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Islam Flourishes in China's Ningxia Region

Actually, there is not much to worry about christianity since most christian countries are secular countries where state is above religion.

As long as it is common sense that religion can be controlled within state, I do not think there is much to worry about.

We remain atheist or traditionalist ( buddhist, taoist or confucianist ).

the only religion which I'm afraid for the time being is the Christianity.
Others I'm tolerant for the time being.

My city is wenzhou and it's true there are some conflict between traditionalism and Christians. ( not like the South Korean But I think in some time there will be a conflict because the Christians comments are insulting to their / our ancestors. )

I do think muslim is making a good choice that lamb is really better than pork.

lamb > beef, chicken > pork

I think the reason pork is so widely consumed is its availability. If all the world consumes lamb, there are really not that many sheep to start with.

Even beef is not enough for the world to consume.

Pork to have a special pathogen that can infect the brain, so unless its cooked really well, it is a very dangerous food. May be someone has more knowledge.

It was made haram for Jewish and Muslim traditions for good reason.

How about start educating your children men and women are equal??? How about there are no class distinction between different last names???

Dont tell me you were a minor Pakistani girl who was raped and then converted .................... :hitwall:

On Topic :

Truth will prevail many will see the light of the truth inshallah. and The new muslims are far better than Muslims coz they pratice islam after studying it . I hope we start educating our children Islam in true sense rather than showing them indian dramas and movies...........
Actually, there is not much to worry about christianity since most christian countries are secular countries where state is above religion.

As long as it is common sense that religion can be controlled within state, I do not think there is much to worry about.

I hope because if we look South Korea it's a coexistence with a lot of conflict christian attack buddhist people and remember you Taiping Rebelion who massacred Chinese culture kill/burn buddhist , taoist , confucianist people/Temple-Pagoda ( mainly buddhist ).

Christian history is really not good.

mainly the American Christian tries to convert the poor of our country I can not bear this technical Disgusting.
he takes advantage of their ignorance and their weakness for convertires.

Anyway everyone understood that I hate Christianity (for many reason ) and I have not particularly want to see this religion in our country ( there are others but mainly christianism )
Then they must be fake Christian, as true Christian won't insult other people, including non-believers.

BTW, there are lots fake believers. They believe solely to gain their personal or clique benefit/profits.

I agree about fake believers. Unfortunately there are too many people who claim to be religious while they are doing the opposite of their own teachings such as being tolerant, humble and polite; helping the poor and so on and so forth. In fact, some of them even lack basic universal human values.
We do not kill normal peaceful Uighurs. We only punish those Uighur terrorists.

I do not see increasing burkhas and beards on the streets of China.

There is no way China will allow fast increase in muslim population.

Likewise bro


Muslims have nearly Twice the Population Growth of Non-Muslims.

In China, Hans will be Declining from 2026 (When you achieve Zero Population Growth) and Most Hans would be Old.

While Each Muslims would have 3 Kids. So Muslims Grow by a Factor of 4 Post 2020:

= 3 Muslims - (-1 Han)

Sounds More Scary than India.

Good Luck to China with Islam!

China's policy on population control will change and actually is changing now already.

Trust me, it will never reach the level of percentage in india.

We will never make any minority population grow out of control.

Remember One Child Policy has been implemented since 1978 - More than 34 Years Hans have 1 Child Nearly 1.5 Generations.

While Muslims had 5-6 Children in that time.

And the Policy is nowhere being Diluted in the near future.

Muslims Doubled as a % of Population every 10-15 Years.

Even Today Muslim have 4 Children like Pakistan and Han have 1 Child.

With Increasing Salafism and Increasing Islamic Separatists nurtured by Pan-Turkic Ideologies, China is sure going to have a Hard Time with them!

Even though these remarks are being made by random people on the Internet, not by those in authority, they are deeply worrying. For a short while, a rogue politician,Sanjay Gandhi, tried enforcing birth control procedures, including compulsory sterilization. While his policies were aimed at people across the board, it was the Muslim population of Old Delhi that rioted against him and his boot-lickers and frustrated them. And that was correct. The policy of compulsion followed was deeply repulsive from any democratic point of view.

How can any state artificially restrict the numbers of a group of its citizens? On what basis does anybody decide the racial, or religious composition of a country? Will the state next start executing its citizens because numbers have increased beyond the officially sanctioned limit?

And what was an Indian doing, echoing the barbaric sentiments expressed?
Some fantastic Muslim food that are served in our Islam communities:

Grilled spicy whole lamb:


Assorted vegetable and goat meatball stew:


Braised cow tendon in spring-onion, red pepper, garlic and soy sauce


Rice flour cakes

Pan fry golden tofu (bean curds) with mushroom and spring-onion:


Deep fried sweet cakes with ground walnuts and sesame fillings


Stir fry mutton in garlic, parsley and onion sauce
I hope because if we look South Korea it's a coexistence with a lot of conflict christian attack buddhist people and remember you Taiping Rebelion who massacred Chinese culture kill/burn buddhist , taoist , confucianist people/Temple-Pagoda ( mainly buddhist ).

Christian history is really not good.

mainly the American Christian tries to convert the poor of our country I can not bear this technical Disgusting.
he takes advantage of their ignorance and their weakness for convertires.

Anyway everyone understood that I hate Christianity (for many reason ) and I have not particularly want to see this religion in our country ( there are others but mainly christianism )

My sincere condolences.

May you have a speedy recovery.
DO u want me to get in to the mud pool u are in right now coz i know i can post a alot of links abt intolerate secular shining hindia............. but i will pass as i dont want to be the troll feeder here.

How can you talk about mud pools when you have already got there? How do you justify mocking cases of forcible rape and conversion?
Actually, there is not much to worry about christianity since most christian countries are secular countries where state is above religion.

As long as it is common sense that religion can be controlled within state, I do not think there is much to worry about.

I do think muslim is making a good choice that lamb is really better than pork.

lamb > beef, chicken > pork

I think the reason pork is so widely consumed is its availability. If all the world consumes lamb, there are really not that many sheep to start with.

Even beef is not enough for the world to consume.

How about start educating your children men and women are equal??? How about there are no class distinction between different last names???

Looks like you have been fed some propaganda about Muslims. Men and women not equal? Also what class distinction between different last names? Are you a Christian, if I may ask?

You got that part right lamb, beef and chicken is all better than pork:

Pigs Pack Human Pathogens | LiveScience
Salmonella as a Foodborne Pathogen in Pork
Pork: Did Leviticus 11:7 Have It Right? | Perfect Health Diet
The Trouble with Pork, Part 2 | Perfect Health Diet
The Trouble With Pork, Part 3: Pathogens | Perfect Health Diet
Is Pork Unhealthy?
Antibiotics in the Pig Chow = Pathogens in Our Pork
Wenzhou is very westernized because most of its population has relatives living overseas. More importantly, it is one of the most inequitable cities with a huge wealth gap. It is one of the main sources of migrants especially in recent years, along with Taishan (Cantonese), Quanzhou (Hokkien) and Meizhou (Hakka).

I'd be worried if there were alot of churches in Shanghai or Beijing, but there aren't. A large wealth gap means that Christianity becomes popular, a small wealth gap encourages atheism. I think India should watch out on this one.

A very interesting observation. Neither condition encourages other proselytising religions. Perhaps yet another contingency table, with different contingencies other than wealth gap, is needed for each religion of conversions.
Then they must be fake Christian, as true Christian won't insult other people, including non-believers.

BTW, there are lots fake believers. They believe solely to gain their personal or clique benefit/profits.

they do not directly insult but the compositions of their sentences is denigrates / degrades our culture constantly so is an insult without realizing it and still added when it is totally wrong so they take us for idiots conclusion two insults.

A christian who say i'm not tolerant with others religions sorry it's to be christian especially if it's based on the old testament (I do not read the New Testament but as he was also crtiquer and we can look today/history....) .

for many reason I don't want christianisty in my country .
I consider american people like a christian extremist ( a majority people )
This is too much!

I think Hindu-Muslim 'enmity' is more about history than ideology.

Frankly, left to themselves, people learn to cope with each other's sensitivities. Hindus know not to play music going past a mosque, Muslims know not to slaughter cows in public. Both get together at festival times, to the outrage of priests from each side, but nobody gives a dam'. It is when politics comes in, or a manipulative administration, that there is trouble. Politicians need to differentiate themselves to win support; the cheapest path is to bound a group, claim that their particular way of life needs special measures, and that these special measures cannot be achieved without special representation. Therefore, vote for X, Y or Z. We have this going on not just between religions - there are several tiny but influential Christian parties in Kerala politics, for instance - but among other fissure points, such as caste. One caste-oriented politician is already being spoken of as a possible future Prime Minister. She can't do worse than some of the characters we have had.

Politics, not history, in my opinion.
My sincere condolences.

May you have a speedy recovery.

An answer based on an irony, but a contempt for the author I guess.

your arrogance represent just your stupidity, we can see the low quality of your answer. ( if we guess my reasoning is correct )

PS: don't worry that India becomes Christian or no is not my problem. I don't care seriously. ( I reassure you a little )
Happy ?
An answer based on an irony, but a contempt for the author I guess.

your arrogance represent just your stupidity, we can see the low quality of your answer. ( if we guess my reasoning is correct )

PS: don't worry that India becomes Christian or no is not my problem. I don't care seriously. ( I reassure you a little )
Happy ?

Neither happy nor unhappy; hatred of an entire religion, or an entire community of believers, is a pathological condition. It is an illness. That is why I wished you a speedy recovery, and condoled you. It was about you, not about India, which is not infected, not about me, as I am not affected, and not even about those others, Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis and Chinese, who are affected by the disease.

If India becomes Christian, or Muslim, or Buddhist, or Hindu, due to the natural desires of the people, it is of no consequence. If these things happen due to coercion, administrative measures or use of force, that is an evil thing and should be resisted.

How that shows me as stupid is no doubt something you will get around to answering in the fullness of time. And, yes, I am a little relieved, not much more than a little, as you are still defending your indefensible bigotry, rather than thinking about the errors of your ways.
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