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Islam Flourishes in China's Ningxia Region

Neither happy nor unhappy; hatred of an entire religion, or an entire community of believers, is a pathological condition. It is an illness. That is why I wished you a speedy recovery, and condoled you. It was about you, not about India, which is not infected, not about me, as I am not affected, and not even about those others, Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis and Chinese, who are affected by the disease.

If India becomes Christian, or Muslim, or Buddhist, or Hindu, due to the natural desires of the people, it is of no consequence. If these things happen due to coercion, administrative measures or use of force, that is an evil thing and should be resisted.

How that shows me as stupid is no doubt something you will get around to answering in the fullness of time. And, yes, I am a little relieved, not much more than a little, as you are still defending your indefensible bigotry, rather than thinking about the errors of your ways.

Of course for a person that has never read the Bible (Old Testament) or to study Christian history.

Especially for someone who don't knows why I hate that or other , I find you are quite arrogant .

And no ! I don't think I hate this religion just with your reasoning that you thought.
but for several reason who are just unknown in you that fact that I hate this religion, I have some tolerence but i have my limits.

Do you want I explain you ? ( I light your ignorance ) ( My reasoning maybe quite long, same extremly long )
Islam, Christian should be banned in China. Recover the culture of Han

True. You east Asians have been tremendously lucky that you were FAR from the middle East and Semitic culture. You guys have your old ways of life and it has benefitted you immensely. Preserve it and keep Semitic influence out for it will destroy you like it is destroying the Middle East, Central Asia, and the West.
I heard in the high of communism time back in 1970s, all cultures including the Confucius, Buddism, Muslim, Christianity, Han tradition, all are banned. the only doctrine is German originated, Soviet styled communism, led by Chairman Mao.
Of course for a person that has never read the Bible (Old Testament) or to study Christian history.

Disabuse yourself of that notion. I have read the Bible closely for a period of forty years, and I am a graduate in history. My favourite subject was European history and I am very familiar with the history of the early Church, as well as its subsequent development to date.

Especially for someone who don't knows why I hate that or other , I find you are quite arrogant .

I am, indeed, arrogant, and that has nothing to do with knowing why you hate this, that or the other. If you hate ALL religions, you are a rationalist, as are many of us, and may be agnostic or atheist. If you hate one religion over all others, you are a bigot. Again, as are many of us. It is as simple and as plain as that. Where does arrogance come into it?

And no ! I don't think I hate this religion just with your reasoning that you thought.
but for several reason who are just unknown in you that fact that I hate this religion, I have some tolerence but i have my limits.

You will be surprised to learn that your mysterious hatred, which you refuse to explain, is not entirely unknown to humanity as a defence. Others have used it before, and come out looking ridiculous. It is not a particularly sound strategy.

"I do not like thee, Dr. Fell,
The reason why, I cannot tell,
But this I know, and know full well,
I do not like thee, Dr. Fell!"

Do you want I explain you ? ( I light your ignorance ) ( My reasoning maybe quite long, same extremly long )

I suggest you practise shorter sentences first, and get your grammar and syntax under better control.
I heard in the high of communism time back in 1970s, all cultures including the Confucius, Buddism, Muslim, Christianity, Han tradition, all are banned. the only doctrine is German originated, Soviet styled communism, led by Chairman Mao.

He is a shllt person.
God save china with all man made religions and their conflicts in future .. World is facing the wrath and now it will be chinas turn to fight for religion as said by pope or mulla or monk or dr. almighty..
But one thing China need make sure that she will never allow islam to play any role in China's major matters. That is for sure to keep China stable.

I can only laugh at all the Indians on this thread trying to convince the Chinese that Islam will be their downfall. This only confirms what many people say about Indians and how much they fear Islam turning it into their own personal boogeyman. To the Chinese you guys have nothing to fear from Islam although they would be Muslims don't forget they will be Chinese Muslim. Just because they are Muslims doesn't mean they would be any less patriotic.

We do not give a fxxk to the pope or mulla or whoever it may be.

God save china with all man made religions and their conflicts in future .. World is facing the wrath and now it will be chinas turn to fight for religion as said by pope or mulla or monk or dr. almighty..

Who the heck do you refer to???

You must be kidding by calling Chairman a shllt person!!!

He is a shllt person.

We China will always limit the development of any religion. Otherwise, sooner or later some of them will become dominating.

There is no way China will allow herself to become some kind of religious fxxked-ups like those in mid-east.

Is Han culture banned in China? LOL.. banning any religion is uncivilized behaviour, all religions can and should be tolerated everywhere in the world. There is no other way, we must all live together on this planet after all ;)

That will never be possible.

if all chinese become practising muslims its basically good for india and the world. look at all the islamic countries in world. lol

You only have limited resources and you won't be able to feed that many mouths.

In this situation, do you want to control the growth of your population like what China does or you do nothing by let those new borns come to this world facing hunger???

Without controlling her population, China today won't be 1.4 billions, it may be well over 2 billions or even more. Who the heck will feed those extra people???

Where are all the necessary accommodation for them???

Even though these remarks are being made by random people on the Internet, not by those in authority, they are deeply worrying. For a short while, a rogue politician,Sanjay Gandhi, tried enforcing birth control procedures, including compulsory sterilization. While his policies were aimed at people across the board, it was the Muslim population of Old Delhi that rioted against him and his boot-lickers and frustrated them. And that was correct. The policy of compulsion followed was deeply repulsive from any democratic point of view.

How can any state artificially restrict the numbers of a group of its citizens? On what basis does anybody decide the racial, or religious composition of a country? Will the state next start executing its citizens because numbers have increased beyond the officially sanctioned limit?

And what was an Indian doing, echoing the barbaric sentiments expressed?

What part I get wrong about muslim about "men and women are not equal"???

Why do so many women get abused in muslim countries??? The ratio of women being abused in muslim countries are way over that in most non-muslim countries.

How about women's rights to access to vote, education, driving, dressing themselves, marriage and etc???

How many times women in muslim countries can choose those by their free will without being afraid of any repercussion???

Propaganda??? I do not need it to see through the truth.

To tell the truth, so far, Iran, Turkey, Malaysia can be models that women in these countries enjoy a great deal of rights.

Pork is known to have a special pathogen that can infect the brain, so unless its cooked really well, it is a very dangerous food. May be someone has more knowledge.

It was made haram for Jewish and Muslim traditions for good reason.

It is forbidden for Christians as well they just choose to disregard that law anyway.

Ningxia Muslim temples




The link to an album of all Muslim Temples in China:

A Ningxia Muslim portal (in Chinese):
ä¸*国清真文化 ä¸*国穆斯林概况--宁夏新闻网-回族

Magnificent. :)

It is a gigantic NO. Certain animals are not allowed to be eaten, especially carnivores. But Pork ranks the worst of these.
Which is interesting. I never knew they even had them in the deserts of Arabia back then.

Then there are organisms like bacteria, marsupials, spoonges, pufferfish, shrimp, krill, lobster, moray eels. which are in the grey area. Are they halal? Who knows.

Are you Muslim?

What part I get wrong about muslim about "men and women are not equal"???

Why do so many women get abused in muslim countries??? The ratio of women being abused in muslim countries are way over that in most non-muslim countries.

How about women's rights to access to vote, education, driving, dressing themselves, marriage and etc???

How many times women in muslim countries can choose those by their free will without being afraid of any repercussion???

Propaganda??? I do not need it to see through the truth.

To tell the truth, so far, Iran, Turkey, Malaysia can be models that women in these countries enjoy a great deal of rights.

Women and Men are equal in Islam. Regardless of what you see it doesn't change that fact and we Muslims do not need you to look out for our women anyway. How about China btw how would we even know how your women are treated your country controls all the media. Censoring parts of the internet really?? Oh yeah and I guess you must have forgot this tidbit from your history-

Foot binding - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Worry about your own women buddy. :rolleyes:

Are you living at 100 years ago??? What a dummy.

BTW, "Women and Men are equal in Islam", are you joking??? What kind of equal are you talking about???

It is forbidden for Christians as well they just choose to disregard that law anyway.

Magnificent. :)

Are you Muslim?

Women and Men are equal in Islam. Regardless of what you see it doesn't change that fact and we Muslims do not need you to look out for our women anyway. How about China btw how would we even know how your women are treated your country controls all the media. Censoring parts of the internet really?? Oh yeah and I guess you must have forgot this tidbit from your history-

Foot binding - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Worry about your own women buddy. :rolleyes:
What part I get wrong about muslim about "men and women are not equal"???

Why do so many women get abused in muslim countries??? The ratio of women being abused in muslim countries are way over that in most non-muslim countries.

How about women's rights to access to vote, education, driving, dressing themselves, marriage and etc???

How many times women in muslim countries can choose those by their free will without being afraid of any repercussion???

Propaganda??? I do not need it to see through the truth.

To tell the truth, so far, Iran, Turkey, Malaysia can be models that women in these countries enjoy a great deal of rights.

You got no part of it wrong, and answered your own question in your concluding remark.

My point is not that Islam is superior to other religions, or that Islam treats women fairly. It was simply that people should be allowed to worship in their own way in privacy. If someone voluntarily chooses Islam and to follow it, an administration should do nothing to discourage them individually. Certainly they have a right to engage with the religion concerned, at a central level and to seek to ameliorate its worst failures. But it cannot be banned, unless it encourages perversion and sadistic behaviour. Even at the level of women's rights, you were able to find example of Islamic nations which did not discriminate against women. So to generalize about any religion's treatment of women is not correct.
Muslim food, Christian food, Buddhist food, Atheist food :P (just joking, I know what you mean)

:) Well there's no such thing as Christian food and Atheist food in China, Muslim food (清真食品) is indeed a famous brand. Some of them are so popular that no one even realizes they are Halal food, like Beijing's famous Dong laishun by Hui Muslims. There're some tensions between Han and Uighur but no one questions Uighur's Kabab and Naan. On the other hand, Uighurs adopted some of the Han Chinese's cooking ways and use chopsticks as well. Food do bring people together.
To tell the truth, so far, Iran, Turkey, Malaysia can be models that women in these countries enjoy a great deal of rights.
So you are saying that in all the other Muslim countries, such as Indonesia, Tunisia, Lebanon and so on women have no basic rights. It seems indeed that you have been overexposed to western media like most people. I remember reading shocking facts about violence against women and rape statistics in the West. It was actually much much worse than most Muslim countries.
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