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Sep 14, 2012
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...the nature of most of your combat scenarios? Firstly,IMHO,India isn't your real enemy;yes,I know I'm in Africa,Nairobi to be exact but I do think you've more in common with your neighbours than you think. Frankly all the 40-50 mn$ SEAD,multi role fighters and air superiority aircraft while an effective extremely expensive deterrent will never be employed in another major land war.
It appears that COIN ops are the PAF's major concern. Isn't a low cost twin turbo prop like the Pucara,used so well by the Sri lankans or an ov-10 ideal?

I can't post pics but look at both of those aircraft.

They won't totally supplant the gunship but offer major cost effective solutions:
-turbo props cost a few hundred dollar per hours compared to jet turbine running costs
-much faster at 400+ kmh
-the most expensive,the ov 10 costs 10mn $ brand new,Pucaras must be cheaper
-harder to shoot down with typical Talib type AA .50 BMGs
-carry a heavier weapons loadout compared to a typical gunship of upto 1500 kg

With these main advantages even the US has realised their effectiveness and is rolling out a new ov 10x. The Nigerians are also about to begin development of an indigenous turbo prop attack plane. Whichever way you go,co production,ToT or purely homegrown I think it would be a wise choice.
Frankly,looking at your j-17s,al khalids,cruise missiles and the local engineering input in your French subs you obviously have the skill set and IDK why you haven't already done so.
Pucara not sexy - no money or not enough money in it. Better to spend that money on helos, just my take.
Pucara not sexy - no money or not enough money in it. Better to spend that money on helos, just my take.

i agree gunships must be more effective
I'm sorry but have you 2 actually read a turbo props advantages vis a vis gunships?

lets see..nape of the earth,suitable for powerful ground attack missions,hovering when reqd ,can be used in a conventional war too..cost??can get in reqd range..good sufficient speed..so prettymuch the advantage is for attack helis over propelled aircrafts..i'd be glad to knw ur argument though
For the PAF to purchase such a/c there'd first have to be a complete overhaul of the Pakistani military's outlook. They currently see India as there number one enemy so the majority of the spending goes to counter India as such you have the fast air and attack helos as they can be used against India in a conventional war with COIN ops being a secondary peacetime activity for these assets.

I can't see any PAF ACM, right now, justifying it to his fellow service Cheifs or others that a turboprop ground attack a/c, that will sit on the groun unused in a war with Indja, is where they will be investing their budget.
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