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Jun 17, 2012
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Russia has deployed in Armenia state-of-the-art ballistic missiles capable of striking targets more than 400 kilometers away, according to a source in the Armenian Defense Ministry.

Speaking on the condition anonymity, the source told RFE/RL’s Armenian service (Azatutyun.am) over the weekend that several Iskander-M systems are currently stationed at undisclosed locations in the country. The source declined to clarify whether they were delivered to the Armenian armed forces or the Russian military base headquartered in Gyumri.

The Defense Ministry in Yerevan did not officially confirm or refute the information as of Monday.

Citing an unnamed Russian military source, the Russian news agency Regnum reported on May 15 that Moscow is likely to deploy the advanced surface-to-surface missiles as part of the ongoing modernization of its base in Armenia.

Designated by NATO as SS-26 Stone, Iskander-M is regarded by military analysts as one of the most advanced missile systems of its kind in the world. The system known for its precision was developed in the 1990s and adopted by the Russian army in 2006. With an operational range of at least 400 kilometers, its 7.3-meter-long missiles can overcome existing missile-defense systems, according to Russian military officials and experts.


Armenia - Defense Ministers Seyran Ohanian (L) of Armenia and Sergey Shoygu of Russia inspect an Armenian honor guard before talks in Yerevan, 29Jan2013.

Russian-Armenian military ties appear to have deepened further in the last few months, with Russia’s Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu and chief of the General Staff, Colonel-General Valery Gerasimov, visiting Armenia early this year. Armenian Defense Minister Seyran Ohanian held follow-up talks with Shoygu a mid-April trip to Moscow.

President Vladimir Putin and his Armenian counterpart Serzh Sarkisian also discussed defense cooperation when they met near Moscow on March 12. Sarkisian reportedly thanked Putin for “good progress” in bilateral military ties made since their previous meeting in December.

A Russian-Armenian defense agreement signed in August 2010 commits Moscow to helping Yerevan obtain “modern and compatible weaponry and special military hardware.” Russian assistance is vital for the implementation of a five-year plan to modernize the Armenian army that was adopted by the Sarkisian administration later in 2010. The plan puts the emphasis on the acquisition of long-range precision-guided weapons.

The Armenian military has been equipped until now with only Scud-B and Tochka-U ballistic missiles that have firing ranges of 300 kilometers and 120 kilometers respectively. The Soviet-era systems are less advanced than Iskander-M. The military makes no secret of its readiness to use them against Azerbaijan’s oil and gas installations in case of a renewed war for Nagorno-Karabakh.


The article mentions to the missile range is ~400km, which makes me have second thoughts about whether they are in response to Turkey's Middle East policy. Probably directed at Azerbaijan. Anybody care to (constructively) discuss?
I would imagine that everyone within 400 kms would. Honestly, just don't post if you have nothing to say. You probably don't even know where Gyumri or Baku are located...

ballistic missile is for big targets, the real deal is cruise missile


please fok of....
Good for Armenia to have a suicide button. When you cannot bear the misery anymore, push it and we'll put you out :)

I like your diplomacy bro with Armenian pimps
They should stop harassing Turkey, or Turkey will get the similar range Ballistic missiles from a friend in return...with Armenia not being so happy about it.
They should stop harassing Turkey, or Turkey will get the similar range Ballistic missiles from a friend in return...with Armenia not being so happy about it.

Turkey choose to host NATO's MDS in Russian backyard and now Russians answered by deploying Iskander-M in Armenia; this is as simple as that. Both Turkish and Armenian regime choose to be NATO - Russian tool. In reality this tit for tat deployment does not help security of neither countries but made them more vulnerable.
Turkey choose to host NATO's MDS in Russian backyard and now Russians answered by deploying Iskander-M in Armenia; this is as simple as that. Both Turkish and Armenian regime choose to be NATO - Russian tool. In reality this tit for tat deployment does not help security of neither countries but made them more vulnerable.

Don't compare the Nato-Turkey and Russia-Armenian relationship. Armenia is a protectorate, not an ally.
Wow so many haters. I'm not going to brag about Iskander missiles (even though they're better than anything Turkey has) because they belong to Russia and not Armenia.

@Aeronaut....Armenia had nothing to do with this decision. Russia can transfer any weapons it wants to the 102nd base.

Regardless, it's definitely something Turkey should be worried about.

Don't compare the Nato-Turkey and Russia-Armenian relationship. Armenia is a protectorate, not an ally.

Says the person whose country begged for Patriot missiles to protect themselves from big bad Syria.
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Wow so many haters. I'm not going to brag about Iskander missiles (even though they're better than anything Turkey has) because they belong to Russia and not Armenia.

@Aeronaut....Armenia had nothing to do with this decision. Russia can transfer any weapons it wants to the 102nd base.

Regardless, it's definitely something Turkey should be worried about.

Says the person whose country begged for Patriot missiles to protect themselves from big bad Syria.

stop trolling kid
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Hoasting other nation's weapons on your soil,turns you into a bulls eye too.
stop trolling kid

Uhhh, you can leave this thread if you would like. I never wanted to be confrontational, as I said in the OP. I haven't been on this forum for a while, but these new Turkish trolls are significantly dumber than the old ones (even though they were equally confrontation).

Hoasting other nation's weapons on your soil,turns you into a bulls eye too.

That's true. But Turkey wouldn't attack Armenia for 2 reasons. 1. They would have to kill Russians to do so, which prompts Russian intervention. 2. Armenian Turkish relations are way closer to reconciliation than war. Ties would have been established in 2009 had it not been for heavy Azerbaijani lobbying. Just because the Turkish trolls like to pretend that Turkish government is a certain way does not mean that it is.

Besides, you are telling me that deployment of Iskander missiles encourages Turkish preemptive actions. Of course not. Iskanders are better than anything Turkey has.

Siktir git lan.

wtf is this nonsense? I know siktir translates to a certain 4-letter word, but thats about it :D
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