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"Isolating the wrong bug" How India tried — and failed — to isolate Pakistan in 2016

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Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Isolating the wrong bug
Bilaterally, 2016 was about India trying to isolate Pakistan over terrorism, but failing to convince any big player to stand with Delhi. Chinese President Xi Jinping, for instance, all but snubbed Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the Goa summit of the five-nation BRICS leaders. He did not see the need to agree with Modi’s characterization of Pakistan as the mother-ship of terrorism.

There were murmurs in Islamabad about US President-elect Donald Trump. His pronounced Islamophobia would lead him into the Indian camp or so it was feared. A read-out of his chat with Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif revealed the opposite; a surprisingly friendly Trump who not only likes Pakistanis but was looking forward to visiting the country.

And, finally, Zamir Kabulov, representing President Vladimir Putin at the Heart of Asia conference in Amritsar ticked off both India and Afghanistan for what appeared to be their coordinated criticism of Pakistan at the meet. Kabulov did one better. He praised the speech of foreign policy advisor Sartaj Aziz as a friendly one, and cautioned the participants against indulging in blame game over a critical issue in which everyone had an important stake.

Unwittingly for India, Pakistan scored three out of three on the issue of isolation. It was not an endorsement of everything Pakistan does or doesn’t do with terrorists but a reminder that international diplomacy is a more serious business than a persistent expression of prejudice as policy.

India was handed the consolation prize. It found the support of Afghanistan and Bangladesh for its charges of terrorism against Pakistan, which is not how Modi intended it to be. Let’s assume that Bhutan also stands with India as it does on most issues of its foreign policy. Has the outcome been a good one for India?

There are valid and not-so-valid reasons for Prime Minister Modi’s shifting approach towards Pakistan. He has to respond to acts of perceived terror from across the border. That is a given for any Indian leader, more so since the end of the Cold War when things turned overtly turbulent between the two.

That apart, there’s little else that can be cited as legitimate reason for not making progress with talks in 2017. It is fair criticism by India and others that Pakistan is either not able to rein in its extremist free agents or is unwilling to take up the issue seriously. These are the people that the world would happily want to isolate for Pakistan’s benefit and also for everyone’s own good.

And since India is currently focused on the isolation of Pakistan, it might consider paring down its objective to the nub of the problem, to the terror groups or their extremist cheerleaders who need to be tamed or shackled.

In order to make a genuine case about the free agents that disrupt bilateral ties, India may also wish to do something about freelancers like the Shiv Sena at home. It is galling to see movie actors and producers lining up at the doors of this or that self styled agent of national honor.

Does the state of India endorse Raj Thackeray and others who hate Pakistan and who would not allow the desirable cultural exchange between the two people? If it doesn’t see eye to eye with Thackeray but also lacks the political wherewithal to deal with him frontally, then it should be prepared to understand the frustrations of Pakistanis vis-a-vis the hate-filled Hafiz Saeed, among others. The new year could be about isolating the right viruses in both the countries.

The year 2016 began for India-Pakistan ties with a damaging terror attack on the Pathankot Airbase on January 2. It predictably ground to a halt their already iffy dialogue. More attacks and claims of retributive surgical strikes across the LoC during the year made it only worse for both.

To complicate matters, the Indian prime minister has proved to be a man of shifting moods for want of a better explanation. He calls and meets Prime Minister Sharif at will. Then he shuns him and wrecks their peace talks – again at will.

Reasons for Modi’s behavior range wildly. They have included a crucial state poll of domestic utility or the Pakistani envoy in Delhi sharing a cup of tea with the Hurriyat leaders. But then there was also a provocative attack or two on Indian army camps in Kashmir and elsewhere. All these were, however, factored in previous agreements between the two as a pre-existing condition. They had agreed not to let terrorists manipulate their bilateral ties.

The Lahore Agreement was signed in the shadow of a cold-blooded massacre in Kashmir. The Mumbai terror attack ironically produced the Sharm el-Sheikh agreement. That’s how mature nations manage their affairs. Even if a reasonable agreement or two end up with a brief shelf life, it is a move forward and not a regression.

It is not that Pakistan- India ties are horribly intractable or that they are perpetually doomed. The seemingly incurable Kashmir issue was primed for resolution in Agra. There is no valid reason to believe that horrific bloodletting of the kind we are seeing in Kashmir today is the only way forward between the two in 2017. So what if they both looked inextricably doomed in 2016.
India's goal was to prevent Pakistan from internationalizing the Kashmir issue and it was a 100% success.
Pakistan wanted UN to discuss Kashmir or at least a Major power to intervene in Kashmir or change their stance.
That didn't happen either.
Even OIC General assembly did not pass a resolution on Kashmir, only a OIC contact group which has a mere 4 members since 1994 passed the same resolution they have been passing in the past 20 years.
Pakistan failed to increase the number of OC contact group members too.

Not just that Pakistan got humiliated after claiming in press releases that Kashmir was discussed in meetings with foreign leaders.
But soon press releases by those nations made Zero mention of Kashmir whatsoever.
But but the Supa pawa india and it's k1 d $, bangladesh, afghanistan, Bhutan isolated Pakistan.:what:


On a serious note, it was a stupid move which slapped india on its face. It expose indian diplomacy naked. India who was having romantic affairs with Russia and USA thought it would be a easy move but her dreams shattered.

You cannot isolate a powerful country like Pakistan. It's not some tiny island but a significant power with huge population, strategic location, functioning institutions related to defense and intellegence, nuclear power, 25th largest economy, etc.
India's goal was to prevent Pakistan from internationalizing the Kashmir issue and it was a 100% success.
Pakistan wanted UN to discuss Kashmir or at least a Major power to intervene in Kashmir or change their stance.
That didn't happen either.
Even OIC General assembly did not pass a resolution on Kashmir, only a OIC contact group which has a mere 4 members since 1994 passed the same resolution they have been passing in the past 20 years.
Pakistan failed to increase the number of OC contact group members too.

Not just that Pakistan got humiliated after claiming in press releases that Kashmir was discussed in meetings with foreign leaders.
But soon press releases by those nations made Zero mention of Kashmir whatsoever.
India was humiliated when it gave sanctury to Bugti on doing so dozens of Bramdags fighters surrendered their weapons at pure disgust of their so called leaders asylum bid in India.

India's goal was to prevent Pakistan from internationalizing the Kashmir issue and it was a 100% success.
Pakistan wanted UN to discuss Kashmir or at least a Major power to intervene in Kashmir or change their stance.
That didn't happen either.
Even OIC General assembly did not pass a resolution on Kashmir, only a OIC contact group which has a mere 4 members since 1994 passed the same resolution they have been passing in the past 20 years.
Pakistan failed to increase the number of OC contact group members too.

Not just that Pakistan got humiliated after claiming in press releases that Kashmir was discussed in meetings with foreign leaders.
But soon press releases by those nations made Zero mention of Kashmir whatsoever.
Dozens of channels have reported the killings of Kashmiris by Indian security forces. How children have been left blind. The world is aware of India's brutality.
India's goal was to prevent Pakistan from internationalizing the Kashmir issue and it was a 100% success.
Pakistan wanted UN to discuss Kashmir or at least a Major power to intervene in Kashmir or change their stance.
That didn't happen either
So you're finally admitting that "URI" was a drama all along? Thanks for confirming.
Isolating the wrong bug
Bilaterally, 2016 was about India trying to isolate Pakistan over terrorism, but failing to convince any big player to stand with Delhi. Chinese President Xi Jinping, for instance, all but snubbed Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the Goa summit of the five-nation BRICS leaders. He did not see the need to agree with Modi’s characterization of Pakistan as the mother-ship of terrorism.

There were murmurs in Islamabad about US President-elect Donald Trump. His pronounced Islamophobia would lead him into the Indian camp or so it was feared. A read-out of his chat with Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif revealed the opposite; a surprisingly friendly Trump who not only likes Pakistanis but was looking forward to visiting the country.

And, finally, Zamir Kabulov, representing President Vladimir Putin at the Heart of Asia conference in Amritsar ticked off both India and Afghanistan for what appeared to be their coordinated criticism of Pakistan at the meet. Kabulov did one better. He praised the speech of foreign policy advisor Sartaj Aziz as a friendly one, and cautioned the participants against indulging in blame game over a critical issue in which everyone had an important stake.

Unwittingly for India, Pakistan scored three out of three on the issue of isolation. It was not an endorsement of everything Pakistan does or doesn’t do with terrorists but a reminder that international diplomacy is a more serious business than a persistent expression of prejudice as policy.

India was handed the consolation prize. It found the support of Afghanistan and Bangladesh for its charges of terrorism against Pakistan, which is not how Modi intended it to be. Let’s assume that Bhutan also stands with India as it does on most issues of its foreign policy. Has the outcome been a good one for India?

There are valid and not-so-valid reasons for Prime Minister Modi’s shifting approach towards Pakistan. He has to respond to acts of perceived terror from across the border. That is a given for any Indian leader, more so since the end of the Cold War when things turned overtly turbulent between the two.

That apart, there’s little else that can be cited as legitimate reason for not making progress with talks in 2017. It is fair criticism by India and others that Pakistan is either not able to rein in its extremist free agents or is unwilling to take up the issue seriously. These are the people that the world would happily want to isolate for Pakistan’s benefit and also for everyone’s own good.

And since India is currently focused on the isolation of Pakistan, it might consider paring down its objective to the nub of the problem, to the terror groups or their extremist cheerleaders who need to be tamed or shackled.

In order to make a genuine case about the free agents that disrupt bilateral ties, India may also wish to do something about freelancers like the Shiv Sena at home. It is galling to see movie actors and producers lining up at the doors of this or that self styled agent of national honor.

Does the state of India endorse Raj Thackeray and others who hate Pakistan and who would not allow the desirable cultural exchange between the two people? If it doesn’t see eye to eye with Thackeray but also lacks the political wherewithal to deal with him frontally, then it should be prepared to understand the frustrations of Pakistanis vis-a-vis the hate-filled Hafiz Saeed, among others. The new year could be about isolating the right viruses in both the countries.

The year 2016 began for India-Pakistan ties with a damaging terror attack on the Pathankot Airbase on January 2. It predictably ground to a halt their already iffy dialogue. More attacks and claims of retributive surgical strikes across the LoC during the year made it only worse for both.

To complicate matters, the Indian prime minister has proved to be a man of shifting moods for want of a better explanation. He calls and meets Prime Minister Sharif at will. Then he shuns him and wrecks their peace talks – again at will.

Reasons for Modi’s behavior range wildly. They have included a crucial state poll of domestic utility or the Pakistani envoy in Delhi sharing a cup of tea with the Hurriyat leaders. But then there was also a provocative attack or two on Indian army camps in Kashmir and elsewhere. All these were, however, factored in previous agreements between the two as a pre-existing condition. They had agreed not to let terrorists manipulate their bilateral ties.

The Lahore Agreement was signed in the shadow of a cold-blooded massacre in Kashmir. The Mumbai terror attack ironically produced the Sharm el-Sheikh agreement. That’s how mature nations manage their affairs. Even if a reasonable agreement or two end up with a brief shelf life, it is a move forward and not a regression.

It is not that Pakistan- India ties are horribly intractable or that they are perpetually doomed. The seemingly incurable Kashmir issue was primed for resolution in Agra. There is no valid reason to believe that horrific bloodletting of the kind we are seeing in Kashmir today is the only way forward between the two in 2017. So what if they both looked inextricably doomed in 2016.

Regardless of whatever narrative some retarded indian bollywood mumbo jumbo fantasy may spout or however loud the ugly dogs bark, the reality and truth of the matter is that NO NATION ON EARTH can isolate Pakistan no matter what anyone says or does. Pakistan is FAR TOO big, powerful and important for ANY nation to even attempt to isolate us. Even attempting this impossibility would further isolate the planet and make it more dangerous than it already is. There is a reason why the world's 1st ever global hyper power is investing in at least $55 billion in Pakistan with many more billions earmarked for investments in the coming years and decades. There is a reason why the Russians are making diplomatic overtures to Pakistan. There is a reason why the americans could not do to us what they did to the Afghans, Iraqis, Libyans and Syrians. Even they though they made that intention clear in "plans for a new american century".

IT IS IMPOSSIBLE to simply ignore and isolate a nation of nearly 200 million that also happens to be the 1st ever Islamic nuclear weapons state that has the ability to produce H-bombs:


You cannot isolate a nation that for nearly 70 years has fended of an enemy nation that is more than 7x bigger than it and has access to the world's most advanced weapons systems whilst they are denied that privilege. Pakistan is the ONLY NATION in the WHOLE history of mankind to accomplish that feat.

You cannot isolate or ignore a nation of nearly 200 million who's economy is set to massively take off and propel it to world class standards who's citizens will enjoy the same living standards to that of Turkey and South Korea.

So whatever the intentions of the hyper ugly deformed enemies of Pakistan are, whatever they say or attempt to do and however loudly they bark like the dogs they are, it will come to no avail nor will they ever succeed in their nefarious designs against. Each day, Pakistan grows more stronger and more powerful. Much to the disdain and anguish of our enemies.

India was humiliated when it gave sanctury to Bugti on doing so dozens of Bramdags fighters surrendered their weapons at pure disgust of their so called leaders asylum bid in India.

Dozens of channels have reported the killings of Kashmiris by Indian security forces. How children have been left blind. The world is aware of India's brutality.
Bugti fighters surrendering was just a drama by Pakistan.

What news media reports hardly ever matters.
Not a single country has condemned India officially let alone take any diplomatic steps.

So you're finally admitting that "URI" was a drama all along? Thanks for confirming.
Uri was no drama but the incident did benefit us diplomatically:

Unwittingly for India, Pakistan scored three out of three on the issue of isolation.

It is amazing to see that people can feel victorious even after losing so badly. :enjoy:

Does the state of India endorse Raj Thackeray and others who hate Pakistan and who would not allow the desirable cultural exchange between the two people? If it doesn’t see eye to eye with Thackeray but also lacks the political wherewithal to deal with him frontally, then it should be prepared to understand the frustrations of Pakistanis vis-a-vis the hate-filled Hafiz Saeed, among others

Raj Thackeray is a non-entity in Indian scene. Moreover he doesn't have the army of fanatics who are so completely brainwashed that they are ready to blow themselves up at his command. :hitwall:

Reasons for Modi’s behavior range wildly.

Instead of finding reasons for the strange behavior of "terrorist moodi", why don't you ignore that guy who according to all of Pakistani intelligentsia is hell-bent to destroy India. :D
Yes, you're right that not a single but dozens of countries condemned Indian brutality in Occupied Kashmr.


That's just a contact group of only 5 members including Pakistan snd thry are passing the exact same statement in the past 20 years

Chi chi yaar kesi nation ho tum log. Politics ke liye apne hi soldiers marwaate ho. Aakh thu.
I never said it was a false flag or anything but nations always try to take the most advantage possible out of every incidents.
The world is changing

There is very limited tolerance for the whining randi rona of a state like india when vital international geo strategic issues are at stake

Everybody is worried and Edgy

Europe is lurching to the right and is at its weakest strategic power and position for a long time
Russia is worried
China is worried
USAs prestige has plummeted since 9/11
Israelis worried
GCC is worried
Turkey is worried
NATO is worried
The list goes on

In the midst of this countries are jostling to find geo strategic position and forge alliances

Pakistan is well placed

No one is going to take notice of the tears of a wannabe supa pawa crying about a country 3 and half times smaller in size and 7 times smaller in population bullying it
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