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ISIS: "We will raise our flag in Tehran"

If it wasn't for these so called Takfiri scum you would have turned Islam into a Religion of Grave worship and shrines which contradict everything prophet Muhammed (pbuh) said from the first day. Only a matter of time before all these Muslims by name and the ones in it for the money are cleansed. The extreme methods were necessary in order for the true image of Islam to be upheld before it was to late and these Pir's and Baba's had turned it into a business.

They want them to take over Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Bahrain, and what else....

This is pretty much a struggle for survival of our identity.
If it wasn't for these so called Takfiri scum you would have turned Islam into a Religion of Grave worship and shrines which contradict everything prophet Muhammed (pbuh) said from the first day. Only a matter of time before all these Muslims by name and the ones in it for the money are cleansed. The extreme methods were necessary in order for the true image of Islam to be upheld before it was to late and these Pir's and Baba's had turned it into a business.

Just to repeat, wait for the knock, MI5 are coming, my takfiri friend.
Sectarianism has been there since 1400 because of ahlu al bayt and sahaba fighting for power by using islam for their own interests . USA only made use of it to end terrorism waged against them .

Saudis shipped most of their dogs to syria and now started a heavy crack down on MB to secure themselves internally . The grinding war taking place in levant between islamists will diminish their capacity to threaten saudis internally.

When americans withdraw from Afghanistan a shia/sunni conflict will raise again and you will see an ISIL branch in afghanistan , significant part of its foreign fighters are afghans , so they would open another front with iran to drain mullah resources on other areas other than levant.

Anyway I agree let these animals finish off each other until it eventually leads to fall of both ideologies .

Only about the afghanistan part, the situation is different, since shia/sunni is tight with their ethnicities. Shia almost means Hazara and vice versa. Remember that Tajiks are also mullah's allies who are sunnis, like Ahmad Shah Masoud, the former Tajik warlord.
IThe extreme methods were necessary in order for the true image of Islam to be upheld
praying to Alla that the same people use these methods on your mother and sisters and other female family members and make you see all this .. and then they behead you all. as they have been doing with the backing of Saudi fatwas in Iraq, Syria and Pakistan
Not all Gulf , to be specific Iran , Saudi Arabia and Qatar but countries like Oman do not even give crap as they are neither sunni or shia
We can say all of them except for Oman. Oman is one of the few arab countries which has a wise leadership.
Only about the afghanistan part, the situation is different, since shia/sunni is tight with their ethnicities. Shia almost means Hazara and vice versa. Remember that Tajiks are also mullah's allies who are sunnis, like Ahmad Shah Masoud, the former Tajik warlord.

Same was in Iraq prior to islamism spreading there , once americans out you will find surprises in afghanistan especially after whats happening in syria and iraq , it will spread through every muslim country that has shia and sunnis .
Sale :P
I really dont care about their fornication's. its their money and its up to them how they burn it on themselves but funding terrorism and hatred is something that affects millions of people

in London one of the Arab prince was arrested after his servant was brutally murdered .. but due to the sensitivity of relations he was allowed to leave.. the prince was fucking his servant and before the murder there is CC tv footage in the hotel lobby and the lift where the prince was constantly beating him and hitting him in the sensitive parts.

I have been to London and seen their embassy cars outside the playboy mansion and the Casino .. like I said its no big deal.. they have stand by Mullahs who find them correct fatwas to stay on the correct side of Islam so who am I to judge eh?

as long as this sectarian fight and Islamic terrorism goes out of my country I am happy.. I dont care where LeT, LeJ or TTP retards die.. be it Iraq, Syria or Iran... for all I care .. I am sure they will be nuked and Nepamed by I Israelis and Americans along with their Saudi handlers once their job is done

Regarding the prince and his servant, it has been clearly established by the coroner (seen) that this poor servant, anus had been severely damaged by this dirty homo prince, who we all know if a regular person did this in Saudi - what would be done.

I firmly believe that the people who are getting their jollys at blowing other people up, are going to get it all back with interest, these takfiri are going to attack, and that will be the end of hookers and gold toilets forever.
Breaking news:

Iran is sending 2000 militia in Iraq to spread terror.
Just to repeat, wait for the knock, MI5 are coming, my takfiri friend.
I am no threat to MI5. I believe in getting your own house in order before pointing fingers at others.
So James Bond keep your Bakwas to your self.
We can say all of them except for Oman. Oman is one of the few arab countries which has a wise leadership.

Oman and Egypt , one main reason for morsi being disposed when he wanted to send Egyptian army and open " jihad" for egyptian youth to fight in syria . The military leadership then immediately carried out the planned coup to keep Egypt out of the mess taking place there.

This is what exactly sissi warned from , he said anyone fight in syria will return back as a potential suicide bomber or a sleeping cell of ISIL and other similar groups .

The heavy crackdown on MB in Egypt was to avoid those goons from igniting a christian/muslim clashes in Egypt just like what happened in Sudan next door resulting in its partition .

Many countries around the world are shipping off their unwanted animals to Syria most of them end up in the ranks of ISIL
Name one successful Modern Islamic state (that implements islamic law)?
I don't like the Royal family but atleast there is order and economic succes in Saudi, Qatar,UAE- slightly relaxed due to the amount of outsiders.
Same was in Iraq prior to islamism spreading there , once americans out you will find surprises in afghanistan especially after whats happening in syria and iraq , it will spread through every muslim country that has shia and sunnis .

No, I don't think so. The situation is complex. For example Turkic countries like Azerbaijan and Turkey are mix of Shia/Sunnis, but the probability of a shia/sunni tension is zero there. These countries, specially Azerbaijan, are highly secular, and don't care about this stuff. In Afghanistan, religion is not separated from ethnicities. There would be definitely tensions, but the main motivation would be ethnic tensions not religions. About Pakistan and Arab countries, You are right. About Indonesia/Malaysia, i don't have any idea.
If it wasn't for these so called Takfiri scum you would have turned Islam into a Religion of Grave worship and shrines which contradict everything prophet Muhammed (pbuh) said from the first day. Only a matter of time before all these Muslims by name and the ones in it for the money are cleansed. The extreme methods were necessary in order for the true image of Islam to be upheld before it was to late and these Pir's and Baba's had turned it into a business.

Instead the takfiris have turned Islam into a murderous cult (their version). They contradict everything prophet muhammad (saw) said. They go around killing innocenet people, they use criminality to implement their goals.

The takfiris & pir/baba shrine worshippers are the same in my book. One needs to read upon Islam themselves to see the true essence of Islam.





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