israel.

this is whats wrong with Israel and its coloniziner attitude...

if you really believe that a polish guy, who has a grandmother who may have been a jew on paper. has a "right of return" to come to lands inhabited for centuries by locals. slaughter them, steal their lands, build settlements on them, and bran the resistors as "terrorists". if you really believe that, then you truly are a terrorist in my opinion

you simply have no justifiable explanation for your racist, apartheid, colonizer state.

and its really funny since Israel justifies her terrorist policies by saying that supposedly 3000 years ago these were jewish lands. so be default, all the natives must leave/die and polish 1/4 jews and belarussian 1/2 jews must populate the Zionist state by right!!

yet barely 200-300 years ago~ the united states of America, Canada, Australia, new Zealand, south Africa, zimbabwe and even some south American countries witnessed hoardes of imperialist white men invading the lands. commiting genocide against the local natives, and completely stealing and colonizing their lands.

using Zionist logic, those natives have a much stronger claim to come back, slaugher and deport all the white men back to Europe, and retake their lands?? How about elsewhere?

have some shame and at least accept reality.
The problem is, Israel is not a country and will never be.
Look at her face! Who says that she has Islamic beliefs?!

Pathetic losers are hiding behind a self-salor woman.
Doesn't change the fact Israelis, your future is fixed

I really had a very bad day...
but after reading your quote the laugh really did made me calm...

Thank you so much:lol:
this is whats wrong with Israel and its coloniziner attitude...

if you really believe that a polish guy, who has a grandmother who may have been a jew on paper. has a "right of return" to come to lands inhabited for centuries by locals. slaughter them, steal their lands, build settlements on them, and bran the resistors as "terrorists". if you really believe that, then you truly are a terrorist in my opinion

you simply have no justifiable explanation for your racist, apartheid, colonizer state.

and its really funny since Israel justifies her terrorist policies by saying that supposedly 3000 years ago these were jewish lands. so be default, all the natives must leave/die and polish 1/4 jews and belarussian 1/2 jews must populate the Zionist state by right!!

yet barely 200-300 years ago~ the united states of America, Canada, Australia, new Zealand, south Africa, zimbabwe and even some south American countries witnessed hoardes of imperialist white men invading the lands. commiting genocide against the local natives, and completely stealing and colonizing their lands.

using Zionist logic, those natives have a much stronger claim to come back, slaugher and deport all the white men back to Europe, and retake their lands?? How about elsewhere?

have some shame and at least accept reality.
*The people of Israel has been present continuously for at least 3300 years in the Land of Israel.
*A hundred years ago, the Arab Muslims themselves said that this land is Jewish land.
*The Zionists who came from Europe did not come to expel anyone, the escape and to a small extent also the expulsion of Arabs was done following the war in 1948-1949.
*A nation can not be an occupier in its own country.
*Terror is deliberate targeting of civilians in order to create fear and thereby achieve any political / political goal, not something the State of Israel has done.
*The Arabs did activate and operate terror by deliberately targeting innocent Israeli civilians in order to frighten and exhaust them and cause them to leave the country.
*No settlement was built on an Arab village.
*The Arabs did a successful (ethnic) cleansing in Jerusalem, Hebron and other places against the native Jews.
*The occupation of the white man is not our business, we are not a white man, we are Jews.
*The people of Israel has been present continuously for at least 3300 years in the Land of Israel.
*A hundred years ago, the Arab Muslims themselves said that this land is Jewish land.
*The Zionists who came from Europe did not come to expel anyone, the escape and to a small extent also the expulsion of Arabs was done following the war in 1948-1949.
*A nation can not be an occupier in its own country.
*Terror is deliberate targeting of civilians in order to create fear and thereby achieve any political / political goal, not something the State of Israel has done.
*The Arabs did activate and operate terror by deliberately targeting innocent Israeli civilians in order to frighten and exhaust them and cause them to leave the country.
*No settlement was built on an Arab village.
*The Arabs did a successful (ethnic) cleansing in Jerusalem, Hebron and other places against the native Jews.
*The occupation of the white man is not our business, we are not a white man, we are Jews.

the fact that you don't address my points directly, but resport to copy paste Zionist talking points.

tells me you are either a (low-end) hasbara, or you simply cannot explain away logic and have to resort to this.

have a nice day my Zionist friend.
the fact that you don't address my points directly, but resport to copy paste Zionist talking points.

tells me you are either a (low-end) hasbara, or you simply cannot explain away logic and have to resort to this.

have a nice day my Zionist friend.
* I am anti-Zionist
* I am anti-Israeli
* Each point answers you clearly and briefly on every claim and question
* I wish someone from the Israeli public opinion would pay me to write comments online
* If you have more questions, I'm here, if not then have a good day
The land of Canaan never belonged to the Zionists or their king the thief
Since when Mesopotamia belong to the Arabs?
Arabs are invaders and thieves just like thier cousins even though you have nothing to do with Hebrews

I don't call my self an arab rather than Mesopotamian iraqi, there is even people call the iraqis specially in the south to go back to the Sumerian Identity and there are lebanese call for phenician identity the same goes for Egypt and Sudan and North Africa people are calling for Nubian,pheoronic,and North African identity because nobody believes in the so called arab identity just like the jewish identity which are just lies
Arabs are invaders and thieves just like thier cousins even though you have nothing to do with Hebrews

I don't call my self an arab rather than Mesopotamian iraqi, there is even people call the iraqis specially in the south to go back to the Sumerian Identity and there are lebanese call for phenician identity the same goes for Egypt and Sudan and North Africa people are calling for Nubian,pheoronic,and North African identity because nobody believes in the so called arab identity just like the jewish identity which are just lies
We sit in our land and we have our identity continuously for 3300 years(at least)
We don't have to go back or change anything
By the way, are you Assyrian?
We sit in our land and we have our identity continuously for 3300 years(at least)
We don't have to go back or change anything
By the way, are you Assyrian?
No I am not assyrian

You don't have any connection to that land only religious no other thing the only people who have the rights in that land are the Canaanites and maybe the mizrahi jews
No I am not assyrian

You don't have any connection to that land only religious no other thing the only people who have the rights in that land are the Canaanites and maybe the mizrahi jews
Mizrahi jews are the largest group of jews in Israel.
Anyway, We don't need anyone's permission to the land of Israel.
if u'll compare most countries in the world, most of them were conquered
Mizrahi jews are the largest group of jews in Israel.
Anyway, We don't need anyone's permission to the land of Israel.
if u'll compare most countries in the world, most of them were conquered
Just how I don't need permission to steal someone's car

The land of israel is a lie it is the land of Canaan before your fake father immgrated to it from the land of ur

The founders of the Zionist entity were athiests and Europeans while the mizrahi jews never wanted to go there
You don't have any connection to that land only religious no other thing
History, culture, language, tradition ......

the only people who have the rights in that land are the Canaanites and maybe the mizrahi jews
All other peoples who were in Canaan 3,000 years ago assimilated into the Jewish people or disappeared

The land of israel is a lie it is the land of Canaan before your fake father immgrated to it from the land of ur
There has been no Canaan for 3100 years
The founders of the Zionist entity were athiests and Europeans
while the mizrahi jews never wanted to go there
Every Jew at any time everywhere wanted to return to the Land of Israel and reestablish the Kingdom of Israel

Just how I don't need permission to steal someone's car
If you want you can steal cars, you don't need approval
But it probably will have consequences
Israel exists, it's a reality and it wont go anywhere. If they're cornered they will use nukes and even if israel is wiped out they still will retaliate fire nukes from submarines (second-option capability). So qudsi kids, holy warriors, exit the fantasy world or keep living in it, nothing will change.

As an Iranian, this conflict is a-far-away conflict for me and for most Iranians, but I would like to see peace and 2-state solution there (good for both Israelis and Palestinians). I don't like the Israeli occupation policy and not willing to make peace with Palestinians, it's pure arrogance, feeding extremists and pseudo-extremists (who benefit as dictators, human right violators, thiefs under pretext of being fundementalists) and it even will isolate Israel and jews more from the rest of the world.

The international community or (coward loser) arab countries should pressure Israel and not bend over for them if Israel continues this course. If Israel doesnt recognize Palestinians, blockade them/give them sanctions, because this conflict has its negative influence on the rest of the world. Indirectly, political gangsters in my country and wider region are using this conflict to abuse our peoples, dirtify their minds with strange ideas and some animals in neighbouring countries are using this conflict to blow up innocent people.
Israel exists, it's a reality and it wont go anywhere. If they're cornered they will use nukes and even if israel is wiped out they still will retaliate fire nukes from submarines (second-option capability). So qudsi kids, holy warriors, exit the fantasy world or keep living in it, nothing will change.

As an Iranian, this conflict is a-far-away conflict for me and for most Iranians, but I would like to see peace and 2-state solution there (good for both Israelis and Palestinians). I don't like the Israeli occupation policy and not willing to make peace with Palestinians, it's pure arrogance, feeding extremists and pseudo-extremists (who benefit as dictators, human right violators, thiefs under pretext of being fundementalists) and it even will isolate Israel and jews more from the rest of the world.

The international community or (coward loser) arab countries should pressure Israel and not bend over for them if Israel continues this course. If Israel doesnt recognize Palestinians, blockade them/give them sanctions, because this conflict has its negative influence on the rest of the world. Indirectly, political gangsters in my country and wider region are using this conflict to abuse our peoples, dirtify their minds with strange ideas and some animals in neighbouring countries are using this conflict to blow up innocent people.
Why do you think that 2 state solution will solve the problem?

Israel exists, it's a reality and it wont go anywhere. If they're cornered they will use nukes and even if israel is wiped out they still will retaliate fire nukes from submarines (second-option capability). So qudsi kids, holy warriors, exit the fantasy world or keep living in it, nothing will change.

As an Iranian, this conflict is a-far-away conflict for me and for most Iranians, but I would like to see peace and 2-state solution there (good for both Israelis and Palestinians). I don't like the Israeli occupation policy and not willing to make peace with Palestinians, it's pure arrogance, feeding extremists and pseudo-extremists (who benefit as dictators, human right violators, thiefs under pretext of being fundementalists) and it even will isolate Israel and jews more from the rest of the world.

The international community or (coward loser) arab countries should pressure Israel and not bend over for them if Israel continues this course. If Israel doesnt recognize Palestinians, blockade them/give them sanctions, because this conflict has its negative influence on the rest of the world. Indirectly, political gangsters in my country and wider region are using this conflict to abuse our peoples, dirtify their minds with strange ideas and some animals in neighbouring countries are using this conflict to blow up innocent people.
Occupation of what?
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