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ISPR release Pictures and footage from Indian Drone

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for propaganda......
Tell that to IAF and IA. I still feel sorry for these two fellas.

Fg Offr P R Ramchandani

Cause of Death: Fg Offr Ramchandani baled out of his Mystere over Lahore after bieing hit by India's own AA fire. He sustained injuries after ejection and died later.

Flt Lt Ashok Balwant Dhavle

Cause of Death: Flt Lt Ashok Dhavle's MiG-21 was shot down by friendly fire in a case of mistaken identity on the night of 11 Dec 71 while chasing enemy aircraft.


Ok I will tell that to them rather than digging out the incidents of friendly fires.

But one should still not shoot their own police drones. :no:


What else to expect, they are using cheap Chinese crap, probably malfunctioned, strangely this thing was supposed to be 'shot-up'. Go ISPR :pakistan:
A 3 year old can spot the similarity between the below two image



Your inability to do so can be attributed to either poor IQ or a serious problem with eyesight, given your signature and profile pic, I suspect the latter.

This an ad dedicated to people like you

And it is you bharatis who are fools that are comparing two pictures to sooth their injured ego. Every country has several UAV projects and you might have also one UAV project which was a copy of chinese UAV.

If pictures are some kind of proof then you also copied CH3 With your Rustom 1 UAV project.



Pictures are no proof bharati kids. We know that our police don't operate any UAV in border areas. So that's why your claims that we shot down our own police UAV are laughable. Now go calculate your IQ. I hope it is above average.
Ok I will tell that to them rather than digging out the incidents of friendly fires.

But one should still not shoot their own police drones. :no:

Yes one should not shoot their own police drones but should shot down their own aircraft killing their own pilots. :lol:
That's like Chinese drone... and you can buy it from Ebay... What if someone within Pakistan was operating it ?
u have no idea how much these drones are capable and much better than 10 15 feet large drones... these drones are extremely well @ Indian/Pakistan type borders to get great coverage images other side of the border
AWWWW no need to abuse and cry like a baby.
I know your country is the biggest Sh@t and failed nation. No need to cry on this
and on this topic such a shame to your whole countrymen who couldn't do a Sh@t even we are talking with your Ganja agfter he hold our Chaiwala's foot and begging for talks. And your jugular vein is still not on table,
Oh Such a shame to your country. Poor Atomi Kuwat Supa powa.

Not an abuse kid. Can't find a better word for the disgraceful behavior of your country.

Kashmir would be part of talks:

Talks sans Kashmir issue with India impossible: Aziz - The Express Tribune

But you guys are such a disgusting lot. That you even talk to us despite we kill your soldier just a day before the talks.

Pak violates ceasefire again, BSF jawan killed : India, News - India Today

This is you. A country ruled by a chaiwala. :lol:
u have no idea how much these drones are capable and much better than 10 15 feet large drones... these drones are extremely well @ Indian/Pakistan type borders to get great coverage images other side of the border
imagine if Indians had shot down our drone
their PM
their ministers
their politicans
their anchors
their actors
their writers
their posters

would have been declaring greater victory than Battle of Briton and warning us with imminent invasion and annihilation
PS on a sombre note. rest in peace to our valiant pigeon may its soul rest in pigeon heaven.

this is a befitting reply
And it is you bharatis who are fools that are comparing two pictures to sooth their injured ego. Every country has several UAV projects and you might have also one UAV project which was a copy of chinese UAV.

So you refute similarity of drone pics based on India might be operating copy of Chinese drones ? :lol:

I guess now its a issue of cognitive dissonance then.

Always wondered how it was so easy for Pakistani media to generate fake wikileaks or confession documents and sell to its viewers.
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