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Islamabad nudges UN veto club on Kashmir

I guess they tried it million times but FAILED, they are more than welcome to give it another shot.
I'm not getting the clear context.. If you are referring to Squeaky wheel as Pakistan, then its a No.. We didn't try so far.. None of govt policy makers had the balls to try something like that till now for the last 60 years because of the fear of opposition in parliament.. But we are slowly shifting our policies only now.. Not yet to the extent of what Pakistan was doing for the last sixty years or more, but yes, slightly, a bit here and a bit there.. if you know what I mean..

Don't forget Muslims have ruled over you for a thousand years.
Again this crap.. How many times do we need to say, that the Muslim invaders never ruled more than 70% of India at any point of time..?? And how many times do we need to say that, while Hindus in India have resisited the Islam thrusted upon them for a thousand years like men.. But some got converted to the religion of invaders who were plundering and raping in the name of religion, just to save their filthy life by calling themselves as proud of that.. And we all know where these people are geographically located now.. Do you want the co ordinates??

Many people are posting on other comments but remember one thing I know that many people will disagree but I will say again remember that if Pakistan has to get Kashmir back then we will have to rise kashmiri youth to fight for their freedom and country we have to arm and train them again and they have to hurt Indian army so hard in Kashmir that they get tired of receiving dead bodies of their soldiers only then they will leave Kashmir we have to start war like Afghanistan in Kashmir
I'm sorry, aren't you doing that already, and for the last sixty years or so?? I think you need a wake up shot, since you have been sleeping for so long..
Yes Yes I know now Indians are gonna burst on me but remember its only way and please forget about G5 or G10
No No.. Why should we burst on you..? you are a poor little thing woken up from sleep.. Go have a beer dude, that will sober you up..
This is the arrogance which will get India thermonuked sooner or later.

Right, India will be thermonuked while Pakistan basks in lands of milk and honey.

Pass on the love mate.. Lemme have whatever it is you're smoking!!
First they should consider the American request for eliminating terrorist safe houses and training camps
Indian fail to understand, its matter of Kashmiri people liberation and against Indian oppression. Pointing finger at Pakistan will never help India. Kashmir population is now double compare to 70s. In next few years, India will need to double the number of security forces in Kashmir. India is slowly falling in black hole.
Right now more then 40 Kashmiri died and hundreds been injured. On top Indian security forces shooting tear gas shells inside hospital emergency. ........................its Indigenous Kashmiri struggle against foreign rule.

Indian should not forget Siachin occupation to State sponsored terrorism in East Pakistan. Its tit for tat policy. Nor UN will come help India on Kashmir issue.
Indian fail to understand, its matter of Kashmiri people liberation and against Indian oppression. Pointing finger at Pakistan will never help India. Kashmir population is now double compare to 70s. In next few years, India will need to double the number of security forces in Kashmir. India is slowly falling in black hole.
Right now more then 40 Kashmiri died and hundreds been injured. On top Indian security forces shooting tear gas shells inside hospital emergency. ........................its Indigenous Kashmiri struggle against foreign rule.
Logical, rebuttal.. If the terrorists are doubled up then, Do we need to increase the number of security personnel or just issue extra magazines to the infantry standard issue rifles.. ?? Which one will be more cost effective..?? I mean training a soldier, paying him salary etc.. costs are running high Boss..
Logical, rebuttal.. If the terrorists are doubled up then, Do we need to increase the number of security personnel or just issue extra magazines to the infantry standard issue rifles.. ?? Which one will be more cost effective..?? I mean training a soldier, paying him salary etc.. costs are running high Boss..
If you call the sons of soil terrorist, then its India state sponsored terrorist mentality . Its same game Indian played in East Pakistan, this time Pakistan has upper hand and India has no UN support. On top, Kashmir is life line of Indian farming. East Pakistan was only a strategic port for West Pakistan nothing else. But , again Kashmir is water source for India.
If you call the sons of soil terrorist, then its India state sponsored terrorist mentality . Its same game Indian played in East Pakistan, this time Pakistan has upper hand and India has no UN support. On top, Kashmir is life line of Indian farming. East Pakistan was only a strategic port for West Pakistan nothing else. But , again Kashmir is water source for India.
Ok going by your logic and Replying in your own terms, if Kashmir is Pakistan's reply for what India did in East Pakistan, then India liberated Bangladesh in ninety days.. and after that we forgot it completely. By same logic, Pakistan is trying hard to do what India did to them for sixty years?? Is it so?? May be you should try little harder.. Because if something is not happening for sixty years, I'm not sure, it will ever happen..?? If you know what I mean???:big_boss:
If you call the sons of soil terrorist, then its India state sponsored terrorist mentality . Its same game Indian played in East Pakistan, this time Pakistan has upper hand and India has no UN support. On top, Kashmir is life line of Indian farming. East Pakistan was only a strategic port for West Pakistan nothing else. But , again Kashmir is water source for India.

And when did that happen? No one in UN has come out in ur support till now... UN had just said that india should offer restraint. Thats it, where is support to pakistan?
Sir, pakiatan lost kashmir permanently after kargil, you lost all moral authority by backstabbing the vajpayee bus tour and almost initiating a nuclear war. From that time onwards, world hasnt taken u seriously. U lost ur credibility and not to mention 26/11.

Syed akbarudddin statement at UN on the issue.
Nuclear powers do break up. Furthermore, Pakistan is also a nuclear power too just if you forgot.

Lets analyze your comment...

1. a->Nuclear powers do break up.

2. b->Pakistan is also a nuclear power

Conclusion??Those who has any knowledge of mathematics will not have any problem to derive it at all.
And when did that happen? No one in UN has come out in ur support till now... UN had just said that india should offer restraint. Thats it, where is support to pakistan?
Sir, pakiatan lost kashmir permanently after kargil, you lost all moral authority by backstabbing the vajpayee bus tour and almost initiating a nuclear war. From that time onwards, world hasnt taken u seriously. U lost ur credibility and not to mention 26/11.

Syed akbarudddin statement at UN on the issue.
Silence of UN means ,,,no interest. They already issued statement. Resolve through UN resolution passed in the past. It means referendum .....And India will remain wants to keep Kashmiri people
Lets analyze your comment...

1. a->Nuclear powers do break up.

2. b->Pakistan is also a nuclear power

Conclusion??Those who has any knowledge of mathematics will not have any problem to derive it at all.
hahaha...your approach is flawed. It was a reply to a comment, you need to read that before you can analyse it
hahaha...your approach is flawed. It was a reply to a comment, you need to read that before you can analyse it

But still,even unintended,You've posted a great comment.We'll look forward to witness it. :D
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