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Islamophobia Run Wild

Serbia is muslim?

yeah well you didnt kill millions in serbia, nor did you steal its resources.....

and yeah BTW there are exceptions like Vietnam but that was in the past - in the last coupla years the west has been attacking muslim countries and we all know pakistan is next or maybe even iran but ill bet my *** its gunna be another muslim country

why not attack north korea? or even zimbabwe? and i dont recall the UK bombing the crap out of ireland when the IRA was terrorising UK cities.
What if you did not have something or someone called a Terrorist. (Newly created buzz word pushed by the United States)?
1. The News media, would colapse.....................
2. The Aerospace, Defense Contractor Business would Colaspe
3. The elaberate organization create to deal with it, called Home Land Security (Reminds me of the Cold War Days)
would be even harder pressed to justify their existance. Fact of the matter, they exist be default on the Commercial Avniation industry, saying they were not up to the job!
The bottem line here, as I see it, is the continuation of the War against the Muslims
being conducted by the US, Israel, and anyone stupid enough to jion them.

In the case of Lybia, you can understand what happens when Khadafi tells France and England that he is cancelling their oil Sweet Cude Supplies and giving them to China. They naturally went running to big brother, the US, to steal that which they could not otherwise obtain.

More from the Facist State, formerly call Colonializism I beleive!
BBC and CNN both are trash!

Al Jazeera Rocks..........
islamophobia is wrong....but any one wonder why they are there in the first place.......why no jewophobia...no christianophobia...no hinduphobia...no sikhophobia....
Because you have very clearly hidden yourself behind the cover of Secularism and than you kill thousands in the name of making world a civilized place to live in
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