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ISIS threatens to kill British jihadis wanting to return home


May 26, 2013
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ISIS threatens to kill British jihadis wanting to return home

Muslim extremists from Britain, who went to Syria and Iraq to fight alongside the Islamic State, are now desperate to return home but are facing death threats from the militant group's top leaders, a media report said.

"There are Britons who upon wanting to leave have been threatened with death, either directly or indirectly," the Guardian reported, citing a source with extensive contacts among Syrian militant groups.

The report comes after the killing of another young Muslim from Portsmouth on the frontline in Syria, the fourth to die from a group of six men known as the "Pompey lads' who travelled together to fight for ISIS.

19-year-old Muhammad Mehdi Hassan is understood to have died on Friday during the ISIS offensive to capture the Syrian border city of Kobani. Hassan was part of a group of five calling themselves the Britani Brigade Bangladeshi Bad Boys.

ISIS is an al-Qaeda splinter group and it has seized hundreds of square miles in Iraq and Syria.

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, leader of the militant group, declared himself as Caliph renamed the ISIS as Islamic State.

Al-Qaeda has distanced itself from the group, chiding it for its lack of teamwork in its aggressive, brutal expansion.

The former Guantanamo Bay detainee Moazzam Begg confirmed that he was also aware of dozens of British men keen to return to the UK but they were trapped in Syria and Iraq, in effect held by a group they wanted to leave, the paper said.

Begg said he knew of more than 30 who wanted to come back. They had travelled to join rebels fighting the Syrian regime of President Bashar al-Assad but had subsequently become embroiled with ISIS, some for language reasons – ISIS had more English-speaking members.

"When it becomes solidified as an Islamic State, a caliph and you swear allegiance, thereafter if you do something disobedient you are now disobeying the caliph and could be subject to disciplinary measures which could include threats of death or death," said Begg.

There are an estimated 500 Britons who have travelled to fight in Iraq and Syria. Overall, 24 Britons are believed to have died after travelling to fight in the bloody civil war.

ISIS threatens to kill British jihadis wanting to return home | Latest News & Updates at Daily News & Analysis

Whats the matter bitches did you think, it will be picnic or a video game. Kill few unarmed civilians rape some and go back to mommy and daddy .when you feel tired , Only way out is one way ticket to Meet Wahhabi daddy "Lucifer".
Whats the matter bitches did you think, it will be picnic or a video game. Kill few unarmed civilians rape some and go back to mommy and daddy .when you feel tired , Only way out is one way ticket to Meet Wahhabi daddy "Lucifer".
this news made my day
what a wonderful thing to happen. I hope these British wannabe terrorists are given the Jihadi rape treatment before being killed
Whats the matter bitches did you think, it will be picnic or a video game. Kill few unarmed civilians rape some and go back to mommy and daddy .when you feel tired , Only way out is one way ticket to Meet Wahhabi daddy "Lucifer".

They also make lots of money, that's something that encourages people to join ISIS, ISIS pays their Jihadists a monthly salary, maybe some 10,000-20,000 US dollars per month for each person, or might be even more, CNN reported that ISIS makes about 100-200 million US dollars per month of selling oil , they earn about 3,000,000-6,000,000 dollars per day of oil sales.

I would join them for 20,000 dollars per month !
I would join them for 20,000 dollars per month !
keep the following airstrikes in mind

hope you get to spend some money before the above happens

Hassan was part of a group of five calling themselves the Britani Brigade Bangladeshi Bad Boys.
bastards must have tried pole vault trick but failed as they do along Indian Bangladeshi border @Star Wars
They also make lots of money, that's something that encourages people to join ISIS, ISIS pays their Jihadists a monthly salary, maybe some 10,000-20,000 US dollars per month for each person, or might be even more, CNN reported that ISIS makes about 100-200 million US dollars per month of selling oil , they earn about 3,000,000-6,000,000 dollars per day of oil sales.

I would join them for 20,000 dollars per month !

That's not true man, these fools often come from wealthy families and have good jobs. They are only interested in the high they get from the religious drug. The money they make is used by ISIS to buy weapons and infuence.

OT So now these boastful, wannabe Shaheeds want to run away from the fight? Stick in there lads, your goal of death on the battlefield is so close!
bad luck wasteland, joins ISIS for 10k salary dies next morning in air strike

This is what happens when dumb *** kids playing COD get brainwashed . Now only way out is a one way ticket to hell

This is what happens when dumb *** kids playing COD get brainwashed . Now only way out is a one way ticket to hell
Lol well they should have taught of that before they decided to get involved in shit that didn't concern them. British need to cancel their passports so that coming back is not even an option.
I would join them for 20,000 dollars per month !

Wow,you would rape and kill innocents for 20k $ a month,aren't you a cheap sociopath.Go and join the "Bangladeshi Bad Boys" than ,and i hope those 20k buy you a nice coffin.
Wow,you would rape and kill innocents for 20k $ a month,aren't you a cheap sociopath.Go and join the "Bangladeshi Bad Boys" than ,and i hope those 20k buy you a nice coffin.

Are you dumb ?
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