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Israel after civil war in Lebanon

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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‘Israel after civil war in Lebanon’

Interview with Gordon Duff

Press TV has talked with Gordon Duff, a senior editor at Veterans Today from Ohio, to discuss the role of Israel in fanning the flames of terrorism in Syria.

Below is an approximate transcription of the interview.

Press TV: Gordon duff, it was quite telling when the prime minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, went to field hospital in the Golan Heights where the hospital was treating these terrorists or these fighters and saying it shows the true face of Israel.

Is it now evidently clear that Israel is backing some of these terrorist groups inside Syria?

Duff: Israel has been in the game here in Syria and it is soon going to be approaching three years. The issue today is that they are carrying much of the weight themselves, the groups within Syria are deeply split, some are working closely with Israel, others are working with certain groups in the United States, headed by John McCain, others are tied to Erdogan in Turkey. There is tremendous division there.

Israel has been militarily involved in attacks on Syria, artillery attacks deep into Syria and military incursions into Syria on several occasions. Their vehicles are there, their weapons are all over Syria, their advisors are inside Syria with the terrorist forces.

Press TV: So when we want to take a look at the fact that Israel has, actually, attacked another country, last year three times, this year I believe approaching third time, if I am not mistaken; why do you think that it can get away with it?

Is it because of its alliance and undying support that the United States has given to Israel?

Duff: Some of its timing, the AIPAC conference was only a couple of days ago and within the news media, whenever Israel does right now, is going to be buried behind the news from Ukraine.

So anything they do will be pushed to page two, and it is time for them to use the Russian-Ukraine-US divergence here as a cover for their increased activities in Syria and they are clearly getting away with it, with this very rare exception.

Press TV: And finally, there was also attack on a Hezbollah stronghold just days ago. Is Israel trying to send a message by that kind of attack, to Hezbollah to get its fighters out of Syria, perhaps, or are there other motives behind that?

Duff: One of the key areas in dealing with Hezbollah is Lebanon itself. In 2006 Israel learned that it can no longer operate on its own in Lebanon; they were chased out.

They are now looking to reopen that war in Lebanon, using surrogates from within the Jihadist forces that are brought into Syria and they are going to open that door to civil war in Lebanon, using surrogate forces because they are unable to do it themselves.

Israel is unwilling to take the kind of losses that they took in 2006. This is politically a very different Israel than it was in 2006. There is much less unity there and much less willingness of the people of Israel to be involved.

Israel is not just handling the world, they are handling and deceiving their own people as well.

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