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ISPR release Pictures and footage from Indian Drone

Yes one should not shoot their own police drones but should shot down their own aircraft killing their own pilots. :lol:

One should not do either, but one should not open a thread boasting either as well. :argh:

Anyways...it could well be an Indian drone. Not sure, so no more trolling.
This hafeez saeed protector has lost it dude. Out of words and bringing Naturam godse:omghaha::omghaha:

yeah a perfect kick on a bharati troll's as$ who was worried about Jinnah's tomb. :D

One should not do either, but one should not open a thread boasting either as well. :argh:

Anyways...it could well be an Indian drone. Not sure, so no more trolling.

One should always open a thread when other cannot failed to provide proofs to disapprove your claims. Except some pictures which prove nothing. :)
imagine if Indians had shot down our drone
their PM
their ministers
their politicans
their anchors
their actors
their writers
their posters

would have been declaring greater victory than Battle of Briton and warning us with imminent invasion and annihilation
PS on a sombre note. rest in peace to our valiant pigeon may its soul rest in pigeon heaven.

See unlike you lot we would have actually shot a real Pakistani drone rather than faking one before making a huge hullabaloo out of it.
AWWWW no need to abuse and cry like a baby.
I know your country is the biggest Sh@t and failed nation. No need to cry on this
and on this topic such a shame to your whole countrymen who couldn't do a Sh@t even we are talking with your Ganja agfter he hold our Chaiwala's foot and begging for talks. And your jugular vein is still not on table,
Oh Such a shame to your country. Poor Atomi Kuwat Supa powa.
The vedic paramano bum has returned with another fake ID... He couldn't resist Pakistani "aatmi HATHIYARs aka POINTY MISSILES..:lol:

@Irfan Baloch. @Jango. @Oscar Are multiple ID paramano bum fags allowed to come back?
So you refute similarity of drone pics based on India might be operating copy of Chinese drones ? :lol:

I guess now its a issue of cognitive dissonance then.

Always wondered how it was so easy for Pakistani media to generate fake wikileaks or confession documents and sell to its viewers.

I gave you an example. If pictures are some prove than Rustom 1 is also copy of CH3. Pictures are no prove. You have no link to prove that Pakistani police operates UAV in border areas.

Do you have any link to prove that Pakistani police uses UAV's along border area??? Obviosuly no. You also made an assumption based on different pictures. I used the same technique and refuted your claim even though it doesn't need pictures to be refuted. It is a simple fact. Police don't operate anything like this in border areas or LOC. Now go do your research on cognitive dissonance. Apparently it isn't going good. :)
One should always open a thread when other cannot failed to provide proofs to disapprove your claims. Except some pictures which prove nothing. :)

That's quite untrue.

Onus to prove lies with the claimer.
See unlike you lot we would have actually shot a real Pakistani drone rather than faking one before making a huge hullabaloo out of it.


India denies Pak claim of shooting down drone - The Times of India

indian is a synonym = shameless liar.
I gave you an example. If pictures are some prove than Rustom 1 is also copy of CH3. Pictures are no prove. You have no link to prove that Pakistani police operates UAV in border areas.
Yes beta everything is copy. Because Pakistan has the best copy friend in your mind everything is copy.:lol:
Beta half knowledge is not better. Actually i know you are uneducated. After this news our ministry gave a solidd slap on him by satying that no one will go out of UFA statement. which your ganja delivered without Kashmir.Such a shameful country.:rofl::rofl: What a slap dude. I like Pakistani crying for KAshmir. Continue to cry nothing is going to happen.:lol:

Oooooh. Some of your minster has given some strong statement after death of your soldier and in response of a logical statement by Sartaj Aziz. We should be very afraid. :lol: :D
That's quite untrue.

Onus to prove lies with the claimer.

And we proved with the pictures. You guys responded with an assumption that it was a police UAV. Police don't operate along LOC. Why the hell they would use UAV against Indian military. It is all simple logic. :)
Hahahaha, Great job, Down the intruding Indian Drones, well done Pakistanis !!!


abey that is no Indian drone.. but your own chinese one... why dnt you read the comments before making a stupid comment..
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