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'Iraq needs to name the states supporting Al-Qaeda before the UN'
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Published time: June 11, 2014 13:07


A burnt vehicle is seen during clashes between Iraqi security forces and al Qaeda-linked Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in the northern Iraq city of Mosul, June 10, 2014.(Reuters / Stringer)

Iraq should name and shame the countries supporting Al-Qaeda and lodge complaints at the United Nations against those countries if it wants to fight Al-Qaeda, an expert on Middle East affairs Zaid Alisa told RT.

RT:How serious is the situation in the country?

Zaid Alisa: I think the situation in northern Iraq particularly in Mosul in Nineveh Province is highly dangerous. It is deeply alarming and deeply worrying that Al-Qaeda has actually managed to seize and overrun the security forces and the Iraqi army, and to establish control over the entire city. This is the second largest city, and this basically should send shock waves right across the entire Middle East.

The bulk of the responsibility now falls on the American authorities who have actually not put their money where their mouth is, and they didn’t actually support the Iraqi army with the necessary equipment that the Iraqi army has been pleading and begging for, and has already paid for. The Americans have been dragging their feet about it, they have been having cold feet and it turned out that all the rhetoric about standing shoulder to shoulder with the Iraqi government and helping the Iraqi government to fight and defeat Al-Qaeda has turned out to be nothing but anti-rhetoric.

RT: Do you think Iraq will ever be able to curb the violence within its borders?

ZA: We have to look at the entire area, we have to look at why Al-Qaeda have managed to be revitalized and reactivated and to become so resurgent with having so much power and influence, and the answer comes from all this arming, funding, logistical support and even going as far as paying salaries to the Wahabi Salafist insurgents who converged on Syria, and actually all this funding going to Al-Nusra Front. The New York Times acknowledged that most of this funding and arming actually went to the most extremist group that is the Al-Nusra Front. Also, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of Al-Qaeda of Iraq, has acknowledged and said that the Al-Nusra Front is nothing but part and parcel of Al-Qaeda in Iraq and its leader Abu Mohammad al-Jawlani is simply a foot soldier of Iraq. And all those resources, the torrent of funding have been shared and divided up between the two groups. We mustn’t also forget that the strategy of Saudi Arabia at the beginning of 2012 was focusing on unseating and actually toppling Assad.

RT: What should be done to stop the violence and defeat Al-Qaeda?

ZA: What Iraq has to do is to take serious steps to actually deal with Al-Qaeda and the resurgence of Al-Qaeda by actually naming and shaming those countries and lodging complaints in the United Nations against those countries. Nouri Al-Maliki himself on France 24 has acknowledged that the arming and funding the political and media support has been coming from Saudi Arabia, which is hell bent on weakening, destabilizing and derailing the entire political process and democracy in Iraq.

The strategy of Saudi Arabia has shifted from simply toppling the Assad regime in Syria and using the huge influence and leverage of Al-Qaeda, and the leadership of Al-Qaeda in Iraq is basically from Saudi Arabia, they have used that influence to tell them to go and focus on Syria. With the failure to make any headway in terms of toppling Assad, the strategy has shifted back to destabilizing and weakening Iraq, believing that Iraq has been throwing its support and has been used as a lifeline to support the Syrian regime. So in order to topple the Syrian regime they have to weaken and destabilize Iraq. The other issue is that they have utilized is the protests that they have started inside the Anbar in Sunni areas.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.
ISIL is supported by various countries such as qatar , iran , syria and muslim extremist groups living in the west.

How do you explain ISIL only fighting opposition groups in Syria and not attacking syrian armed forces ?
How do you explain most Taliban leadership than ran from afghanistan are hiding with their families in iran ?

Most islamic extremists groups in the region are funded and trained by Iran and Qatar such as hezbollah , taliban , hamas , Jihad al islam and all the remaining crappy islamist groups .
Somebody needs to stop this jihadist takeover of Iraq.

The whole Middle East is going on fire. You can blame the creation of Israel and wars in the region. Before the war Iraq was secular, religion had no role in politics. Only after the war and developments in the 80-90s was a toll taken on secularism. So basically, the neo-cons who were proudly supporting these wars and Israel have created this mess. Now they regret their decisions, hatred got the most out of them.

Too bad.

ISIL is supported by various countries such as qatar , iran , syria and muslim extremist groups living in the west.

How do you explain ISIL only fighting opposition groups in Syria and not attacking syrian armed forces ?
How do you explain most Taliban leadership than ran from afghanistan are hiding with their families in iran ?

Most islamic extremists groups in the region are funded and trained by Iran and Qatar such as hezbollah , taliban , hamas , Jihad al islam and all the remaining crappy islamist groups .

Hamas and Hezbollah extremist? They're moderate.
The whole Middle East is going on fire. You can blame the creation of Israel and wars in the region. Before the war Iraq was secular, religion had no role in politics. Only after the war and developments in the 80-90s was a toll taken on secularism. So basically, the neo-cons who were proudly supporting these wars and Israel have created this mess. Now they regret their decisions, hatred got the most out of them.

Too bad.

Whatever be the history, these jihadists need to be stopped. This won't be good for Mid-East and the world.
Whatever be the history, these jihadists need to be stopped. This won't be good for Mid-East and the world.

Not only Jihadists but those who support them such as Iran and Qatar never to forget talbanized muslim clowns living in the west
Whatever be the history, these jihadists need to be stopped. This won't be good for Mid-East and the world.

The history matters, since there's no going back. This is the product of what I explained. If you guys didn't want this you shouldn't have been interfering in the Middle East and supporting the Israeli occupation for all these decades.

But no, you proved to the world that you side with oppression and hatred. So they can kiss my...for all I care. Everybody will become a 'Jihadist' if that means seeking self determination.
Who can stop you think?

You can't stop it with violence. You can stop it by learning how to coexist, stop using the people for their resources. Stop killing everybody in the region, stop supporting Israel and attacking Islam.

Everybody would have been secular if this is what you wanted. But, it seems people kept ignoring our warnings. Now that it's materializing all over the region suddenly you guys are looking for a solution. This is going to happen everywhere. Iraq, Syria, the West Bank will all be liberated in the coming years.

Nobody cares anymore, might as well just die with all this oppression they've been facing.
You can't stop it with violence. You can stop it by learning how to coexist, stop using the people for their resources. Stop killing everybody in the region, stop supporting Israel and attacking Islam.

Everybody would have been secular if this is what you wanted. But, it seems people kept ignoring our warnings. Now that it's materializing all over the region suddenly you guys are looking for a solution. This is going to happen everywhere. Iraq, Syria, the West Bank will all be liberated in the coming years.

Nobody cares anymore, might as well just die with all this oppression they've been facing.
Who will liberate Palestine and reconquere al Andalus???? the khawarij murders who kill only muslims did you think they going to liberate Kashmir or Palestine Chechnya Dagestan etc....
Who will liberate Palestine and reconquere al Andalus???? the khawarij murders who kill only muslims did you think they going to liberate Kashmir or Palestine Chechnya Dagestan etc....

Muslims will, not one group of nations or one group of military organizations. Don't keep thinking that Iran or Syria will would be able to do something like that. It's a holy matter which all of us will initiate.
Muslims will, not one group of nations or one group of military organizations. Don't keep thinking that Iran or Syria will would be able to do something like that. It's a holy matter which all of us will initiate.
Iran and Syria look for their interests I don't see hope in any government that claim to liberate al aqsa
Iran and Syria look for their interests I don't see hope in any government that claim to liberate al aqsa

Yeah I know, which is why we don't need governments. For a lot of reasons. Look how useful they are to our whole region. All brutal, corrupt, and sell our resources at the expense of people.

This is annoying, bro you need to realize that this is isn't about Sunni-Shia in the long term. It's about a wider issue. But, right now it appears Shia vs Sunni because of Iraq.
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