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ISI used LeT for anti-India activities: UN report

Its a tit for tat game; however RAW is not as strong or resilient to carry out coordinated attacks on its own merits.

RAW with KGB and KHAD wrecked havoc in Pak in the 80's, same in the present with CIA and RAMA but ISI is much stronger in terms of its reach and capabilites.

Telegraph newspaper reported a high level diplomat that everyone from CIA to MI5 knew what ISI does but lacked the courage to confront Islamabad.

Nothing new here; ISI is dangerous.

Good you believe that.....hold on to your statement till the next time you blame RAW for everything wrong happening in Pakistan....because according to some people here....RAW uses Pakistani Muslim Extremists against Pakistan......to stir unrest in Pakistan.......now if RAW people can convince a Muslim Terrorist to pick up Gun Against Muslim Country....they must be more dangerous.....

Words....they get you at unexpected places ...haan..
Its a tit for tat game; however RAW is not as strong or resilient to carry out coordinated attacks on its own merits.

RAW with KGB and KHAD wrecked havoc in Pak in the 80's, same in the present with CIA and RAMA but ISI is much stronger in terms of its reach and capabilites.

Telegraph newspaper reported a high level diplomat that everyone from CIA to MI5 knew what ISI does but lacked the courage to confront Islamabad.

Nothing new here; ISI is dangerous.

Use some brain this report says that your government is facilitator and sponsor of terrorism. This is no small thing.

If we have a strong leader like Indira Gandhi these types of reports can stop all the aid, donations, weapons and the action can be taken against the pakistan.

Alas we have MMS pro US puppet.
Wel brother... for your information Col purohit is cooling his heels in an indian jail.. unlike your hafeez saeeds mazood azhars who are roaming around freely on your streets.

And for whehter we where sleeping... ofcourse we where caught sleeping when they came... else these rats couldnt have come inside our terrirtory and killed all those people.... however after 26/11 the inteligence agencies have woken up and is working in coordination... which have resulted in foiling of lot of attacks on our territory.
Is there any proof against Hafiz saeed&massood azher???.Any proof????..Any proof that India has given to Pakistan against them???.The answer is a big NO...The onlything India has given against them is just false propaganda,with no valid proofs or claims.Then why they should'nt roam freely in a country??? just because of that An ABC country is Blaiming them with no Proofs.Well I am feeling sorry about those poor fishermens.Those Fishermens who are caughted by Indian Marytime agencies just because they were Fishing in Indianside because they got no Idea about Mary time boundaries of India Pakistan&they were without any help of navigation equipments.Those terrorists must be Super Man because of their extra terrestrial performance...
Please stay on the topic instead of doing a d##k measuring contest between RAW and ISI. Or about maoists or arrested fishermen or 1971. No point getting thread closed

The topic of the discussion here is a UN report that blames Pakistan State for using terrorism as an instrument of Foreign policy
Supporting terrorism in India? I think India already pretty much has it, being evident by the recent Maoist killings.

Blame that too on ISI.

What i meant was that Pakistan has become used to such news. Nothing new. Anything that happens in India, ISI is supposed to be behind it. Let's face it, they might have labeled the article as ...''ISI supporting Guerrilla tactics in India...'' which i think they would do, calling it terrorism would be like calling the Afghan mujahideen of Soviet war also terrorists.

So were the Mumbai attacks and other bomb blasts carried out by LeT in Indian cities 'guerilla tactics'?

There is a difference between guerrilla tactics and terrorism. When guerrilla tactics intentionally hurts innocent civillians, it becomes terrorism.

So, ya, ISI is using LeT to sponsor TERRORISM in India
Is there any proof against Hafiz saeed&massood azher???.Any proof????..Any proof that India has given to Pakistan against them???.The answer is a big NO...The onlything India has given against them is just false propaganda,with no valid proofs or claims.Then why they should'nt roam freely in a country??? just because of that An ABC country is Blaiming them with no Proofs.Well I am feeling sorry about those poor fishermens.Those Fishermens who are caughted by Indian Marytime agencies just because they were Fishing in Indianside because they got no Idea about Mary time boundaries of India Pakistan&they were without any help of navigation equipments.Those terrorists must be Super Man because of their extra terrestrial performance...

Brother.. if calling for jihad and killing indians which are caught on tape and insighting armed people who are ready to cross of over to india which was again caught on tape.. on the top of the evidence and dossier handed over by india is not good enough evidence for you... then no evidence would be good for you..!!! And also please note that maulana mazood azhar was facing trial in india when he was released in exchange of the hijacked indian airlines flight in kabul..!!! So don't try to think the world is dark by closing your eyes..!!!

And regarding fisherment both countries arrest each others fishermen who cross over each others maritime boundries... And you only know about the caught fisher men.. the reason they come back again and agian is that they where not CAUGHT BEFORE.. samjhe.. so these terrorists might have slipped in like that/.. one just need to have common sense to get it..!!!!
Is there any proof against Hafiz saeed&massood azher???.Any proof????..Any proof that India has given to Pakistan against them???.The answer is a big NO...The onlything India has given against them is just false propaganda,with no valid proofs or claims.Then why they should'nt roam freely in a country??? just because of that An ABC country is Blaiming them with no Proofs.Well I am feeling sorry about those poor fishermens.Those Fishermens who are caughted by Indian Marytime agencies just because they were Fishing in Indianside because they got no Idea about Mary time boundaries of India Pakistan&they were without any help of navigation equipments.Those terrorists must be Super Man because of their extra terrestrial performance...

massod azhar....................is a fugitive................he was freed for the sake of passangers of a hijacked plane................i hope that doesnt make him a saint???

does it?:taz:
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Pakistan India ney aisey hi lar lar k mar jaana hai........Aahhh...... UN did well to engage paksitan and india in a cold war again..... nice.....:-)

Lagey raho.....:cheers:
Pakistan India ney aisey hi lar lar k mar jaana hai........Aahhh...... UN did well to engage paksitan and india in a cold war again..... nice.....:-)

Lagey raho.....:cheers:

You are correct in this context.
Use some brain this report says that your government is facilitator and sponsor of terrorism. This is no small thing.

If we have a strong leader like Indira Gandhi these types of reports can stop all the aid, donations, weapons and the action can be taken against the pakistan.

Alas we have MMS pro US puppet.

Errr, sorry to bust your bubble but Indira was as puppet like as they come expecially for Soviets back in her days. Here are some reports to enlighten you.

Indira's India and the KGB - Times Online

Indiadaily.com - Indira Gandhi received funds from American to get rid of communism in India? Prominent Marxist leader Jyoti Basu drops the bombshell

She even got bribed by the Pakistani bank BCCI.

How the BCCI Gained Friends in High Places - Los Angeles Times
Where is the proof provided by UN for the alleged current links? Also the past?
Its a report provided by the organization that your president engaged to explore the event of Benazir's assasination. And your president's office has asserted that it is satisfied with the report.. He probably did not require any proof.
So whats new? The level of coordination, planning and sophistication shown during the Parliament attacks and 26/11 were evident hallmarks of a professionally trained organization. And with Headley even saying that serving PA members were involved, it just proves that ISI and its military masters haven't desisted from their proxy wars against India. And then they allege India is the one who desn't want to talk.:disagree:

The parliament attacks and Mumbai attacks were not in Kashmir.

The report for the most part talks about the ISI's use of the LeT as insurgent groups fighting the Indian Security forces in IoK and the various Afghan factions in Afghanistan, and does not conclude that the ISI supported terrorism ala the Mumbai attacks.

And 'sophistication' is not evidence in support of anything, because by that yardstick the terrorist attacks on GHQ, ISI, police academies etc. were far more 'sophisticated' and could have only been done by cooperation with an external intelligence agency.

And haven't we debunked the ToI nonsense in the Headley thread already?
wow! No unnamed sources.. A formal report from UN (with no Indian involvement) with an indictment against ISI for supporting terrorism in India.. Lets see how the Pakistani establishment (and Pakistani members on this forum) reacts to this...

Also, the report talks about the links in present tense and not past tense, indicating that the links exist even during the time of this investigation

The topic of the discussion here is a UN report that blames Pakistan State for using terrorism as an instrument of Foreign policy

Where exactly does the UN report place the blame for the Mumbai attacks, or Parliament attacks or any other terrorist attack (different from support for an insurgency) on Pakistan?
Where is the proof provided by UN for the alleged current links? Also the past?

UN doesn't provide proof of its statement. Proof is provided to UN so that they base their statements upon it.

If they say something, they already have a proof for it.

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