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Islamabad nudges UN veto club on Kashmir

We are what we are.. History is the same, irrespective of how many distortions one may try to make.. And the history of Kashmir remains the same as we all know and I don't have to repeat it.. Now as for UN resolution which goes as below

1) Pakistan vacate it's forces from J&K(including Gilgit-Baltistan).
2) India takes control of J&K and establishes law & order.
3) A Plebiscite be conducted only after conditions 1 & 2 have been met. The plebiscite be conducted regionally (Seperately for Jammu, Kashmir, Ladakh, Gilgit & Baltistan).
Now if Pakistani polity and Seperatists thinks that there is a freedom struggle going on, then act as per the UN resolution and support a voting monitored by UN and we are ready to accept the resolution any day..

But Pakistan will never do that, because we all know how Pakistan got hold of *** or Azad Kashmir (As claimed by Pakistan) and they will never in a Hundred years consider demilitarising it.. Then why should we be heeding to the seperatist's crocodile tears and fake sympathy from Pakistani establishment for Kashmiri's..

We are not going to step down in a thousand years from the claim that Kashmir belonged to India and will belong to India in any near future.. If the seperatists and Jihadi's think that they can get away with coward attacks on our forces, then this is what is going to happen.. We can keep doing this for centuries to come, but we won't give away an inch of our soil in Kashmir..

No my friend, Indian's are not an alien force.. Pls read the history from a neutral perspective. Kashmir was an integral part of India if you go back in history for any long.. when we got independence fro British, there were choices for the Ruler of Kashmir Maharaja Hari singh (Kashmir was a princely state back then).. The choices were
1. Annexe Kashmir with Pakistan
2. Annexe Kashmir with India
3. Continue to remain a princely state or an Independent state..
Maharaja chose to remain as an Independent state.. We respected that. From that point onwards pls read below to know what exactly happened.. And for God's sake don't pass lose comments on things you don't know or you haven't read..

Maharaja Hari Singh's Letter to Mountbatten
Text Of Letter Dated October 26, 1947 From Hari Singh, The Maharaja Of Jammu & Kashmir to Lord Mountbatten, Governor General of India.
Dated: 26 October 1947

My dear Lord Mountbatten,

I have to inform your Excellency that a grave emergency has arisen in my State and request immediate assistance of your Government.

As your Excellency is aware the State of Jammu and Kashmir has not acceded to the Dominion of India or to Pakistan. Geographically my State is contiguous to both the Dominions. It has vital economical and cultural links with both of them. Besides my State has a common boundary with the Soviet Republic and China. In their external relations the Dominions of India and Pakistan cannot ignore this fact.

I wanted to take time to decide to which Dominion I should accede, or whether it is not in the best interests of both the Dominions and my State to stand independent, of course with friendly and cordial relations with both.

I accordingly approached the Dominions of India and Pakistan to enter into Standstill Agreement with my State. The Pakistan Government accepted this Agreement. The Dominion of India desired further discussions with representatives of my Government. I could not arrange this in view of the developments indicated below. In fact the Pakistan Government are operating Post and Telegraph system inside the State.

Though we have got a Standstill Agreement with the Pakistan Government that Government permitted steady and increasing strangulation of supplies like food, salt and petrol to my State.

Afridis, soldiers in plain clothes, and desperadoes with modern weapons have been allowed to infilter into the State at first in Poonch and then in Sialkot and finally in mass area adjoining Hazara District on the Ramkot side. The result has been that the limited number of troops at the disposal of the State had to be dispersed and thus had to face the enemy at the several points simultaneously, that it has become difficult to stop the wanton destruction of life and property and looting. The Mahora powerhouse which supplies the electric current to the whole of Srinagar has been burnt. The number of women who have been kidnapped and raped makes my heart bleed. The wild forces thus let loose on the State are marching on with the aim of capturing Srinagar, the summer Capital of my Government, as first step to over-running the whole State.

The mass infiltration of tribesmen drawn from distant areas of the North-West Frontier coming regularly in motor trucks using Mansehra-Muzaffarabad Road and fully armed with up-to-date weapons cannot possibly be done without the knowledge of the Provisional Government of the North-West Frontier Province and the Government of Pakistan. In spite of repeated requests made by my Government no attempt has been made to check these raiders or stop them from coming into my State. The Pakistan Radio even put out a story that a Provisional Government had been set up in Kashmir. The people of my State both the Muslims and non-Muslims generally have taken no part at all.

With the conditions obtaining at present in my State and the great emergency of the situation as it exists, I have no option but to ask for help from the Indian Dominion. Naturally they cannot send the help asked for by me without my State acceding to the Dominion of India. I have accordingly decided to do so and I attach the Instrument of Accession for acceptance by your Government. The other alternative is to leave my State and my people to free-booters. On this basis no civilized Government can exist or be maintained. This alternative I will never allow to happen as long as I am Ruler of the State and I have life to defend my country.

I am also to inform your Excellency's Government that it is my intention at once to set up an interim Government and ask Sheikh Abdullah to carry the responsibilities in this emergency with my Prime Minister.

If my State has to be saved immediate assistance must be available at Srinagar. Mr. Menon is fully aware of the situation and he will explain to you, if further explanation is needed.

In haste and with kind regards,

The Palace, Jammu Your sincerely,
26th October, 1947 Hari Singh

And Also a retaliatory US support by making India a member of MTCR for which their master's (Chinese) are begging to be a part of since 2003.. Now all India have to do is to make sure that China doesn't enter MTCR ever..
Payback is a bitch Aint it !!!!! :smitten::smitten::smitten:

Kind sir, thank for your good hearted response and feedback. The fact is this ruler or king bought Kashmir for silver from the Brits. So, truly who is to blame here. Do allow to beg to differ with you.

Just for history...and absolutely no offence intended... when did your country gained its independence? And again, rationally, why do you call your country India? Is it an ancient word? or modern construct.

India is standing on the wrong side of history...just wait a few years and you will see.

India is standing on the right side of the history. India is in no position to give concession on Kashmir. You cannot let 1.3 billion people burn for 3 million muslims of valley. Though, I also don't want valley Muslims to suffer. India and Pakistan should once again open their borders in Kashmir so that anyone who doesn't want to live in India can migrate to Pakistan and anyone who wants to live in India from P0K and GB can migrate to India before closing the borders permanently as happened in 1947.
Kind sir, thank for your good hearted response and feedback. The fact is this ruler or king bought Kashmir for silver from the Brits. So, truly who is to blame here. Do allow to beg to differ with you.
If buying a province is wrong in history, then the Maharaja has to be blamed.. Not the Indian government..

Just for history...and absolutely no offence intended... when did your country gained its independence?
1947 15th of August

And again, rationally, why do you call your country India? Is it an ancient word? or modern construct.
I don't know why they call my country as India.. though there are many reasons quoted historically.. Those details were discussed to death in this forum in Past.. You may dig up and see for yourself..
India is in no position to give concession on Kashmir
Mate, I agree with you on this part as it's true. India won't give any concession, it will be frogged out of you (India) :lol:
I don't think any of the P5 would like to make India angry.

I guess you have some sort of selective amnesia, because just recently only China blocked India's NSG entry. If that does not count as making someone angry then I don't know what does.
I feel for Pakistanis ,,,, nobody is listening in un or indeed in the Arab work.

Even China says very little on kashmir.

Musharraf once stated when it comes down i
Pakistan v India be it Kashmir or Saichen or sir creek it will be Pakistan by themselves.

Musharraf was right you will have to take on India by yourselves to get Kashmir or Saichen
I guess you have some sort of selective amnesia, because just recently only China blocked India's NSG entry. If that does not count as making someone angry then I don't know what does.

And don't compare NSG with Kashmir, :lol:. China opposed NSG, but I doubt it will take a similar position with regard to Kashmir.
If buying a province is wrong in history, then the Maharaja has to be blamed.. Not the Indian government..

1947 15th of August

I don't know why they call my country as India.. though there are many reasons quoted historically.. Those details were discussed to death in this forum in Past.. You may dig up and see for yourself..

Thank you. Just for your information you and for that matter Pakistan did not become independent on Aug '47. Both of you were granted the status of dominions under the crown as part of the British common wealth.

Both your countries became, what you term as indepent almost a decade later. Your countrymen have done wonderful research on this.

A given fact for decades, but let us be generous. A bit nationalistic publication but not blinded by hatred.

Have a look when you have time. Paid content mostly: http://greatgameindia.com/

As for your national name and how proudly your countrymen carry that title...sadly, that is another discussion, must be held in a freezer to keep it calm. If they only knew they will never call themselves Indians!
Mate, I agree with you on this part as it's true. India won't give any concession, it will be frogged out of you (India) :lol:

It is not that easy, India is a nuclear power.
I guess you have some sort of selective amnesia, because just recently only China blocked India's NSG entry. If that does not count as making someone angry then I don't know what does.
China's blockade from NSG entry is not considered as making us angry.. Because we needed to promote ourselves in the eyes of the international community as a responsible nuclear power and NSG entry is only for that.. We already have all the goodies of NSG membership in the name of waiver given to us on 2008.. So by blocking our entry china didn't make us angry but made us look like victims of Chinese oppression in the international community.. They didn''t make us angry instead, They made us laugh, because we were laughing our asses of when they considered it as a serious thing and by blocking us they thought that they will make our civilian nuclear programmes stall, while the reality is that the suppliers from all the NSG countries are in que to supply goodies to India..Well, what can I say, Chinese does humour us by doing stuffs like this once in a while..:yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::china:
Pakistan should make noise,no matter whether it gets any response or not
Thank you. Just for your information you and for that matter Pakistan did not become independent on Aug '47. Both of you were granted the status of dominions under the crown as part of the British common wealth.
Both your countries became, what you term as indepent almost a decade later. Your countrymen have done wonderful research on this.
A given fact for decades, but let us be generous. A bit nationalistic publication but not blinded by hatred.
Have a look when you have time. Paid content mostly:
So, what..? does it matter to the context of the Post?? Ok, as per your research, Kashmir Mahraja Harisingh Annexed Kashmir to the dominion of India and Not with the dominion of Pakistan.. Does it seem fair now??

As for your national name and how proudly your countrymen carry that title...sadly, that is another discussion, must be held in a freezer to keep it calm. If they only knew they will never call themselves Indians!
Why sad?? We don't feel sad.. We know our country's History better than you my friend from the east.. There is nothing to be ashamed of.. Do enlighten me, if you have any reasons that will make me feel ashamed of claiming an Indian..
your intention seems to be not to express your thoughts on Kashmir and the riots going on, but to bash India in some way or the other.. Nevertheless I'm waiting.. Do me a favour by sharing your precious knowledge as you have mentioned in your post...

The Squeaky wheel gets the grease.
Squeaky wheel, apparently breaks off from the axle.. if you know what I mean???
So, what..? does it matter to the context of the Post?? Ok, as per your research, Kashmir Mahraja Harisingh Annexed Kashmir to the dominion of India and Not with the dominion of Pakistan.. Does it seem fair now??

Why sad?? We don't feel sad.. We know our country's History better than you my friend from the east.. There is nothing to be ashamed of.. Do enlighten me, if you have any reasons that will make me feel ashamed of claiming an Indian..
your intention seems to be not to express your thoughts on Kashmir and the riots going on, but to bash India in some way or the other.. Nevertheless I'm waiting.. Do me a favour by sharing your precious knowledge as you have mentioned in your post...

Squeaky wheel, apparently breaks off from the axle.. if you know what I mean???

Even in that case it does require some attention, I believe it is still better than a silent non functioning wheel. If you know what I mean. :azn:
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