I did not want to nitpick, as it is not polite.
But lets make it clear that the quote was - as is normal by West media - professionaly removed from its context.
Here is the original interview:
Unfortunately, I am not able to find any official authorized translation to English, not sure one was ever made. I will try my best to translate the key question/answer combo about the (illegal migrants) redistribution quotas here:
Will Slovakia continue to reject any (migrant) quotas?
We are talking about 120.000 to 160.000 people, who should be divided up based on the quotas. As a minimum I prefer directness, correctness and honestness. We have said since the beginning that the quotas are a nonsense, that we will not apply them, this is our position all the time and we have brought a (legal) action even (due to the way they were approved). If I saw the other countries, which are so much fighting for the quotas, that they actually fulfill their quota obligations, our position would not be so strong. But we are at least consistent in our "no", sticking to our position throughout. And someone is criticizing us, that we dared say no, but when we look at how many were relocated on the basis of the quotas, then you see there two big zeroes. Our position is legitimate and we will continue with it. Well, if I say something now it may sound strange, but sorry...(pauses) Islam has no space (trans. comment: priestor == space, miesto == place, this was likely intentionally mistranslated..) in Slovakia. We should say that we are a country which came to be in some specific way. Lets not may complete idiots out of ourselves. If someone wants to tell me, that Slovakia wants to be multi-cultural, that everyone will do as he pleases, that the traditions will be changed and that "that Slovakia" will change, then he goes against the fundaments of this country. I believe it is the duty if politicians to talk about these matters clearly and openly. I have said, I do not want (trans: emphasis on "I" to indicate he is not speaking for the government in offcial capacity, he would us "we" when he does so), for that a coherent muslim community would come to exist in Slovakia and I am saying it again. I do not want (transl: again he emphasizes "I"), so that there come to be several tens of thousands of muslims, which will slowly start pushing their agenda. I have spoken about this a couple times with the prime minister of Malta, he told me: "The problem is not they come, but that they change the complexion of the country."(transl. this was a citation which was incorrectly attributed to Fico in most english translations it seems). And simply we do not want to change the character of a country which is built on the Cyril-Methodian tradition.(transl. St. Cyril and St. Methodius were Byzanthine priests who brought christianity to Slovakia in 9th century AC, they also created the Glagolic, the first alphabet of the Slavs which Cyrilic is based on) On something, what is here for centuries. So lets be sincere, and say it cannot go that way. I feel very free in this, such confidence and national pride must be part of this new coalition. Even though it will not be always simple, I must appreciate the position of the coalition partners, that the government is working, the agreements are working, that is very important. I am used to, when I give a hand(transl. make an agreement), then it holds and this holds so far also for my colleagues, which is good for the fucntioning of this coalition government. And I believe, unless somehing outside (the country) happens, some signifficant extreme event, which would get the political systems to shuffle, that this coalition can hold full four years without problems.
Reg. Gulf countries officials statements.
Here is an actual official policy signed by a head of state declaring "any other religion" bar those recognized by the Quran as terrorist:
I would expect the King would have backed the law in one speech at least, but I do admit having to rely on translations and secondary sources thus unable to find one. Point taken.
In any case, apologies for using bold:
I personaly do respect the Saudi policy as their internal matter. I however ask ours respected in kind.
note: (I cannot post links, so you need to manual copy + paste those I wrote above)
I believe above full translation can help answer your concern.
You can call it bigotry that is fine. But the fact is Slovaks fought almost 200 years to get "our own" country. We simply do not want to be guests in our own home again as we were for 1000 years previous. This is not xenophobia. We do understand islam, we have very friendly relations with most muslim countries. But we simply want none of what we see happening in Western Europe metropolises these days. We do not want a shadow government and a shadow law system to exist. Why no space for "islam", well, no other religion but the one of the SA-supported fanatics in West Europe is so openly hostile to its host countries and their culture.
Come, visit, live in Slovakia. But when you try to push your worldview on us, we will push back. That is the message the PM was trying to make, and I personally agree with it as does the majority of Slovaks. You can call it bigotry. I would call it common sense.
EDIT: Grammar