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“Islam has no place in Slovakia." Slovakian PM Fico

Responding to hate with hate is never a good idea.

I'm not worried at all when I see this sort of vitriolic statements. If anything, Slovaks should be alarmed. Hate has a way of harming its host. Just look at how all the anti-semitism ended up harming Europe. Meanwhile, GCC is going through its golden era. The trend toward openness and inclusiveness should continue.

Interesting video though. Didn't think Saudi students would pick Eastern Europe. o_O

I don't mean to be offensive to them, but If that rule was implemented, then what else would we do?
Slovakia which its PM says there is no place for Muslims in Slovakia, is ironically a member of EU.
In contract, Turkey which changed many of its rules to join EU and doesn't ban any religion, it's still can't be a member of that EU community.

Regarding the video, those Saudis who don't get acceptance from any University in Saudi Arabia and can't afford the cost of studying in the US or western European countries, they go to Slovakia, Ukraine and other eastern European countries.
Very good decision. Other European countries should follow.
I did not want to nitpick, as it is not polite.
But lets make it clear that the quote was - as is normal by West media - professionaly removed from its context.
Here is the original interview:

Unfortunately, I am not able to find any official authorized translation to English, not sure one was ever made. I will try my best to translate the key question/answer combo about the (illegal migrants) redistribution quotas here:

Will Slovakia continue to reject any (migrant) quotas?
We are talking about 120.000 to 160.000 people, who should be divided up based on the quotas. As a minimum I prefer directness, correctness and honestness. We have said since the beginning that the quotas are a nonsense, that we will not apply them, this is our position all the time and we have brought a (legal) action even (due to the way they were approved). If I saw the other countries, which are so much fighting for the quotas, that they actually fulfill their quota obligations, our position would not be so strong. But we are at least consistent in our "no", sticking to our position throughout. And someone is criticizing us, that we dared say no, but when we look at how many were relocated on the basis of the quotas, then you see there two big zeroes. Our position is legitimate and we will continue with it. Well, if I say something now it may sound strange, but sorry...(pauses) Islam has no space (trans. comment: priestor == space, miesto == place, this was likely intentionally mistranslated..) in Slovakia. We should say that we are a country which came to be in some specific way. Lets not may complete idiots out of ourselves. If someone wants to tell me, that Slovakia wants to be multi-cultural, that everyone will do as he pleases, that the traditions will be changed and that "that Slovakia" will change, then he goes against the fundaments of this country. I believe it is the duty if politicians to talk about these matters clearly and openly. I have said, I do not want (trans: emphasis on "I" to indicate he is not speaking for the government in offcial capacity, he would us "we" when he does so), for that a coherent muslim community would come to exist in Slovakia and I am saying it again. I do not want (transl: again he emphasizes "I"), so that there come to be several tens of thousands of muslims, which will slowly start pushing their agenda. I have spoken about this a couple times with the prime minister of Malta, he told me: "The problem is not they come, but that they change the complexion of the country."(transl. this was a citation which was incorrectly attributed to Fico in most english translations it seems). And simply we do not want to change the character of a country which is built on the Cyril-Methodian tradition.(transl. St. Cyril and St. Methodius were Byzanthine priests who brought christianity to Slovakia in 9th century AC, they also created the Glagolic, the first alphabet of the Slavs which Cyrilic is based on) On something, what is here for centuries. So lets be sincere, and say it cannot go that way. I feel very free in this, such confidence and national pride must be part of this new coalition. Even though it will not be always simple, I must appreciate the position of the coalition partners, that the government is working, the agreements are working, that is very important. I am used to, when I give a hand(transl. make an agreement), then it holds and this holds so far also for my colleagues, which is good for the fucntioning of this coalition government. And I believe, unless somehing outside (the country) happens, some signifficant extreme event, which would get the political systems to shuffle, that this coalition can hold full four years without problems.

Reg. Gulf countries officials statements.
Here is an actual official policy signed by a head of state declaring "any other religion" bar those recognized by the Quran as terrorist:

I would expect the King would have backed the law in one speech at least, but I do admit having to rely on translations and secondary sources thus unable to find one. Point taken.

In any case, apologies for using bold:
I personaly do respect the Saudi policy as their internal matter. I however ask ours respected in kind.

note: (I cannot post links, so you need to manual copy + paste those I wrote above)

I believe above full translation can help answer your concern.

You can call it bigotry that is fine. But the fact is Slovaks fought almost 200 years to get "our own" country. We simply do not want to be guests in our own home again as we were for 1000 years previous. This is not xenophobia. We do understand islam, we have very friendly relations with most muslim countries. But we simply want none of what we see happening in Western Europe metropolises these days. We do not want a shadow government and a shadow law system to exist. Why no space for "islam", well, no other religion but the one of the SA-supported fanatics in West Europe is so openly hostile to its host countries and their culture.

Come, visit, live in Slovakia. But when you try to push your worldview on us, we will push back. That is the message the PM was trying to make, and I personally agree with it as does the majority of Slovaks. You can call it bigotry. I would call it common sense.

EDIT: Grammar
1) Well, if it was "space" as you have translated it, It becomes clearer,since Slovakia is a small country..

2) That they change the character of a country.. that is not true.. most of the time they will have a very productive community and contribute to the well being of their new countries ( the same as minorities living in the Muslim world.. it is also true that lately many Muslim countries have stated that they do not want influences to change the character of their culture,) ..of course there are exceptions to the rules, but most of the time they are effects that the West has caused itself..

3) This might enlighten you on the fact that when Saudis or any other Muslim country talk about the recognized religion by the Koran, they mean, Judaism, Christianity and Islam or the three monotheistic religions.. you can get Koran in English or many other languages, it is not expensive, but a very powerful book.. you might find out that it is really sound and also scientific..You can google miracles of the Koran and watch 10s of videos on youtube if you have an inquiring and scientific mind you might like it a lot..
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I don't mean to be offensive to them, but If that rule was implemented, then what else would we do?

I wouldn't mobilize the nuclear weapons just yet. :partay: :partay: :partay:

Jokes aside, we should criticise Slovakia and call out EU for tolerating such bigotry.

Mehdi Hassan had a wonderful rebuttal in the Oxford Union debate:

The key argument is those who seek war with Islam actually agree with al-Qaeda and Da'ish on everything. Likewise, if we react to the far right mindset by excluding Slovakia, or Slovaks, then we are providing legitimacy to far right mindset.

Regarding the video, those Saudis who don't get acceptance from any University in Saudi Arabia and can't afford the cost of studying in the US or western European countries, they go to Slovakia, Ukraine and other eastern European countries.

Masha'allah, this is so refreshing to hear that these kids are so hungry for education that they would go to any lengths for it. Wonderful attitude.
There must no place for any Slovakian in GCC and Arab countries if that neo-Nazi president implements that's rule.
To be honest that poitician should say one thing and most of the muslims will respect him for it all Wahhabis Salafies are band there you go but alas he missed.

I wouldn't mobilize the nuclear weapons just yet. :partay: :partay: :partay:

Jokes aside, we should criticise Slovakia and call out EU for tolerating such bigotry.

Mehdi Hassan had a wonderful rebuttal in the Oxford Union debate:

The key argument is those who seek war with Islam actually agree with al-Qaeda and Da'ish on everything. Likewise, if we react to the far right mindset by excluding Slovakia, or Slovaks, then we are providing legitimacy to far right mindset.

Masha'allah, this is so refreshing to hear that these kids are so hungry for education that they would go to any lengths for it. Wonderful attitude.
They are thirsty for education but even after years of education they dumb all that to start a pizza business alas becase no job for them in their own country neither where they study.
A small country on the western slopes of Carpathian mountains. Nothing less, nothing more.

Ah, also the place which stopped the Ottomans for good (with no small help of the Carpathian mountaints) and recently the biggest per-capita car producer in the world.
None of which matters in this context, except maybe for the fact we have nothing to apologize for through last millenia of our existance as an ethnic group. In turn this allows our politicians be much more frank than is normal in the West.
How come the Ottomans went till Vienna then? did Slovaks fight alongside the polish?
True words.
Unfortunately we are too small to choose our own destiny. The west-orchestrated "shift" in 1998 was the only thing which avoided a "Serbia" to be pulled on us then by NATO. We have managed to avoid a US military base on our soil - so far - but you can imagine it is not easy. We are the last 2 NATO members to manage that, along with the Czech Republic.

Time will tell, but for now when the enemy is bigger than you by an order of magnitude, fighting him is simply futile while "joining" him may be a way to survive. Please note the quotes are not accidental.
Cheers to your friend!
I had a lady friend which moved to Iran recently, learning farsi beforehand (!). Maybe they were even related in some way ... Slovakia is a small place after all.
The Ottomans were bigger than you by an order of magnitude, no? Althought NATO dwarfs the Ottomans...
I am glad you consider NATO an enemy.

I will ask him about the Slovak lady who moved to Iran.

Kudos to you!!

As for the post their country their rule. However I will say this, they need to take back many of the undesirables who have come here on EU passports.

The Pakistani Christians who number around 3-5 million are ethnic Pakistanis, many sharing the same surnames as their Muslim counterparts. Their community has produced war heroes galore for Pakistan, are you advocating that you take this out on them?
I did not know that Pakistanis had surnames (in the sense that the British do).

As for the post their country their rule. However I will say this, they need to take back many of the undesirables who have come here on EU passports.

The Pakistani Christians who number around 3-5 million are ethnic Pakistanis, many sharing the same surnames as their Muslim counterparts. Their community has produced war heroes galore for Pakistan, are you advocating that you take this out on them?
Also why would they take back the undesirables? They are undesirables to the UK and Slovakia and pretty much every nation.
As for the post their country their rule. However I will say this, they need to take back many of the undesirables who have come here on EU passports.
I don't think any Muslims would wanna live in an ex-Soviet nuclear site for an obvious reason. Let alone Eastern Europe.

The news doesn't mean anything us since it's an irrelevant country with little to no Muslim population (hence there was no backlash among Muslims outside).

Now, imagine if one of those Western European countries does that...
But then the EU masquerades around as a beacon of civility and tolerance. It is everything but civil and tolerant, all that it took to find this out was to gauge the reaction in countries that were notified they would receive several thousand migrants. Truly pathetic, although I appreciate the new found honesty in the way the EU expresses itself these days
It is and it is not. The EU is a very complex system of often independent treaties. You can probably compare it more to the Indian system before the Brits came than to the US system of today.

In any case, if an EU citizen is allowed in without a visa and some other still need it, the discrimination is done by the Indian Government. EU only decides on travel to EU. We cannot directly influence the policies of India. But this is a non-issue. Every Slovak understands that India wants to allow UK citizens in for historical reasons etc.

We Indians, Arabs, Turks, Africans are not interested when there is so much human rights violations in EU even against legal immigrants.

If racism is reality according to EU establishments then what is the use of UN charter and other International platforms ? Legal immigration is done according to the International conventions.

Survelliance Systems are for national security not for playing games with legal immigrants , Why the EU citizens have to know how much money who is having ? and What any legal immigrant from non EU states to have and where that legal immigrant should work and even when that legal immigrant should have intercourse ?

Is Republic of India is any colony that EU citizens can have good lifes and earn millions from Republic of India, Arab world, Africa,Afghanistan and Turkey Etc ?

Aab bas hogaya . Better remove the embassies of the racist nations.

I don't think any Muslims would wanna live in an ex-Soviet nuclear site for an obvious reason. Let alone Eastern Europe.

The news doesn't mean anything us since it's an irrelevant country with little to no Muslim population (hence there was no backlash among Muslims outside).

Now, imagine if one of those Western European countries does that...

This racism is not with any religion , its with the skin color because even Isa ibne Maryam aka Jesus Christ is not white skinned but is of wheatish color similar like Arabs and Indians .

Republic of India should restrict immigration from EU countries who are doing violations of UN Charter.
ex-Soviet nuclear site
What do you mean?
By the way. Czechoslovakia in the 20th century was the most developed country in Eastern Europe. And possibly, still is. In socialist times, it was far superior by the standard of living to countries such as Italy, Spain, Portugal, and was slightly behind only the most developed countries of Western Europe.

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