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Islamabad nudges UN veto club on Kashmir


Nov 27, 2011
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ISLAMABAD: Pakistan on Tuesday approached the five veto-wielding members of the UN Security Council to take notice of the deteriorating situation in Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK) and call on New Delhi to respect human rights in the violence-wrecked disputed Himalayan territory.

Foreign Secretary Aizaz Ahmed Chaudhry briefed ambassadors of the permanent members of the UN Security Council, including China, France, Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States, over the tense situation in IOK.

Kashmir unrest sparks Pak-India diplomatic spat

He expressed Pakistan’s serious concern over the ‘brutal killings of civilians’ and violation of their other fundamental rights by India’s security forces, said a statement issued by the Foreign Office.

The violence erupted in the disputed valley after Indian security forces killed prominent Kashmiri separatist leader Bhurhan Wani last Friday. Since then at least 32 people – mostly civilians – have been killed in the region.

The foreign secretary informed the envoys that civilians protesting the killing of Wani were killed due to the excessive use of force by Indian security forces. India should conduct a fair and transparent inquiry against the individuals responsible for these killings, he said.

“The foreign secretary urged the international community, particularly the permanent members of the Security Council, to take notice of the gravity of the situation in IOK, call on India to respect human rights of the people of IOK and implement the UN Security Council resolutions on Jammu and Kashmir,” the Foreign Office said.

He also rejected Indian attempts to claim that the deteriorating human rights situation in IOK was an internal affair of India and emphasised the disputed nature of Jammu and Kashmir awaiting the implementation of the UNSC resolutions.

Chaudhry said killings of innocent Kashmiri people could not be condoned under the pretext of terrorism. He observed that the just struggle of the Kashmiri people for their right to self-determination could not be equated with terrorism.

Pakistan conveys ‘serious concerns’ over Kashmir killings to Indian high commissioner

Such inhumane and oppressive measures cannot deter the valiant people of Jammu and Kashmir from their demand of exercising their right to self-determination in accordance with the UN Security Council resolutions.

In Lahore meanwhile, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif convened on Friday a special meeting of his cabinet to discuss the “rapidly deteriorating situation in IOK”, according to his office.


“The cabinet will discuss the oppressive actions of Indian security forces against innocent civilians and the overall situation in Kashmir after the brutal assassination of Burhan Wani,” it said in a statement. PML-N leaders told The Express Tribune that the cabinet would finalise its strategy in the meeting.

A day earlier India’s high commissioner was summoned to the Foreign Office to lodge a formal protest over human rights violations in the disputed region. New Delhi dismissed Pakistan’s protest as ‘interference in its internal affairs’.

The death toll from four days of violence in IOK, which remains under curfew, has risen to 32 with hundreds other hospitalized for gunshot wounds. The main hospital in Srinagar struggled to treat hundreds of patients on Tuesday, as medics warned that many could lose their eyesight from shotgun injuries.

Ambulances continued to deliver more victims to the Sri Maharaja Hari Singh Hospital (SMHS) where patients were sometimes forced to share beds. An administrator said staff had been ordered not to speak to the press but wards were crammed with young boys and men, many of whom had suffered serious eye injuries caused by the firing of pellets by Indian troops.

An AFP correspondent who toured the teeming wards saw two patients to a bed, as doctors worked non-stop. “Doctors are working in operating theatres round-the-clock. We’ve operated on 90 for serious eye injuries since Saturday morning,” said a doctor in SMHS where many volunteers were helping to tend to the injured.

“Most of them have lost their eyesight in one eye. They are going to walk out of the hospital as one-eyed boys,” the doctor added.

A senior state administrator said at least 1,000 people have been injured in the clashes. Much of the worst violence has been in the south of the capital Srinagar where security forces have used live fire, non-lethal pellet guns as well as tear gas to disperse crowds.

Published in The Express Tribune, July 13th, 2016.

P-5 - "Do whatever is needed to curb Afghan Taliban and Al Qaeda and hand over UNSC 1267 sanctioned terrorists to UN to face justice.And please close the terror factories to curb terrorism all across world.Thank You."
Go to P10 if you want for all we care.
There ain't a force on this planet that will make us give in what is ours.
Its always fun to see Indian blabberings . Whole world can see how kashmiries are defying this supa powa and are giving hero's burial to their martyrs .

India herself is highlighting Kashmir again and again thus making job of our foreign mission easy.
Oh the whole world has been seeing it since the 90s and it was worse back then.

No one stopped us then, and no one will stop us now.

This will die down again like every other event in the last 10-20 years, and Pakistan will beat its chest in futility.

LOL Pakistan going to the UN, we know what happened last time you lot went there..................cough...................Sartaj Dossiers.:rofl:.:rofl:.:rofl:.:rofl:.:rofl:.:rofl:.:rofl:

Well in 90's there was no social media and no internet so India was able to cover her ugly black face but now


Indian democracy and her morals are getting exposed and except Hindu media no body is using word terrorist for kashmiries at max they call them rebels . A huge slap on Modi and Doval who spent years to mix kashmiri freedom struggle with terrorism to shore intl support but failed miserably.
India should rule over India not across the border of real India.
OH WOW, a few sporadic news reports. Kashmir is lost now.

Well there has been internet since 2000s and UN has removed J&K off its disputed territories list so good job, great victory.

LOL there were 10 other such events since 2010 afterbUN removed J&K off its disputed territories list, what again has happened since then?

No matter what you like to believe but the happenings in Kashmir are just making Pakistan's and Kashmiris case stronger while exposing India and her democracy.

In a democracy people have rights to protest and are not shunned by curfews and bullets.
:lol: Gone to the UN again. The UN is not going to resolve anything. It is a bilateral issue between India and Pak and everyone knows our official stance on the matter- Kashmir is an integral part of India and Pakistan should immediately vacate their occupied land.
I admire Pakistan's tenacity - most logical states would see the writing on the wall and the way the wind is blowing across the world. I am amazed they think the world powers will have an ounce of sympathy for the case of Pakistan. They couldn't dislodge India during the Reagan era when they were the darlings of the west. Now they are pretty loathed around the world.
P-5 of UNSC

USA - Well good luck convincing them the concept of "freedom fighters"

UK - on face value Mr. Wani has created enough online material for them to think otherwise

France - Attacks in Paris are still fresh so you know their opinion

Russia - No comments needed here

China - May be a mild statement to keep Pak happy. That's all.

Sometimes I think Pakistan do somethings for Kashmire to such level that one think do they do anything that hard for their own country ???

"One in hand is better than the two in bush"
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan on Tuesday approached the five veto-wielding members of the UN Security Council to take notice of the deteriorating situation in Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK) and call on New Delhi to respect human rights in the violence-wrecked disputed Himalayan territory.

Foreign Secretary Aizaz Ahmed Chaudhry briefed ambassadors of the permanent members of the UN Security Council, including China, France, Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States, over the tense situation in IOK.

Kashmir unrest sparks Pak-India diplomatic spat

He expressed Pakistan’s serious concern over the ‘brutal killings of civilians’ and violation of their other fundamental rights by India’s security forces, said a statement issued by the Foreign Office.

The violence erupted in the disputed valley after Indian security forces killed prominent Kashmiri separatist leader Bhurhan Wani last Friday. Since then at least 32 people – mostly civilians – have been killed in the region.

The foreign secretary informed the envoys that civilians protesting the killing of Wani were killed due to the excessive use of force by Indian security forces. India should conduct a fair and transparent inquiry against the individuals responsible for these killings, he said.

“The foreign secretary urged the international community, particularly the permanent members of the Security Council, to take notice of the gravity of the situation in IOK, call on India to respect human rights of the people of IOK and implement the UN Security Council resolutions on Jammu and Kashmir,” the Foreign Office said.

He also rejected Indian attempts to claim that the deteriorating human rights situation in IOK was an internal affair of India and emphasised the disputed nature of Jammu and Kashmir awaiting the implementation of the UNSC resolutions.

Chaudhry said killings of innocent Kashmiri people could not be condoned under the pretext of terrorism. He observed that the just struggle of the Kashmiri people for their right to self-determination could not be equated with terrorism.

Pakistan conveys ‘serious concerns’ over Kashmir killings to Indian high commissioner

Such inhumane and oppressive measures cannot deter the valiant people of Jammu and Kashmir from their demand of exercising their right to self-determination in accordance with the UN Security Council resolutions.

In Lahore meanwhile, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif convened on Friday a special meeting of his cabinet to discuss the “rapidly deteriorating situation in IOK”, according to his office.


“The cabinet will discuss the oppressive actions of Indian security forces against innocent civilians and the overall situation in Kashmir after the brutal assassination of Burhan Wani,” it said in a statement. PML-N leaders told The Express Tribune that the cabinet would finalise its strategy in the meeting.

A day earlier India’s high commissioner was summoned to the Foreign Office to lodge a formal protest over human rights violations in the disputed region. New Delhi dismissed Pakistan’s protest as ‘interference in its internal affairs’.

The death toll from four days of violence in IOK, which remains under curfew, has risen to 32 with hundreds other hospitalized for gunshot wounds. The main hospital in Srinagar struggled to treat hundreds of patients on Tuesday, as medics warned that many could lose their eyesight from shotgun injuries.

Ambulances continued to deliver more victims to the Sri Maharaja Hari Singh Hospital (SMHS) where patients were sometimes forced to share beds. An administrator said staff had been ordered not to speak to the press but wards were crammed with young boys and men, many of whom had suffered serious eye injuries caused by the firing of pellets by Indian troops.

An AFP correspondent who toured the teeming wards saw two patients to a bed, as doctors worked non-stop. “Doctors are working in operating theatres round-the-clock. We’ve operated on 90 for serious eye injuries since Saturday morning,” said a doctor in SMHS where many volunteers were helping to tend to the injured.

“Most of them have lost their eyesight in one eye. They are going to walk out of the hospital as one-eyed boys,” the doctor added.

A senior state administrator said at least 1,000 people have been injured in the clashes. Much of the worst violence has been in the south of the capital Srinagar where security forces have used live fire, non-lethal pellet guns as well as tear gas to disperse crowds.

Published in The Express Tribune, July 13th, 2016.


Another Humiliation Is Waiting In Side corner For Pakistan

From What My sources Told Me UK,US,France ,Russia Tell Pakistan go to Hell

Even china Tell this a Bilateral issue Many times
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