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ISIS: "We will raise our flag in Tehran"

Iran's support of Assad's massacres in Syria is back firing. They should never got involved in Syria. Now the terrorism is coming to their own doorstep...

This bloody war in the levant will take down both sunnis and shia arabs along with a pakistanized iran .
Unfortunately for Farsi, what they were trying to their neighbors will happen to them. Iran sectarian policy is backfiring as we speak.
got no love for Ayatullahs and Asad and Hezbullah they are just another version of fanatics... I am very open when it comes to criticism but I am not PC that if I have thrashed wahabis then I must thrash the Shias as well..
the world terrorism funding specially in my country is only from Wahabis and deobandi terrorists.. the FSA became cannibals and rapists themselves.. so they are no better than the people they are fighting

for any non Arab.. these all people are retards and subhuman and should be removed from face of the earth,...

we have paid for our Afghan experiement.. I pray day and night that Ryadh also pays for fueling terrorism across the globe too


It's the takfiri scum, that are destroying the image of the true religion of Islam, from Pakistan to Nigeria - these shit rags are killing as many Sunni as well.
unfortunately, sunnis seems to be the one that produce most of the islam terrorists today.

Iran send Military personal and aid to Syria and now face a threat even closer. Hopefully ISIS takes Baghdad and teaches the crazy Rawafid mullahs to never ever under estimate the Sunnis. :angry:
Saudi Halal dollars.. they do wonders... make blood spill like water

Mark my words brother, Saudi is going to get enormous blow back, and these dirty Sheiks and kings will be running on the aircraft with barely underwear on.
Whatever These Maniacs are doing in Middle east. I am ashamed of being a sunni.
We sunnis are such stupid freaks. .We create a preception out of no where. Then stick to it like it is some kind of Hadees. .Then we negate any logic presented to us And create conspiracy theories after conspiracy theories to proove our point. world keeps telling us .and then become hell bent on it destroying every thing in the way.
And only purpose is to destroy destroy destroy.
Look at Lybia, Syria, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan Iraq.
What have these so called Sunni forces brought exept death and destruction?

Why are we all gone insane? why cant we see simple obvious things?

Are these so called SUNNI militants the only creatures on earth who are opressed every where?

You keep saying Shia and Rafizi logic where there are shias like iraq syria iran. So what about Pakistan and Uzbekistan? No shias here.
And Afghanistan?
Hundred different logics, Shia Shariat American Ally Socialists Opressing locals and so on but one purpose, Death destruction.

And i know all you emotional conspiracy believing sunnis will start at me now without considering anything i said.

this is on both sides both shias and sunnis suck but you need to understand first what pushes people into radicalism in the first place and also shias are not angels either , they have killed over 100 thousand sunni civilians in syria .

the only solution to this problem is to forget about the khilafa and so called mehdi because that is what stupid sunnis and shias are killing each other over.

political islam basically , as long as we have mullahs in iran and mb islamists roaming around the region there will never be peace.

the best part now both sunni and shia militias have finally turned onto each other , lets hope they destroy each other for a better future for the region and the world .
I thought americans were stupid but it turned out they were very clever in what they did creating a sunni/shia bloody war where now both islamists from both sects are focused on destroying each other rather than the west.

Israel will surely make use of this by waging a decisive destructive war on syria and lebanon once the shias and sunnis there completely destroy each other.
that is true

Invading Iraq had 2 objectives
destroy Iraqi army
start Sectarian war that will implode the entire Muslim world.

its the modern rerun of Ali vs Mauviya... with far more devastation this time

Mark my words brother, Saudi is going to get enormous blow back, and these dirty Sheiks and kings will be running on the aircraft with barely underwear on.
respect for Ahl Baith and Sahabah stops me from curing that place otherwise I have no love for people who are funding butchers and cannibals across the globe
Saudi Halal dollars.. they do wonders... make blood spill like water
Ayatollahs also have their Halal dollars stashed away :D

On a serious note: Iran is quiet tough to crack unlike Iraq .

that is true

Invading Iraq had 2 objectives
destroy Iraqi army
start Sectarian war that will implode the entire Muslim world.

its the modern rerun of Ali vs Mauviya... with far more devastation this time

respect for Ahl Baith and Sahabah stops me from curing that place otherwise I have no love for people who are funding butchers and cannibals across the globe
While 1 . I agree with. The second is our own doing with alot of history behind it , its nothing new. Saddam got what he deserved
that is true

Invading Iraq had 2 objectives
destroy Iraqi army
start Sectarian war that will implode the entire Muslim world.

its the modern rerun of Ali vs Mauviya... with far more devastation this time

respect for Ahl Baith and Sahabah stops me from curing that place otherwise I have no love for people who are funding butchers and cannibals across the globe

both sunni and shia sects are man made , no one now follows or reads quran which has no mention of either ahlu el bayt or sahaba .
I agree with most part. But, I think US has nothing to do with this sectarianism. Mullahs, and gulfies are the ones who ignited this sectarianism. I think everyone should have learnt a lesson which is, supporting a terrorist group would always back fire you in the future. Mullahs were very happy when these goons were creating problem for US, and they were supporting these goons, and now they are reaping the result. The same would happen for Saudis as well. About Taliban, you are wrong. They are not that much hostile about mullahs as you think. Now, USA, and Israel are only watching these animals slaughter each other, which is a good decision. USA should not spend tax money to save these goons, like Iraqis, who would later hate USA for saving them from their savage brethren.

Before Iran was allied to such groups in its wars with Israel and unconventional attacks on western interests in the region. Today these groups will turn their guns directly on Iranian interests and allies .

With the fall of Syrian and Iraqi armies after long battles fighting an unending insurgency the turn will come for iranian backed militias and iranian army itself to take the battle like what happened in syria , mostly those fighting now for assad either hezbollah , quds force and iraqi militias with some remaining loyal syrian armed divisions .

This bloody war in the levant will take down both sunnis and shia arabs along with a pakistanized iran .

once americans leave afghanistan the taliban will surely put their focus on iran and baloch separatists will start their work .

The mullahs of iran did not understand the threat of igniting and supporting shia and sunni islamists in the past but today these groups will blow into their face and drain up their financial resources on endless worthless wars in multiple fronts .

I thought americans were stupid but it turned out they were very clever in what they did creating a sunni/shia bloody war where now both islamists from both sects are focused on destroying each other rather than the west.

Israel will surely make use of this by waging a decisive destructive war on syria and lebanon once the shias and sunnis there completely destroy each other.
that is true

Invading Iraq had 2 objectives
destroy Iraqi army
start Sectarian war that will implode the entire Muslim world.

its the modern rerun of Ali vs Mauviya... with far more devastation this time

respect for Ahl Baith and Sahabah stops me from curing that place otherwise I have no love for people who are funding butchers and cannibals across the globe

National Arab Armies kept sectarian militia at bay but when those national armies are broken you will see pandora's box open .

With Syrian and Iraqi army now destroyed the upper hand will be for sectarian based militias sunni and shia
that is true

Invading Iraq had 2 objectives
destroy Iraqi army
start Sectarian war that will implode the entire Muslim world.

its the modern rerun of Ali vs Mauviya... with far more devastation this time

respect for Ahl Baith and Sahabah stops me from curing that place otherwise I have no love for people who are funding butchers and cannibals across the globe

Brother have seen these pigs, up close and personal, seen the blonde hookers and these sheikds snorting cocaine off their breasts, using 100 dollar notes.

You, ever been to Monaco, Monte Carlo, Miami, these dumb SOB's made a lot of strippers and hookers millionaires. Some of them are on the job with us and others, so we learn there pathetic existences, and these sorry SOB's are in charge of the two holy Mosques.
I agree with most part. But, I think US has nothing to do with this sectarianism. Mullahs, and gulfies are the ones who ignited this sectarianism. I think everyone should have learnt a lesson which is supporting a terrorist group would always back fire you in the future
This part i completely agree with
ISIS is Palestinian according to @Hazzy997
still retards and butchers.. what difference their nationality makes?

looks like its the prelude to the greater Israel.. as far its map goes it includes some parts of Saudi Arabia too.. boy thats going to butt hurt the wahabis.. they will never know what hit them

I mean here they were.. fighting the Iranian Ayatullah retards.. and up comes the Israeli boot up their hairy arse...
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