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islam not spread by sword

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Well said Niaz, you have proved you point.
I am not much surprised at your answer, this was smthing expected. Please dont find it offensive neither I am afraid of a ban but what you people have studied in textbooks is basically anti-indian/ anti-hindu and only taught to maintain hatred against india and for that you can read reports abt pakistani curriculum how they preach hate
........ All above mension westeran historian had not got education in pakistani schools,problem start just after partition of subcontinent when hindu extremists inter in indian education system, they change the whole history according to thier agenda even they blame muslims to start of brutal hindu practis of satti

I repeat in present India , they HAD to keep hindus in allaince so have a stable government . Remember Indian subcontinent was partiotioned in 1947 only. I dont consider NWFP and balochistan as part of indian subcontinent , they were part of british India.
why they keep allaince with hindus of central india, which was non martial zone,muslim ruler of india only keep allaince with trouble zone which mostly in present pakistan,area of present india in that time not had creddible hindus force which can make series trouble for muslims rulers ,it was much easy to convert hindus of central india then punjab,kashmir,etc.Today if you look at satuation in india thousends of low cast hindus leaving hinduism every year,they are not converting in other religions under death threat but by thier chiose,differnt indian states are making anti-conversation laws which clearly show that satuation is not under control
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