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Islamic extremists set up ‘Sharia zones’ in UK

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I would argue as they being illegal as those posters include 'no alcohol' and 'no music/concerts'. Not to forget implied 'intimidation' as you say. Now that is something the British wouldnt (shouldnt) tolerate!!
Not sure about British laws but intimidation may not be illegal. But even if expressed intimidation is illegal, one does not need to much to covertly intimidate someone. Physical well being is still the dominant reason why people would avoid 'zones' of intimidation.
Not sure about British laws but intimidation may not be illegal. But even if expressed intimidation is illegal, one does not need to much to covertly intimidate someone. Physical well being is still the dominant reason why people would avoid 'zones' of intimidation.

Staring for the sake of keeping a watchful eye on stranger counts as intimidation?
Plus being intimidated is one's personal choice..People can choose not to be intimidated if they want.
Plus unlike USA people in Britain go to jail for harming armed robbers,so i dont think anybody will dare to go physical.


and do read this

Staring for the sake of keeping a watchful eye on stranger counts as intimidation?
Plus being intimidated is one's personal choice..People can choose not to be intimidated if they want.
Plus unlike USA people in Britain go to jail for harming armed robbers,so i dont think anybody will dare to go physical.

Cecil Coley, 72, arrested for attempted murder after 'robber' stabbed to death in Old Trafford, Manchester | Metro.co.uk

and do read this

Homeowner arrested after intruder falls - Telegraph
Absolutely. If a man is 'scoping' out a neighborhood for robbery, a constant attention upon him by the locals does qualify as intimidation for him to take his nefarious intent elsewhere. Same for an area of the city known for its crime ridden reputation, the locals there in their own minds do see themselves as a 'neighborhood watch' to intimidate other gangs or ordinary law abiding citizens to leave. For an area where the locals made clear they are of a different cultural and political makeup and hostile to any alternative, such a 'neighborhood watch' is very much intimidation.
I think Britain and other European countries need to nip in the bud and do some Stalin-like things to 'move things around' to force assimilation of immigrants, starting with these fanatics. Or pass a law to expect some reasonably defined criteria of assimilation by a certain date. Failures be asked to leave to their choice of countries, all expenses paid.
A society should never go too far in expecting 'conformity' but it should not bend over backward to the primitive mindsets either.

These immigrants fail to understand that, yes, 'social crimes' etc are not be tolerated but the proper course of action is going through the local civil society, the media, the courts.

Its an article on daily mail, a tabloid.

People have the right to live their lives as long as they are not breaking any law. I don't think any body needs to bend over here to accommodate any lifestyle.
They should start deporting these extremist sc*m bags, once that is done, the closest extremists will come in line themselves.

Cause lets face it, its very hard to shout sharia and death to non believers on an empty stomach.
And people wonder why Europe is becoming 'Islamophobic'.






btw these are ALL in the UK. :frown:

Plus they did all these by burning 'British Legion' which is a the UK's leading charity providing financial, social and emotional support to those who have served or who are currently serving in the British Armed Forces, and their dependants. And that too on the 'Rememberance day' day to remember British martyrs and soldiers fighting for the country. :angry:
Were they able to deport another bigot hate preacher Abu Hamza !? No !
Seriously! These scumbags come to these liberal and free countries and then abuse the rights and the system!

i know if they don't like then they can go back to where ever the hell they came from seriously don't mess up the social peace and equality in a secular state by trying to establish your own religious laws etc IMO they should be deported if they try to force religious laws on others
i know if they don't like then they can go back to where ever the hell they came from seriously don't mess up the social peace and equality in a secular state by trying to establish your own religious laws etc IMO they should be deported if they try to force religious laws on others

I know. They demand Shariah but if there was a Shariah they wouldn't even be allowed to protest. :/
I know. They demand Shariah but if there was a Shariah they wouldn't even be allowed to protest. :/

we are human beings we all deserve the same rights etc etc etc i really don't care about religious customs practice them but don't try to impose them on other people
Damn, look at the troll fest by the Muslim hating hitler worshiping Modi lovers. Brits know how to take care of themselves.

Worry about the caste system in India.
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Why isn't Anjem Choudary in jail??!!

He is an outcast in the UK Muslim community and his group is banned, so how is it that he is still able to do this?

A group that doesn't even have a 100 people with them doesn't represent the entire UK Muslim community and people should have known that by now instead of making snide remarks.
Damn, look at the troll fest by the Muslim hating hitler worshiping Modi lovers. Brits know how to take care of themselves.

Worry about the caste system in India.

lool You think it's right to burn a British Legion on the Remembrance day and shout out slogans like 'Our dead are in paradise, British soldiers rot in hell!'

And btw I don't hate Muslims in fact my best friend is Muslim but I do love Modi! Modi for PM! woop woop! :D

Mate, I indeed am worried about caste system and so should you. Even Muslims in sub-continent are subject o caste-system so you know...........
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