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Islamic Eschatology - Strategic importance!

This issue was raised about closing the thread in the early days of it being started. I am grateful to the administration for letting this thread grow, as I feel, along with others, that Islamic Eschatology has a pivotal role in strategic planning for Pakistan and the wider Muslim world.

It would be a disservice to the defence of Pakistan if this thread were to be closed.

I know that trolls will seek to close this down, as they realise the gravity of the subject, and will inevitably resort to the technique of insult and slander to shut down mature discussion. It would be my request that should this happen (so far so good), that the troll(s) be banned.
This issue was raised about closing the thread in the early days of it being started. I am grateful to the administration for letting this thread grow, as I feel, along with others, that Islamic Eschatology has a pivotal role in strategic planning for Pakistan and the wider Muslim world.

It would be a disservice to the defence of Pakistan if this thread were to be closed.

I know that trolls will seek to close this down, as they realise the gravity of the subject, and will inevitably resort to the technique of insult and slander to shut down mature discussion. It would be my request that should this happen (so far so good), that the troll(s) be banned.
very few poeple can understand the importance of eschatology with foreign policy
lols stupid rule then this forum needs to.stop being patriotic! Pakistan = land for.Muslims and Islam = religion!

Neither Islam nor Muslims have anything to do with this thread.
The lunatic mullah hosseini just uses islam to do propaganda against whoever he feels like and is a massive security concern.
A cult like scenario is emerging and for gods sake foreign policy cannot be understood nor planned by some random religious interpretation.
Neither Islam nor Muslims have anything to do with this thread.
The lunatic mullah hosseini just uses islam to do propaganda against whoever he feels like and is a massive security concern.
A cult like scenario is emerging and for gods sake foreign policy cannot be understood nor planned by some random religious interpretation.
Are you worried that the Deep State of Pakistan is taking the advice of the good Sheikh?

By calling him a lunatic are you not falling into the accusation of propaganda yourself?
Are you worried that the Deep State of Pakistan is taking the advice of the good Sheikh?

By calling him a lunatic are you not falling into the accusation of propaganda yourself?
He prefers to suppress the Sheikh's view rather than oppose it using reason
Are you worried that the Deep State of Pakistan is taking the advice of the good Sheikh?

By calling him a lunatic are you not falling into the accusation of propaganda yourself?

that is some class A drugs talking right there. Pakistani deep state taking advice from a rogue lunatic.
i like how british your humor is.
Neither Islam nor Muslims have anything to do with this thread.
The lunatic mullah hosseini just uses islam to do propaganda against whoever he feels like and is a massive security concern.
A cult like scenario is emerging and for gods sake foreign policy cannot be understood nor planned by some random religious interpretation.

random? dont you believe in destruction of Muslims and Muslim countries before Judgement day and a big bettle bw Muslims and non Muslim,s?
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