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Islam to become Russia’s predominant religion by 2050?

Time to launch 'operation freak out' in, 4,3,2,1,0 - ignition-lift off, huston we have lifted off into the atmosphere on 'operation freak out' to save humanity from turning Muzzzlum.
Not in 2050. Even not in this century.

Currently Russia population is about 143 mln, including 15 mln Muslims.

The overall Russian population seems to stay stable. Muslim grows at rate 1% a year. That means by 2050 there will be about 15% Muslims in Russia. By 2100 if trend will not change it may grow to 24% but I dont think it will grow above 20%.
"Alcoholism-plagued ethnic Russians are said to have European birthrates and African death rates. Their women have on average 1.4 children, and their men have a life expectancy of 60 years. In Moscow, ethnic Christian women have 1.1 child.

In contrast, Muslim women bear 2.3 children on average and have fewer abortions than their Russian counterparts. In Moscow, Tatar women have six children and Chechen and Ingush women have 10."

And somehow you say Russian population is going to stay static? Maybe you can inform us something we don't know. No way Russian population is going to stay static to say the least if you read the facts and figures. It has nothing to do with muslims. More with Russian women who are not breeding.

I'm not the only one who is saying this. Russian population is on its tipping point. The next decades major demographic changes are going to happen in the Russian Federation.
Muslims are also human beings.
If reproduction rate is higher in them and overall population is less in number then this is their right.
Otherwise country should have national policy of 1 or two children. As it is in china.
Not in 2050. Even not in this century.

Currently Russia population is about 143 mln, including 15 mln Muslims.

The overall Russian population seems to stay stable. Muslim grows at rate 1% a year. That means by 2050 there will be about 15% Muslims in Russia. By 2100 if trend will not change it may grow to 24% but I dont think it will grow above 20%.
how about israel?
hows the population of muslims there?
i wish the palestinians would grow a brain and just become a part of israel lol
the idiots don't realize that in 20 yrs or so they will be the majority.
It is a bad situation if this is, true. for most of us, non-believers Islam is what we read through ex-muslims.
Once the seculars and liberals start shitting in pants and are done is the day we take over,until then keep insulting us as Fascist,Sanghi,RSS,Backward thinking etc. and at the same time going GaGa over muslims won't help your cause either.Still time is left make your choice you want to fight or bend over and die?Either you stand and fight or.... :(
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Watch the videos I posted in the OP. There is massive racism from Ethnic Russians towards the Muslims. As you can see local Russians tell Tatar imam to go away from "their" neighborhood. This will only work counterproductive since the Muslims will feel alienated and hold on to their religion and unfortunately this is also breeding ground for extermism.

Nope, Russians confirm themselves their population is going to drop significantly because ethnic Russians don't have babies. No need to read your nonsense source when Putin confirms what I'm saying.
If its only about babies?Everyone can ramp up the production then you will be minority,claiming we are peaceful citizens.Why you hurt us.
this time hare Krishna moment is also in peak in Russia







Hinduism has been spread in Russia primarily due to the work of missionaries from the Vaishnava Hindu organizationInternational Society for Krishna Consciousness and by itinerant swamis from India. There is an active Tantra Sangha operating in Russia. According to a 2010 religious census there are 140,000 Hindus in Russia.[

Hindu groups which have presence in Russia are the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, Brahma Kumari,Ramakrishna Mission, Ananda Marga, the organizations associated with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Sahaja Yoga, Chinmaya Mission, Satya Sai Baba and Osho Rajneesh. While ISKCON and Brahma Kumari appear to have a relatively strong following in Russia, the other organizations in the list have a marginal presence in this country. As of December 2005, the Federal Registration Service recorded the number of registered Hindu groups listing Hindu group and Hindu groups with particular orientation on Krishna (78) and Tantric sects (
this time hare Krishna moment is also in peak in Russia







Hinduism has been spread in Russia primarily due to the work of missionaries from the Vaishnava Hindu organizationInternational Society for Krishna Consciousness and by itinerant swamis from India. There is an active Tantra Sangha operating in Russia. According to a 2010 religious census there are 140,000 Hindus in Russia.[

Hindu groups which have presence in Russia are the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, Brahma Kumari,Ramakrishna Mission, Ananda Marga, the organizations associated with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Sahaja Yoga, Chinmaya Mission, Satya Sai Baba and Osho Rajneesh. While ISKCON and Brahma Kumari appear to have a relatively strong following in Russia, the other organizations in the list have a marginal presence in this country. As of December 2005, the Federal Registration Service recorded the number of registered Hindu groups listing Hindu group and Hindu groups with particular orientation on Krishna (78) and Tantric sects (
WTF are you doing? Posting links?
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