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ISI is far from RAW

the fact that these people yap about ISI and there's media frenzy over it, means they are doing something right.

of course "these people" will say "ohh, but why is media covering it so much then" --well the answer to that, is that ISI is simply being scape-goated; simply it is being punished due to its recent policy of non-compliance, which i discussed in detail in one of the other threads

the organization itself is not a rogue one; its actually highly disciplined, hierarchicalized. Just because it stands for an organization that the indians often dread doesnt make them incompetent or not good at what they are paid to do.

in essence, the RAW does pretty much the same thing; only difference is, we view them as a hostile entity. Same way they view ISI as a hostile entity.

enemy countries spy on eachother, regardless of peacetime or wartime. Hell, even friendly countries do the same thing.

It's strictly business. Nothing too personal.
oh so you want the PM who enacted a state of emergency because she lost elections??? the PM who enacted presidents rule in states who were in control of opposing parties? the PM that sheltered and ignored the Sikh militancy caused separations in the Hindu Sikh community? the PM that is considered the most corrupt leader of her time? we need people like Vajpayee back in power or Modi Advani etc i know they have blood of innocents on there hands but you have to admit they have something CONgress leaders don't SPINES

If one views Indira Gandhi with BJP mind set then i cant help....She was the lady who single handly opposed USA, remember INDIA was the only country after the world war 2 to independent a country through war.....India was the only country after world war 2, who captured more than 90000 prisoners of war...and i have many more...but i think this is enough....

But i will come to your points about Sikhs....what one prime minister can do when some extremists wage war against her country with weapons...do you mean a prime minister sit and see disintegrating his country...??? but you may say she should have talks with them....my dear friend you cant speak with ppl who have are brained washed with religious believes....and her action against these extremist made her manly prime minister....

You speak about vajpayee.....dont forget kargil happened during his time.....and i feel ashamed to speak about modi....man who orders to reduce the volume of the mike during namaz...order to encounter innocent young MPs....taking advantage of Blast in countries to gain petty political points...and many more....i think dont need to say more...most ppl know it...

And about presidents rule.....do research before commenting things like that....none of are her emergency are challenged in court

Lastly about emergency....when some one orders for a chaos in the country...every prime minister in this world would do the same and she is not responsible for the way the emergency was conducted by police....But dont forget ppl reelected her as prime minister....

All this makes her manly.....not by running behind the bushes to cover there A** like present minister and politicians...
A very ingenious way of writing an article to bring out your anti-Pakistan mindset and yet again bash your enemy.

Well done to the writer.

Nothing better can be expected from across the border.

If the writer wanted to discuss RAW, then he should have done it, why bringing in ISI or the people of Pakistan or the past.

He seriously needed to satisfy his ego by bringing in Pakistan, simple as that.
If one views Indira Gandhi with BJP mind set then i cant help....She was the lady who single handly opposed USA, remember INDIA was the only country after the world war 2 to independent a country through war.....India was the only country after world war 2, who captured more than 90000 prisoners of war...and i have many more...but i think this is enough....

But i will come to your points about Sikhs....what one prime minister can do when some extremists wage war against her country with weapons...do you mean a prime minister sit and see disintegrating his country...??? but you may say she should have talks with them....my dear friend you cant speak with ppl who have are brained washed with religious believes....and her action against these extremist made her manly prime minister....

You speak about vajpayee.....dont forget kargil happened during his time.....and i feel ashamed to speak about modi....man who orders to reduce the volume of the mike during namaz...order to encounter innocent young MPs....taking advantage of Blast in countries to gain petty political points...and many more....i think dont need to say more...most ppl know it...

And about presidents rule.....do research before commenting things like that....none of are her emergency are challenged in court

Lastly about emergency....when some one orders for a chaos in the country...every prime minister in this world would do the same and she is not responsible for the way the emergency was conducted by police....But dont forget ppl reelected her as prime minister....

All this makes her manly.....not by running behind the bushes to cover there A** like present minister and politicians...

Sikh extremism? she caused that when she refused to listen to the Akali Dal's requests and when she sent the Indian army to destroy the Sikhs holiest shrine, she was the one who supported Jarnial Singh as a counter balance to the Akalis, when Jarnail Singh turned on Indira she tried to take him out, Jarnail singh then had to take shelter in the golden temple and rather than giving him a clean chit she instead decided to kill him along with civilians by sending in the army, not to mention the abuses that followed afterwards SHUDI KARAN

by the early 1970's Indira was authoritarian rather than leave office she decided to take up 2 more years of office illegally through emergency rule

Vajpayee had a spine did you see that with Rajiv or Rao?

Modi and Advani are manly this is my response to you Indira was no strong person she was corrupt nepotistic and divisive she fooled Indians when her populist policies and stupid slogans of "garibi hatao" IMO she's better of dead she was the most useless leader India ever had 60% of the population under poverty no economic growth, the rupee declined etc these are not my personal views this is history
If one views Indira Gandhi with BJP mind set then i cant help....She was the lady who single handly opposed USA, remember INDIA was the only country after the world war 2 to independent a country through war.....India was the only country after world war 2, who captured more than 90000 prisoners of war...and i have many more...but i think this is enough....

But i will come to your points about Sikhs....what one prime minister can do when some extremists wage war against her country with weapons...do you mean a prime minister sit and see disintegrating his country...??? but you may say she should have talks with them....my dear friend you cant speak with ppl who have are brained washed with religious believes....and her action against these extremist made her manly prime minister....


Lastly about emergency....when some one orders for a chaos in the country...every prime minister in this world would do the same and she is not responsible for the way the emergency was conducted by police....But dont forget ppl reelected her as prime minister....

All this makes her manly.....not by running behind the bushes to cover there A** like present minister and politicians...

Kindly don't post rubbish. Indira Gandhi's only redeeming factor was the 1971 war, she was a disaster for India otherwise. She was responsible for destroying the economy by foolishly extending license raj even when it was beginning to become clear that the policies were not working anymore. Even the 1971 war was only a qualified success because she lost much of what was won during the Shimla talks. The Kashmir issue remains alive because of her foolishness in believing verbal assurances by Bhutto to get the Pakistani POW's back. She started the encouragement of Brindanwale to take on the Akalis & started a movement that ended taking her life. She ordered the training of the LTTE which ended up taking the life of her son among many others. She undermined the judiciary & emergency, contrary to your belief was to prevent herself from being thrown out of office(after a court verdict). She did not win after the emergency, the congress was routed. It only came back in 1980 because the opposition disintegrated. Indians had short memories then & they have imagined memories (like yours) now.
the pain of seeing my Sikh brothers suffer from 1984 to the end of the punjab insurgency is still with me, my Sikh friends have told me stories of young boys who would leave from their villages to go buy groceries in the city but they would not return because they had been kidnapped tortured and murdered by the police, they're families still wondering what happened to them not even having the chance to get their remains back many innocents were killed in "encounter killings" with the police

farmers who would work in the fields would be shot on the spot if the police suspected they were militants the rape of innocent Sikh women torture of innocent Sikh men you wonder why people still cry for Khalistan? this CONgress gov't has yet to punish those responsible for serious human rights violations and lets not forget the 1984 anti sikh riots in Delhi planned and carried out by CONgress leaders and activists , its quite a shame that this corrupt party split apart the hindu sikh community but fortunately Vajpayee and the BJP were able to repair the ties severed by Indira Gandhi and her corrupt regime
That very first line of the article is going to burn so many rectums here.

BTW, the one difference about ISI and RAW is the obvious visibility quotient.

The ISI and its top brass at least is so much visible in the daily affairs of Pakistan.

whereas RAW is a total ghost when it comes to Indian affairs. Nobody knows anything about it. Heck, even the address of the headquarter is not publicly known.

All that Indians ever hear of RAW is only through Pakistanis and their media.

Otherwise, RAW is a totally silent organization.

the only thing world know about RAW is that :
Nobody Knows Anything About It .

and the silence is so deep that one can even question the existence of it...

Well the silence can be attributed to two things: Either they are extremely good at covert ops or their presence is more like non-presence. The following post might hint at which is it.

The only manly prime minister this country ever had was Indira Gandhi....we need more like them....

Once an official told me that...After 26/11 Manmohan Singh asked the RAW Chief that why didn't they collect intelligence about the strike.....and the shameful answer was " Sir, we don't have assets in Pakistan, they are not even in single digits and we don't get any support on the ground because of the demolition of Babri Masjid, people are against of any support to us "

With no option the Prime Minister asked the Tri-service chief's, where 2 of them where ready to go for punitive strikes but the army chief asked for a weeks time for preparation.

Such is the situation of our preparedness, even our strength of Military Intelligence has reduced considerably.....will give you one example During Kargil war our Artillery generals were not knowing that Pakistan had weapon locating radar....due to this we had huge loss of artillery pieces and ammo storage....there are many other instance where the Intelligence doesn't even know about information which is in public data....

God plz save this country.....!!!!

The author of the article put it amply well: "Comparing RAW to ISI is like comparing a horse to a tiger". So even though calling RAW as silent as ghosts, characters straight from Tom Clancy's books, boosts ego and feels, sounds cool but reality tells us that they are only a little more than asleep or incapable. You take the pick, which ever fancies you the most.
As someone once said a popular spy in this world is usually one of the Incompetent ones.
ISI is a utter failure at domestic front. It is also designated as a terror organisation by US.
Kindly don't post rubbish. Indira Gandhi's only redeeming factor was the 1971 war, she was a disaster for India otherwise. She was responsible for destroying the economy by foolishly extending license raj even when it was beginning to become clear that the policies were not working anymore. Even the 1971 war was only a qualified success because she lost much of what was won during the Shimla talks. The Kashmir issue remains alive because of her foolishness in believing verbal assurances by Bhutto to get the Pakistani POW's back. She started the encouragement of Brindanwale to take on the Akalis & started a movement that ended taking her life. She ordered the training of the LTTE which ended up taking the life of her son among many others. She undermined the judiciary & emergency, contrary to your belief was to prevent herself from being thrown out of office(after a court verdict). She did not win after the emergency, the congress was routed. It only came back in 1980 because the opposition disintegrated. Indians had short memories then & they have imagined memories (like yours) now.

When one views with BJP or RSS minde set my post seems rubbish....

You ppl say why dont the congress act aganist terrorist or extremist...when they act you have human rights problem....I am happy that Indira Gandhi didn't live Punjab to become another kashmir....when take stringent action like shooting down terrorist occupied in golden temple, there are problems faced public during situation like this...but bcoz of problems faced by our ancestors now the Punjab is in peace....ppl like you who have criticized the government when ever it wants to act on the extremism..nowadays bocz of fear of criticism and politicians who use such decisions for scoring petty political points, and now the government has fears take any stringent decision...forget about acting....

On 1971 war POW, She was assured by Bhutto...but dont forget wat happened to bhutto, his own country men betrayed him....so he couldn't keep his promise....so wats her fault... at least be happy that she just eliminated another terror factory and gave birth to new country....

Whats your problem with LTTE....every country has strategies and they plan according to them.... training LTTE was part of them...dont forget US trained Taliban during Russian invasion of Afghanistan....But Rajiv died bcoz of his own mistakes which he committed....

When the country is in turmoil, every prime minister does what Indira did....Who told Jaya prakash to give call for chaos in the country....You might have lost complete Kashmir today if she had not applied emergency....what if enemy had taken advantage of chaos in the country.....???

And court held that the process of applying emergency was wrong..... not the decision...you are speaking as if the BJP gives highest respect to court...just recently SC passed strictures on BJP gov in Karnataka....But what did Arun Jaitley say the "verdict is not the last , it will be revisited in the future".....as if he is a legal jargon above SC...even after this the shameful verdict BJP government is continuing in kar...

You ppl don't forget what did the opposition did when it came to power after emergency....When it came to power it had imposed presidents rule in all congress ruled states...Thats why ppl thought Indira was lot better than these morons.....Ppl didnt had imagined stories before reelecting Indira....dont have selective amnesia....Thats the reason the ppl of this country has allowed congress to rule for 54 years....

You talk about license raj, I accept it was mistake, But dont forget she brought 20 point program, Land reforms Act....It was bcoz other political parties like Janta Gov who didnt implement Land reforms act in states like Bihar, UP etc are still suffering from naxalism....see states like Karnataka, TN, which had land reforms act, there is no land lords having 1000s acres nor naxals...

When ppl have selective Amnesia they feel other comments as imaginary....Bcoz of you ppl like you who want miracles to happen without strigent desicion...Bocz ppl like you who criticize every stringent decision.... Vjapayee didnt cross LOC during kargil and we missed a chance to Punish Pakistan....Miracles dont happen with out ppl like Indira....
No one should compare RAW and ISI. RAW has earned its respect worldwide. Few people always connect RAW with Mossed and CIA. Well, both are top class Intelligence agency. So, RAW is as par with Mossed if that is true. Otherwise why these top 2 organisation will have any link with RAW?

Also, RAW is silent Indian intelligence organisation. No one knows what How RAW works actually. It's just speculation. Ask any member here, 99% will not able to tell who is RAW chief. But everyone knows who is PASHA. So many bomb blast happened in Pakistan and not even 5% in India if one compares. ISI is popular agency who failed every time. RAW ?? What is that ?? 99% people will ask in India. :smokin: and its not RAW but R&AW (The Research and Analysis Wing) i think. :what:

Also, RAW is for external and IB is for Internal. So, RAW doesn't work in India - Most likely.
@Krash and Major ....If both u said is true then Pakistan should not bother about our consulates in Afghanistan.

@Major ... I possible then go through P.Chidambram's speech in Sivakashi, TN when He was Home Minister of India.
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