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ISI is far from RAW

When one views with BJP or RSS minde set my post seems rubbish....

You ppl say why dont the congress act aganist terrorist or extremist...when they act you have human rights problem....I am happy that Indira Gandhi didn't live Punjab to become another kashmir....when take stringent action like shooting down terrorist occupied in golden temple, there are problems faced public during situation like this...but bcoz of problems faced by our ancestors now the Punjab is in peace....ppl like you who have criticized the government when ever it wants to act on the extremism..nowadays bocz of fear of criticism and politicians who use such decisions for scoring petty political points, and now the government has fears take any stringent decision...forget about acting....

On 1971 war POW, She was assured by Bhutto...but dont forget wat happened to bhutto, his own country men betrayed him....so he couldn't keep his promise....so wats her fault... at least be happy that she just eliminated another terror factory and gave birth to new country....

Whats your problem with LTTE....every country has strategies and they plan according to them.... training LTTE was part of them...dont forget US trained Taliban during Russian invasion of Afghanistan....But Rajiv died bcoz of his own mistakes which he committed....

When the country is in turmoil, every prime minister does what Indira did....Who told Jaya prakash to give call for chaos in the country....You might have lost complete Kashmir today if she had not applied emergency....what if enemy had taken advantage of chaos in the country.....???

And court held that the process of applying emergency was wrong..... not the decision...you are speaking as if the BJP gives highest respect to court...just recently SC passed strictures on BJP gov in Karnataka....But what did Arun Jaitley say the "verdict is not the last , it will be revisited in the future".....as if he is a legal jargon above SC...even after this the shameful verdict BJP government is continuing in kar...

You ppl don't forget what did the opposition did when it came to power after emergency....When it came to power it had imposed presidents rule in all congress ruled states...Thats why ppl thought Indira was lot better than these morons.....Ppl didnt had imagined stories before reelecting Indira....dont have selective amnesia....Thats the reason the ppl of this country has allowed congress to rule for 54 years....

You talk about license raj, I accept it was mistake, But dont forget she brought 20 point program, Land reforms Act....It was bcoz other political parties like Janta Gov who didnt implement Land reforms act in states like Bihar, UP etc are still suffering from naxalism....see states like Karnataka, TN, which had land reforms act, there is no land lords having 1000s acres nor naxals...

When ppl have selective Amnesia they feel other comments as imaginary....Bcoz of you ppl like you who want miracles to happen without strigent desicion...Bocz ppl like you who criticize every stringent decision.... Vjapayee didnt cross LOC during kargil and we missed a chance to Punish Pakistan....Miracles dont happen with out ppl like Indira....

sir i feel sorry for you entrapped in the times of post independence socialism with the congress party who killed 10,000 Sikhs in 3 days in New Delhi 1984, Indira Gandhi rather than accept and hear the Akali Dal's requests supported Bhindrawale who turned on her and became armed and rather than take him out when he was not sheltered she did not, only when the situation in the Punjab became out of control did she do anything read my posts above see how Indira Gandhi messed up life in the Punjab for Sikhs unleashing ruthless people like Gobind Ram to rape and torture women

operation blue star anti sikh riots Khalistan movement would have been avoided if Indira Gandhi had just listened to the Akalis and accepted the Anandpur Sahib resolution but her corrupt politics would not allow that the simplest move for flexibility in a inflexible structure BJP even helped Sikhs escaping the wrath of the congress party in Delhi some RSS even got in the way and sheltered Sikhs during the riots Kamal Nath, Sajjan Kumar, Jagdish tytler, still are active in Indian politics today despite the fact that several eye witnesses report they lead mobs during the riots

the only thing good during Indira's tenure was the 1971 war but she did not use the victory for gain instead giving Bhutto mercy at the Shimla agreement Kashmir conflict could have been solved in 1972 but Indira of course gave up gains on the western front and for what? temporary peace in the sub continent? the aftermath of the Shimla agreement haunts us to this day where Pakistan has nuclear weapons we can not respond with surgical strikes because of the threat of nuclear war

Indira Gandhi was a bane to India's existence 60% living under poverty line no economy no jobs license raj expanded the fall of the rupee, all this lead to the 1991 economic crisis, Indira Gandhi go to Punjab and see what they have to say about her tell me 1 good thing she did for India while in power?!?!?!?! i do not mean to troll but reading your posts about Indira and praising are really P***ing me off i have nothing against you personally but your ignorance is just really infuriating
@Krash and Major ....If both u said is true then Pakistan should not bother about our consulates in Afghanistan.

@Major ... I possible then go through P.Chidambram's speech in Sivakashi, TN when He was Home Minister of India.

The biggest threat ever is always an incapable idiot with a gun and money. I believe the word you were looking for is "worry" instead of "bother"......Yes we arent very worried about your consulates in Afghanistan, they will be dealt with.
That very first line of the article is going to burn so many rectums here.

BTW, the one difference about ISI and RAW is the obvious visibility quotient.

The ISI and its top brass at least is so much visible in the daily affairs of Pakistan.

whereas RAW is a total ghost when it comes to Indian affairs. Nobody knows anything about it. Heck, even the address of the headquarter is not publicly known.

All that Indians ever hear of RAW is only through Pakistanis and their media.

Otherwise, RAW is a totally silent organization.

Agree with the rest of your post except the RAW headquarters part,it's public knowledge.It's in Lodhi Road.
2003 Pic
^^In India inquire about RAW and most probably people would point to that ever popular WWE RAW. Very few Indians know about RAW or what they do or who heads it. There are few intelligence agencies who keeps such a low profile.

that is actually good. the more low profile RAW is the more efficiently it can work.
R&AW is a research and analysis organisation. It primarily does intelligence gathering. It does not have authority to conduct any military operations without the express authorisation of the PM of India. ISI is more or less a foreign and domestic intelligence agency reportable to the COAS of the Pakistani military. It is authorised to undertake covert and other forms of intelligence operations. Comparing the both is more akin to comparing an owl to a tiger :D
sir i feel sorry for you entrapped in the times of post independence socialism with the congress party who killed 10,000 Sikhs in 3 days in New Delhi 1984, Indira Gandhi rather than accept and hear the Akali Dal's requests supported Bhindrawale who turned on her and became armed and rather than take him out when he was not sheltered she did not, only when the situation in the Punjab became out of control did she do anything read my posts above see how Indira Gandhi messed up life in the Punjab for Sikhs unleashing ruthless people like Gobind Ram to rape and torture women

operation blue star anti sikh riots Khalistan movement would have been avoided if Indira Gandhi had just listened to the Akalis and accepted the Anandpur Sahib resolution but her corrupt politics would not allow that the simplest move for flexibility in a inflexible structure BJP even helped Sikhs escaping the wrath of the congress party in Delhi some RSS even got in the way and sheltered Sikhs during the riots Kamal Nath, Sajjan Kumar, Jagdish tytler, still are active in Indian politics today despite the fact that several eye witnesses report they lead mobs during the riots

the only thing good during Indira's tenure was the 1971 war but she did not use the victory for gain instead giving Bhutto mercy at the Shimla agreement Kashmir conflict could have been solved in 1972 but Indira of course gave up gains on the western front and for what? temporary peace in the sub continent? the aftermath of the Shimla agreement haunts us to this day where Pakistan has nuclear weapons we can not respond with surgical strikes because of the threat of nuclear war

Indira Gandhi was a bane to India's existence 60% living under poverty line no economy no jobs license raj expanded the fall of the rupee, all this lead to the 1991 economic crisis, Indira Gandhi go to Punjab and see what they have to say about her tell me 1 good thing she did for India while in power?!?!?!?! i do not mean to troll but reading your posts about Indira and praising are really P***ing me off i have nothing against you personally but your ignorance is just really infuriating

Good things done by Indira Gandhi were only in the period 1966-1974. After that, She Jacksh!ted!

1968 RAW Formed and IB was incharge of Internal Intelligence.

She was the only True Strategic Thinker India ever Got post 1947.

ISRO formed in 1969(Till then our Space Program was Junk under the Stupid Nehru)

1971 War tearing apart Pakistan into 2!

1974 Pokhran Test!

Her Politics with Bhindranewala to undermine the Akalis is what haunted her back, Which is why We had Operation Blue star!
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