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ISIS declares ‘caliphate’

The surprising appeal of ISIS

A look at both ISIS’s written edicts and its tactics suggest that the group has gotten one important thing right: It has created a clear—and to some, compelling—idea of citizenship and state-building in a region almost completely bereft of either.
ISIS’s support comes from a direct appeal to Sunni Muslims as a religious and political constituency. It has made clear that it expects people under its power to take an active role in establishing a new Islamic state. And it has enlisted them in a project to assert the power of their religious community over the Shia, who currently dominate the territory from Iran to Lebanon.

During decades of independence, post-colonial Middle Eastern governments have failed to establish national identities strong enough to counter the attraction of violent, intolerant groups that promise members a genuine stake in their own futures. Whether in fractured states like Lebanon, Iraq, and Libya, or strong centralized dictatorships like Egypt and, before its civil war, Syria, Middle Eastern governments have ruled more by force than persuasion, eliciting only shallow loyalty from their people. As repugnant as its tactics are, ISIS offers Sunnis a rare opportunity: a chance, in effect, to be a citizen.
Good move!! It's about time all Muslims united around a "strong horse".

What this american fellow said there is noteworthy , fundamentalist Christians are waiting for arrival of the four horses of the apocalypse

white horse - interpreted as both righteous and evil
red horse - war
black horse - famine
pale horse - death
This is what we'll get when we pollute our religion by mixing in it the cr@p of the government and politics.

Mullah cracy is the worst form of government. It doesn't matter if a Mullah is Sunni or Shia. doesn't matter.

1400 years ago, the prevalent government systems used to combine religion and government.

Rome had "Son of God" ruler
Egyptians tried it too
And so did Arabs, and Persians.

Khalifa is nothing but self declared "hand of God" may be right hand may be left.

But that just a way to add legitimacy to the rule of man.

Not any more.

for the last 400 years or so

we as people have grown up.

We do not believe earth is flat
or wolf eats moon during eclipse
or God appoints a bearded Mullah as a ruler anymore

not anymore

government now must be a distributed system divided between judiciary, executive, and legislature

and at multiple levels. Federal, state and local.

No more Khalifas, and sons of gods, or divinely anointed appointed self declared dictators.

No more!


Fauji Bhai! welcome back bro :-)

It is "tales" not tails :lol:

Don't try to preach to Muslims your non-Muslim beliefs. Be straight forward and open.

Most Pakistanis here are very open, straight forward, and honest.

@FaujHistorian then will Muslims stop preaching their beliefs to Non-Muslims.
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Producing half-witted Mullahs is one thing
Producing top notch scientists and intellectuals is another.

Please keep the difference in mind.

Thank you

The scholars i mentioned are not half witted mullahs. They are intellectuals par excellence and great sufi saints.


Fauji Bhai! welcome back bro :-)

@FaujHistorian then will Muslims stop preaching their beliefs to Non-Muslims.

Islam is a missionary faith
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Islam is a missionary faith

Chrisitianity too is an evangelical religion.

Would you be in favor of Christian missionaries travelling to Islamic countries and preaching their religion the way Islamic preachers are allowed to preach like in New Zealand :-)

after all, Christianity is a much older evangelical faith. I know that is impossible, as the missionaries will probably get harmed. This is hypothetical.

I am curious as to why you don't want Non-Muslims preaching to you, when you seemingly want Islam preaching about itself to other Non-Muslims?
@Hyperion you've done and screwed up child, Aero will soon look for ways to depose you, reconstitute your armies oh glorious one and call back the sword of the empire.

On a serious note, who do we have to thank for this latest bunch of fundoos, and no don't just say KSA, specifics please?
Chrisitianity too is an evangelical religion.

Would you be in favor of Christian missionaries travelling to Islamic countries and preaching their religion the way Islamic preachers are allowed to preach like in New Zealand :-)

after all, Christianity is a much older evangelical faith. I know that is impossible, as the missionaries will probably get harmed. This is hypothetical.

I am curious as to why you don't want Non-Muslims preaching to you, when you seemingly want Islam preaching about itself to other Non-Muslims?

you call this same old childish rant an "exposition" of islam? :lol: you indians are kids even in your 40s. you guys can never overcome this butt burn of yours about islam, and this is an opportunity of @Character-Dheela to come in and teach about genetics
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