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ISIS: Give over girls for 'sex jihad'

Contradictions...the nurses who were released yesterday, said those people treated them very well, and they were not even muslims. And now we have this report.
Too much contradictory set up can be seen in ISIS.Yesterday they protect and helped for the escaping of 46 nurses.
According to our local media.One rebel even told them that they are their sisters.
But these report show another face of ISIS .I dont know whether this report is correc.May be, may be not.Who knows.
I believe the story is not true...
They have spared 46 Indian nurses who were kidnapped by ISIS, Those nurses were untouched and unharmed returned to India yesterday.

More over girls said about captors "They were very polite, They themselves have not eaten anything due to ramzaan, but facilitated food of all times to us"
Wow, that is hard to believe considering those indian girls were Hindus (most likely) and ISIS is a extremist group you'd think they would justify raping them for being Kafir (non-Muslim) and Polytheists at that.
Contradictions...the nurses who were released yesterday, said those people treated them very well, and they were not even muslims. And now we have this report.

Well, if you don't believe this rape story then you can remember the fact that they've been putting bombs and bombing themselves in cities around civillians for over a decade.
Wow, that is hard to believe considering those indian girls were Hindus (most likely) and ISIS is a extremist group you'd think they would justify raping them for being Kafir (non-Muslim) and Polytheists at that.
i think they were christians
You don't understand ur nurses may not be Muslims or may not be from other sect ... These mother and sister fuckers are hungry of Muslims blood from very beginning ... It's nothing new all we need is an eye of wisdom ... They will be eradicated from the face of earth !!!
Wow, that is hard to believe considering those indian girls were Hindus (most likely) and ISIS is a extremist group you'd think they would justify raping them for being Kafir (non-Muslim) and Polytheists at that.

May be ISIS is not portrayed well in international media. They considered India to be friends when Indian govt was dealing with ISIS.

Girls stats that once captors told them "You are Indians, we have nothing against you. We consider you as our sisters."

One thing is for sure, Indians have now soft corner for ISIS irrespective of what west considers them.
Wow, that is hard to believe considering those indian girls were Hindus (most likely) and ISIS is a extremist group you'd think they would justify raping them for being Kafir (non-Muslim) and Polytheists at that.

But also we dont know whether they are helping them by taking money from our govt or there is some influence from
there powerful supporters from the gulf region
Any way according to our nurses where most of them are Christians and rest are Hindus .ISIS gave them food ,water and protect them .They even take photograph with our
nurses .They treated them nicely.
May be ISIS is not portrayed well in international media. They considered India to be friends when Indian govt was dealing with ISIS.

Girls stats that once captors told them "You are Indians, we have nothing against you. We consider you as our sisters."

One thing is for sure, Indians have now soft corner for ISIS irrespective of what west considers them.

Releasing your nurses doesn't vanish hundreds of their suidcide bombings and terrorism against civilians. They have just established their Caliphate, and what they are seeking exactly, is finding soft spots and sympathizers around the world, not making even more enemies. They have done the wise thing for themselves, and not a humanitarian gesture.

About this story, it may or may not be true, but don't forget the nature of this group.

Do you have a soft spot for groups like TTP, LeJ too? Well guess what? Those groups are considered not that bad compared to ISIS, its atrocities and savageness.
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Releasing your nurses doesn't vanish hundreds of their suidcide bombings and terrorism against civilians. They have just established their Caliphate, and what they are seeking exactly, is finding soft spots and sympathizers around the world, not making even more enemies. They have done the wise thing for themselves, and not a humanitarian gesture.

About this story, it may or may not be true, but don't forget the nature of this group.

Do you have a soft spot for groups like TTP, LeJ too? Well guess what? Those groups are considered not that that compared to ISIS, its atrocities and savageness.

Agreed. Thats stockholm symdrom to a degree. Its really not that hard for captors to treat their docile captives nicely, particularly when they are foreigners and ill treating them has no benefit but treating them nicely is a big PR coup.

PR is important in war and ISIS need it more badly than anyone else.
Is it even allowed to use Sex and Jihad in the same sentence? :unsure: This horny bunch needs a strong dose of bondage Jihad.
No counter terror teams needed anymore then, any hostages taken just bomb the entire building with everyone in it.

Think of it as a Chemotherapy, healthy cell dies as well as cancerous cells. Civilians don't stay in a war torn city, those who stay are either collaborators or don't know when to run.
these wahabi animals need to be burned alive

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