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Islamic extremists set up ‘Sharia zones’ in UK

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excuse me? what are you some kind of troll? these religious kooks are breaking the law by establishing religious zones if i want to eat pork drink wine smoke i'll do it where ever the hell i want to and no stupid religious kook will stop me from it unless he wants to get his *** beat

whoa...keep ranting mate,good for you
whoa...keep ranting mate,good for you

i don't mean to offend Islam or Muslims but my simple question is who the hell do these people think they are by saying this is a Sharia zone where Islamic rules needs to be followed in a secular country? like i said do you see Hindus in UK or Jews establishing zones prohibiting consumption of beef or consumption of non kosher meat or meat and dairy?
Shariah is NOT a part of UK's constitution or laws. So this thing, "zones", is clearly illegal. This only creates that ghetto atmosphere.
Solution: assimilate and respect or GTFO.
Actually...These zones are very 'legal'. They are 'legal' in the sense that they are not declared to be openly defiant of existing laws. What you cannot achieve by legislation you can achieve the same or very similar through personal persuasion, which in this case mean intimidation.
i don't mean to offend Islam or Muslims but my simple question is who the hell do these people think they are by saying this is a Sharia zone where Islamic rules needs to be followed in a secular country? like i said do you see Hindus in UK or Jews establishing zones prohibiting consumption of beef or consumption of non kosher meat or meat and dairy?

yup..now you are talking...

Sorry mate i as much dont know the answer as you...I dont know why somebody will print yellow posters of something ludicrous and stick them all over.
Its the same as posting poster on Nude beach saying "No nudity zone" :lol:
next thing you know the people of Manchester will print posters saying only Manchester united sports gear can be worn in the city any other sports gear is strictly prohibited :rofl:
Actually...These zones are very 'legal'. They are 'legal' in the sense that they are not declared to be openly defiant of existing laws. What you cannot achieve by legislation you can achieve the same or very similar through personal persuasion, which in this case mean intimidation.

I would argue as they being illegal as those posters include 'no alcohol' and 'no music/concerts'. Not to forget implied 'intimidation' as you say. Now that is something the British wouldnt (shouldnt) tolerate!!
next thing you know the people of Manchester will print posters saying only Manchester united sports gear can worn in the city any other sports gear is strictly prohibited :rofl:

Yeah! Try walking into a Liverpool pub wearing ManU jerseys or vice-versa!
do you know how many pubs there are in the UK??? there is no way these people can stop other people from engaging in "western" acts i don't know what they do in they're native country but they have to stop being so conservative and learn that the UK is a tolerant and western country this will only lead to religious divisions in the local communities i hope police will arrest these kooks for trying to impose religious laws on others
Okay, is it just me or do we see the pictures of the same group of individuals in every extremist meetings? Its always anjem chowdhury and his little crew appearing on every islamophobe website available and according to some sources, he claims state benefits from the government. The perfect definition of state endorsed terrorism.
waaaaaaaaaaw so osama bin laden (The swine eater ) who is the main reason for the so called ""islamophobia"" was also on jews payroll?? but then u pakistanis are also on israel's pay roll?? cause last time a polling was done in pakistan about laden 70%+loved him it seems waaaaaaaaw u guys even took out rallies in the name of the slain swine eater laden..

Why are you making your own conclusions, i stated 9/11 was the event that brought about greater islamophobia. Did i state bin laden did it, do i believe bin laden did it? Where is the 100% concrete proof bin laden did it. There is no flippin proof, for all we know santa claus could have been behind it.

All i stated was chaudry may be on a payroll not anyone else. So stop trying to deduce your own conclusions.

Do i believe in conspiracy theories that highlight the greater nwo plan and part of this is to create greater islamophobia yes.

Where's the poll my friend, i couldn't care less if 100% pakistan loved bin laden. But i don't think there is a poll that asks how many people LOVE a figure in the media. So what if some loonies took out a rally they don't represent all of pakistan.

BTW we're discussing Sharia in Britain not Pakistan, so stop trolling.
and we also have many defenders (of Sharia Law) on this forum like p4kistan which tells that Muslims there are actually in favour of Sharia Law

Firstly where am i defending sharia in this thread, please provide proof apart from this reply. Secondly yes i do support sharia as it is part and parcel of being a muslim, now the interpretation of sharia law is a different thing and i can categorically say i don't agree with some of these so called sharia vigilantes.

I consider myself living within sharia law compliancy on a daily basis so why should i be against it. I'm not imposing it on anyone nor am i asking it to be imposed on anyone. I try to live my life according to islam, i am thereby living under sharia law.
Okay, is it just me or do we see the pictures of the same group of individuals in every extremist meetings? Its always anjem chowdhury and his little crew appearing on every islamophobe website available and according to some sources, he claims state benefits from the government. The perfect definition of state endorsed terrorism.

Not really...
people on benifits have too much time at hand..
likewise almost all members of far right group EDL are benifit leeches.
The ghettoization is a terrible terrible thing, & such people are a disgrace for all the regular Muslim civilians that want to live peacefully.
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