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Israel and a Solution to Its Conflict

What is the most suitable solution for Isreal's conflict?

  • Israel has the right to exist regardless its conflict with the Palestinian

    Votes: 14 29.8%
  • Israel should agree to the establishment of a Palestinian state alongside the Jewish state

    Votes: 12 25.5%
  • Israel should agree for the two nations state solution

    Votes: 14 29.8%
  • The Jewish people cannot have the right for self-determination in the Middle East

    Votes: 7 14.9%

  • Total voters


Sep 30, 2010
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Hello everyone.

Kindly please let me know what is your position among the four options suggested in the following poll:

1. Israel has the right to exist without any connection to the settlement of its conflict with the Palestinian and neighbouring countries.

2. Israel could only continue to exist if it agrees to the two states solution and to the establishment of a Palestinian state alongside a Jewish state.

3. Israel could only continue to exist as a state for two nations (e.g. the Jewish people and the Palestinians) and should agree to the return of the Palestinian refugees.

4. Israel and the Jewish community do not have the right for self- determination in the Middle East.

Option no.3 for me

Both peoples have legitimate claims on the land. Sounds very good, though will it ever happen? Doubt it.
I am confuse Don't you mean Israelis and Arabs rather than Jews and Palistianains
Jews and Palistians do not make any sence.. its like Apples and bananas.

Its Jews , Muslim and Chistains period

I op for 3 for the 2 state solution but I Highyly DOubt it
Well the overwhelming public and global opinion is that Israel should accept the two state solution. Without that, we are looking towards a Jewish apartheid. And we all know what happened to Apartheid South Africa.

The real question is wether the Israelis agree to have a two state solution. Because the current government including Netanyahu do not want that.
Well the overwhelming public and global opinion is that Israel should accept the two state solution. Without that, we are looking towards a Jewish apartheid. And we all know what happened to Apartheid South Africa.

The real question is wether the Israelis agree to have a two state solution. Because the current government including Netanyahu do not want that.

I actually met a few Israeli students in UK, and we had a whole discussion on the Palestinian/Israeli conflict. And many of them agreed with me that if Israel wants to survive in the long run, then it will have to create a Palestinian state.
^^^ Well you need a decisive majority of Israelis with that view and to vote for a govt. that would implement it. Many Jewish Australians and Americans are quite mad with Netanyahu for having a blown up an excellent deal with Obama to resolve the Palestinian issue by rejecting it out of hand. But surprisingly his approval ratings actually went up in Israel.
Most Israelis want a two state solution but not at any cost. This simple notion seems to be hard for people to understand.
Israel`s well being comes first
EjazR, you`re a good example of people who think that "excellent" deal was excellent.
Put your loved ones in that excellent deal terms and you`ll have a very different opinion.
Hello everyone.

Kindly please let me know what is your position among the four options suggested in the following poll:

1. Israel has the right to exist without any connection to the settlement of its conflict with the Palestinian and neighbouring countries.

2. Israel could only continue to exist if it agrees to the two states solution and to the establishment of a Palestinian state alongside a Jewish state.

3. Israel could only continue to exist as a state for two nations (e.g. the Jewish people and the Palestinians) and should agree to the return of the Palestinian refugees.

4. Israel and the Jewish community do not have the right for self- determination in the Middle East.

Idealistically number 4, but given the fact that many countries has been found on great injustice I would settle for number 3. And I don't mean to say that jewish people do not deserve a piece of land, but not in the middle east but perhaps somewhere in Europe.
Most Israelis want a two state solution but not at any cost. This simple notion seems to be hard for people to understand.
Israel`s well being comes first
EjazR, you`re a good example of people who think that "excellent" deal was excellent.
Put your loved ones in that excellent deal terms and you`ll have a very different opinion.

Its not my opinion, Its other Jewish people's opinion as well. And give me according to you what is the final acceptable solution for a two state solution?

Given the fact that the Palestinians in negotiations had ALREADY agreed to a police state with no military; symbolic return of refugees of a few thousand; the biggest Jerusalem in history with control over only the Al Aqsa mosque and arab majority Jerusalem neighborhoods.

Not to mention the recognition, diplomatic relations and trade relations with the rest of the Arab league countries at the very least.

At present Israel is quite powerful, and its in its interest to resolve the issue when it has the leverage. Israel is under no existential threat. It is the only nuclear weapons state in the region with 240+ warheads. It does not make any sense to say that Israel would receive an unacceptable cost i.e. the end of Israel, if a Palestinian state comes into existence.

Like I said, the real question is does Netanyahu and Israelis WANT a Palestinian state? Keeping millions of people under occupation by force can't go on forever.
If not, then the other logical option is to give the Palestinians Israeli citizenship and give the right to vote equally in the Israeli elections which satisfy the minimum requirement to actually become a democracy.
The leaked Palestinian Papers show that Israel doesn't want a Palestinian state. They want the occupation to last as long as possible so they can appropriate as much land for Israel as possible. You just have to look at their current rate of settlement expansion and the belligerent response of Israel when called on to stop encroaching on Palestinian lands. Face it: Israel wants all of Palestine.
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