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ISIS declares ‘caliphate’

I cant see you in PDF for a while.Now it is good to see you again.
Gandhi is created by India.An outside power dont interefer here for that.
But here you are right .US gave them a golden opportunity.But they gave that opportunity to Iraq for their own interest.They cant find a Gandhi in Iraq.It must find by Iraqis themselves in Iraq.US wants a democracy that preserve their own interest.That is why they establishes Maliki govt.But creating miscalculation in US policy Maliki is emerged as a divisive figure.
Saddam was a dictator.But ISIS is a terrorist organization with global ambition and they created an Afghanistan in middle east.

Thank you for your kind words. Same here.

BTW Gandhi Ji was born in India

But he was "imported" from South Africa after his pro-British heroics there. Please read Gandhi Ji's role in Bohr wars.

thank you.

p.s. I hope you know my original comment was meant to point out "inclusiveness" in Iraqi politics and not to start an India Pak discussion. Right?
Thank you for your kind words. Same here.

BTW Gandhi Ji was born in India

But he was "imported" from South Africa after his pro-British heroics there. Please read Gandhi Ji's role in Bohr wars.

thank you.

p.s. I hope you know my original comment was meant to point out "inclusiveness" in Iraqi politics and not to start an India Pak discussion. Right?

Oh no.I dont even think about Indo Pak dimension here.
You are right .Gandhiji started his journey in South Africa.
But there is a striking difference here.He appeared in India after 150 years of British rule in here.
Noone deported him from India.And he fight against British without any one support.
But here US invaded Iraq .Destroy Iraqi Army and its entire infrastructure.Fact is noone in Iraq ask US for that.Now just check the case in Libya.People themselves started democratic movement.
People become inclusive when they themselves fight for freedom.Here Saddam was a hero for Sunnis.So US action against him create so much hatred against US and puppet regime in Iraq.For Sunnis Maliki govt is a alien govt and foreign puppet.Adding oil in to fire Maliki moron create such a policy.
In simple.US virtually enforce democracy against Iraqis when they are not prepared for such a movement.That is wby we cant see such a inclusivness in Iraq.
They dont give time for a further creation of inclusivness in Iraq .Us destroys that possibility enforcing infamous Maliki rule in Iraq.
I don't know if it's happening with you lot, but for the second time since yesterday (and largely due to fasting) I've misread the heading as ISI declares 'caliphate'. Lol.
This is just ridiculous and the main aim of all this propaganda to defame Muslims and crumble their unity
To my fellow countrymen who are in love with the notion of caliphate and ummah so much so that they are ready to go to any extent....know one thing and one thing only....

You will be a third class citizen in a caliphate.....you will be virtual(if not literal) slaves of the arabs. Our salvation lies with our own and with our neighbours.
To hell with these so called caliphs.
These barbarians, are talking and claiming foolish, They don't even remember the 4th Kalma and here they are talking about caliphate.

This is just ridiculous and the main aim of all this propaganda to defame Muslims and crumble their unity
Muslims don't need any body to defame them. hamari apni harkatain he kafi hein to defame us.

Is there any unity between so called Muslim Umma? Certainly not, from Iraq to Iran, Afghanistan to Syria, Palestine to Pakistan, bahrain to Saudia there is nothing but blood shed and killing in the name of sectarianism and religion.

ISIL member captured in 11 AM saying: "Please kill me now, I want to be with prophet and his companions for the lunch."

Soldiers telling him: "We will kill you in 2 PM so you get to wash the dishes."

Dr from Mosul is enjoying life inside the Caliphate:

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Wahabi/salafi dogs sponsored by their Saudi masters are causing havoc! How hard can it be to conduct some airstrikes to take these punks out?
Wahabi/salafi dogs sponsored by their Saudi masters are causing havoc! How hard can it be to conduct some airstrikes to take these punks out?

Air-strikes do no take out anything.

Ask Americans who conducted war operations in Afghanistan.

You need boots on the ground for fight insurgency.
Air-strikes do no take out anything.

Ask Americans who conducted war operations in Afghanistan.

You need boots on the ground for fight insurgency.

They are driving around in looted pick up trucks and other vehicles, now you telling me from satellites or aerial recon they can not be spotted? And taken out by airstrikes? The terrain is desert not jungle or high mountains like afghanistan so where can they hide? The yanks on purpose are not providing the iraqis the planes that is why they bought them from the russains.
They are driving around in looted pick up trucks and other vehicles, now you telling me from satellites or aerial recon they can not be spotted? And taken out by airstrikes? The terrain is desert not jungle or high mountains like afghanistan so where can they hide? The yanks on purpose are not providing the iraqis the planes that is why they bought them from the russains.

Do you know where the high-command of ISIS and Al Baghdadi are?

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