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Islam and democracy

Freedom of Religion in India

See how lunatic Hindus treat to Muslims in so-called democracy of India .............

@Raj1990 @SarthakGanguly
Even if this video is real...

Dear bro - if I start posting the videos of 'Muslims' abusing (and doing much more) to 'Hindus', 'Sikhs', 'Buddhists' etc you will hang your head in shame. But this is not a thread on that topic. I will not turn this into a di(k measuring contest.
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Even if this video is real...

Dear bro - if I start posting the videos of 'Muslims' abusing (and doing much more) to 'Hindus', 'Sikhs', 'Buddhists' etc you will hang your head in shame. But this is not a thread on that topic. I will not turn this into a di(k measuring contest.

Then admit good & bad people are existed in every nation & religion and stop bashing on Islam ... I also can post lot of videos of depravity of Hindus against other religions that you may start nuzzle up on the soil in shame ............
Then admit good & bad people are existed in every nation & religion and stop bashing on Islam ... I also can post lot of videos of depravity of Hindus against other religions that you may start nuzzle up on the soil in shame ............
"good & bad people are existed in every nation" - Never denied that
"stop bashing on Islam" - Never 'bashed' any faith. Posting derogatory videos is called bashing. If criticism is what disturbs you....be my guest :D
There are only two properly functioning Muslim majority democracies in the world, turkey and Malaysia. Turkey works because it is a secular democracy and Malaysia works because they have various laws favoring the Muslims .
jizya is over and above the tax that you owe to the govt... thats how it was practiced ..right?
and zakah... you dont pay to govt, you pay to another guy... most of the time fellow muslim.. or an islamic institution... same way hindu donates money to whoever he wants.. sometimes to temple...

As far as i know Zakat was supposed to be paid to the state. The money is then used for the poor of the country only.
Don't you just hate it when people talk about something they have no idea about, Considering jizya, the poor do not have to pay it, neither do women, children or priests or religious establishments(of non-muslims) also in an Islami state, non muslims are exempt from military service.

And lets have a look at how much Jizya have to be paid, Imam Sha'fi (rh) has said that the contribution is 1 denar every year, most jurists agree with Imam Sha'fi (rh) on this issue. This is a minor contribution if you look how much zakah muslims have to pay.

And lets not forget that, that this is basically a tax system that pays for all the utilities that state HAS to provide.

Compare this to zakah, which every muslim has to pay regardless of social condition or gender. Muslim also have to take the responsibility of defending the state, including bearing the costs of any military expenditure.

Please do not burst their bubble they will have heart attacks.
1. It is a misconception that Islam is against freedom of speech. As regards speaking against Holy Prophet is concerned. Like in many countries freedom of speech ends when it comes to Holocaust.
In Europe there are laws against Holocaust/genocide denial. My understanding is that such laws were enacted as a defense against those who committed mass murder in the service of tyranny, not as a means to further tyranny.

2. In Islam there is no forcing.
Most of us know that this idea is far different from the actual practice: in majority-Muslim countries a person who converts to Islam under threat of death may not remain in the same community and return to his or her original religion, nor will any Muslim dare stand in to protect such a person.

I suppose forced conversions will only end when Muslims are permitted to change to another religion without legal or extra-legal sanction.

3. This is again a misconception. In islam whereever matter of human rights and equality has been discussed -
Again, the actual practice is very different. If a Jew like me appears in a majority-Muslim country I expect my life expectancy would either be short, or else I'd have to leave because it would be made clear to me that a Jew could expect little if any legal protection from Muslims.

(By the way, while many "Muslim" countries have signed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights most of these have quietly signed the Universal Islamic Declaration of Human Rights whose content declares that it supersedes the Universal Declaration and is subordinate to the Qu'ran itself.)

In general, I think Muslims like yourself are being blinded by an ideal and not paying due service to how it differs from actual practice. Medieval Christianity had similar issues; more than one theologian and philosopher realized that their societies and rulers behaved very differently from ideal Christians, and that if Jesus walked the earth he would likely have become a victim of the Inquisition.
Egypt is example of Democracy (failure)

And we will not enjoy true democracy because , we are servants since fall of Ottoman Empire Democracy is for people who are "free" souls


Are all examples of why democracy is not attainable because we are living in

ADMINISTRATIVE areas, and the ones who administer as are
watch guards appointed by selection process from Civilizations who attained victory in world war one and world war 2

If we were true democracy , then we would have "model leaders" free of corruption and would be elected and loved by majority , however in our reality which me and you live , we are GOVERNED by selected few choosen by foreign policy initiative of certain countries

We are not FREE because

a) We do not own technology Patents
b) We do not have / or get knowledge on latest research
c) Most people in our zones "zones = countries" merely make enough to get by
e) We do not have right to elect our leaders
In Europe there are laws against Holocaust/genocide denial. My understanding is that such laws were enacted as a defense against those who committed mass murder in the service of tyranny, not as a means to further tyranny.
Your post does not correlate to the essence of my post. My point was about concept of freedom of speech
Most of us know that this idea is far different from the actual practice: in majority-Muslim countries a person who converts to Islam under threat of death may not remain in the same community and return to his or her original religion, nor will any Muslim dare stand in to protect such a person.

I suppose forced conversions will only end when Muslims are permitted to change to another religion without legal or extra-legal sanction.

Just like Jew is by birth and there is no conversion; after embracing Islam there is no reversion. and person following other faith do not have a right to object on a religion's bye-laws.

Again, the actual practice is very different. If a Jew like me appears in a majority-Muslim country I expect my life expectancy would either be short, or else I'd have to leave because it would be made clear to me that a Jew could expect little if any legal protection from Muslims.

I don't think so. How many times Jew genocide has taken place in Iran? I think a sizable number lives there also. How many times Jews have been executed, when they visit Muslim countries, don't tell me they don't visit Muslim countries.

In general, I think Muslims like yourself are being blinded by an ideal and not paying due service to how it differs from actual practice. Medieval Christianity had similar issues; more than one theologian and philosopher realized that their societies and rulers behaved very differently from ideal Christians, and that if Jesus walked the earth he would likely have become a victim of the Inquisition.
My complete post which you referred refers to what Islamic preaching are, it in no way justifies what individual practices. KKK was and is run by Christians, does that mean Christianity advocates what they practice?
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