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ISIS: Give over girls for 'sex jihad'

May be ISIS is not portrayed well in international media. They considered India to be friends when Indian govt was dealing with ISIS.

Girls stats that once captors told them "You are Indians, we have nothing against you. We consider you as our sisters."

One thing is for sure, Indians have now soft corner for ISIS irrespective of what west considers them.

That's because they already have enough shit on their table as it is. They're short on friends.

Did I say table? I meant plate!
May be ISIS is not portrayed well in international media. They considered India to be friends when Indian govt was dealing with ISIS.

Girls stats that once captors told them "You are Indians, we have nothing against you. We consider you as our sisters."

One thing is for sure, Indians have now soft corner for ISIS irrespective of what west considers them.
But also we dont know whether they are helping them by taking money from our govt or there is some influence from
there powerful supporters from the gulf region
Any way according to our nurses where most of them are Christians and rest are Hindus .ISIS gave them food ,water and protect them .They even take photograph with our
nurses .
They treated them nicely.
Is there any source (links) for all of this news?? Because i find it extremely hard to believe!!
Think of it as a Chemotherapy, healthy cell dies as well as cancerous cells. Civilians don't stay in a war torn city, those who stay are either collaborators or don't know when to run.

Not all afford to flee and leave their properties behind which is all they got.

Also, to destroy everything just because of some terrorists isn't worth it. The vermin should be killed with as little collateral damage possible, both human life's and infrastructure.

Majority of the locals aren't pro IS.
Not all afford to flee and leave their properties behind which is all they got.

Also, to destroy everything just because of some terrorists isn't worth it. The vermin should be killed with as little collateral damage possible, both human life's and infrastructure.

Majority of the locals aren't pro IS.

So you're planning to search for them building by building? They can just hide themselves among the civilians. How would you know who's who?

You fight terror with terror! Throw everything you got at them and spread the fear in their hearts, employ their own tactics against them by dispatching them (prisoners) to the shithole they so long for. As a matter of fact take no prisoner!

Not all afford to flee and leave their properties behind which is all they got.

What property? These motherfuckers want to establish a fucked up Caliphate, you don't wanna live under them. You RUN! No property worth living under ISIS scum! Something tells me those properties gonna end up confiscated by them anyway! So again! You either RUN or you fight to death.
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Wow, that is hard to believe considering those indian girls were Hindus (most likely) and ISIS is a extremist group you'd think they would justify raping them for being Kafir (non-Muslim) and Polytheists at that.

Hard to say what their motivations were.

I think it is a mistake not to assume ISIS is not a composite group with various groups inside it.
So you're planning to search for them building by building? They can just hide themselves among the civilians. How would you know who's who?
Are you suggesting to 'wipe off = nuke' a city of 3 million people.

Those Islamists exist in all countries with Muslims, some are active terrorizing some are inactive but dreaming of doing the same. Nuke the entire world while you're at it.
Is there any source (links) for all of this news?? Because i find it extremely hard to believe!!

All these nurses are malayalis.They expressed their expereince in malayalam.And can only find in our local papers and medias.
I know it is hard to believe.That is why we are almost certain they are under instruction from some of most powerful supporters in Arab Region.Another chance is our Govt might gave them money.Still we dont know.
Another possibility Indian agencies have tie up with former Iraq Army officers during Saddam Regime who now are also a part of ISIS.Any way there is some reason.
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Who is funding them and where are they getting all the finances? Let's think.....
Are you suggesting to 'wipe off = nuke' a city of 3 million people.

You tell the civilians to leave. Give em reasonable time to leave. Then you send scout units to see how's the situation, if scums had deserted the city then no need to bomb it, you simply move in. Of course even if its deserted its booby-trapped, if But think about it! How come a city of 3 million falls to 10,000 ISIS?
Its simple really. They already have enough enemies as it is. Don't fall for it!

Oh no, I still think they are the scum of the earth.

They shouldn't have put those nurses in danger in the first place.

I can't really believe what I'm reading. Are people this naive? :o:

more lie stockholm syndrome. You have to remember, what would have happened if those shells hit their marks? These Nurses could have left sooner if they weren't held hostages by ISIS.

And I don't think these nurses know what went on in other parts of Iraq.

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