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ISI chief cancels UK visit

Pressure mounts on Zardari to call off U.K. visit


Pressure is mounting on Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari to call off his visit to the U.K. next week in the wake of British Prime Minister David Cameron's statement in India that Pakistan was exporting terror. While the Inter Services Intelligence chief Shuja Pasha is reported to have cancelled his visit to the U.K. as a mark of protest, the presidential tour is on the cards as of now.

However, till late Saturday evening, the Foreign Office had not put out any details of the U.K. visit as is wont though Mr. Zardari heads off on Sunday for France and from there to U.K. The Foreign Office is apparently caught between demands for a forceful response including cancelling the President's visit and Mr. Zardari's own insistence on proceeding with the schedule which includes launching his son Bilawal Bhutto Zardari as Pakistan People's Party (PPP) chairman in Birmingham.

Commenting on Mr. Cameron's observations while addressing a gathering in Sargodha, Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani wondered why his British counterpart had been silent in India about human rights violations in “Indian Occupied Kashmir” by the Indian armed forces. “It would have been better if he had talked about the issue there and won hearts of the Pakistanis,” Mr. Gilani was reported as stating by the Associated Press of Pakistan.

After considerable deliberations, Pakistan has also decided to seek an explanation from the British High Commissioner here. This was disclosed by Foreign Minister Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi.

Meanwhile, other political parties have also joined the chorus. Coalition partner of the PPP-led federal government, Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM), and principal opposition party, Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz), leaders said Mr. Zardari should cancel his U.K. visit.

Describing Mr. Cameron's statement as “lamentable”, the MQM chief Altaf Hussain — who lives in London — is reported to have said that Mr. Zardari should review his U.K. visit; adding that Pakistan has made many sacrifices in the war on terror. Similar views were expressed by Punjab Chief Minister and PML(N) leader Shahbaz Sharif.

What has peeved Pakistan the most is that Mr. Cameron made such a comment in India. This was made clear by Foreign Office spokesman Abdul Basit on Thursday when he said these statements could have been avoided; especially in India
Why David Cameron's words disappoint Pakistan | Wajid Shamsul Hasan | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

I was surprised to read the reported remarks made by David Cameron when speaking to Indian businesspeople in Bangalore this morning, especially when he said: "We cannot tolerate in any sense the idea that this country [Pakistan] is allowed to look both ways and is able, in any way, to promote the export of terror, whether to India or whether to Afghanistan or anywhere else in the world". These remarks are completely contrary to the realities on the ground, and are intended to embroil Pakistan in issues for which it cannot alone be held responsible.

One would have hoped that the British prime minister would have considered Pakistan's enormous role in the war on terror and the sacrifices it has made since 9/11. He seems to be more reliant on information based on intelligence leaks, despite it lacking credibility or corroborating proof. A bilateral visit aimed at attracting business could have been conducted without damaging the prospects of regional peace.

His remarks have come soon after the leak of US military documents about the war in Afghanistan and the alleged involvement of Pakistan's security institutions. As far as Pakistan's role in the war is concerned, it is sufficient to quote the Persian proverb: "Fragrance does not need recommendations of a perfume seller". The sacrifices endured by Pakistan are enormous. Since 2001 more than 2,700 members of the security forces have laid down their lives and more than 9,000 have been severely wounded. These figures far exceed the total casualties suffered by Nato allies in the region over the same period.

For the west, it may seem as though terrorism began on 9/11. But Pakistan's experience started back when the Soviet troops occupied Afghanistan. The invasion posed a threat to the "free world", so we were told, and Pakistan was declared a "bulwark against communism". We are still struggling with the devastating and economically crippling fallout with limited resources and in an environment of mistrust.

We should not forget that the resistance offered by the Afghans against the Soviets mesmerised the west so much that it bestowed the title of "mujahideen" upon them. The new madrassas – in reality, more like guerilla training centres – were financed in Afghanistan and Pakistan by the free world to recruit and train religiously fanatic elements as mujahideen.

The so-called intelligence leaks that allege Pakistani involvement do not have any credibility. The timing of the leaks is instructive. Just a week ago an international conference held in Kabul called for the need to stabilise the situation in Afghanistan through reconciliation, reintegration and the gradual withdrawal of coalition forces by 2014.

This conference offered an opportunity to stabilise Afghanistan by engaging antagonists in order to find a political solution. The overwhelming majority of the conference favoured this approach. However, a few factions within Afghanistan and some countries in the neighbourhood who are trying to dominate the country do not like the idea.

For the stability of Afghanistan and for a smooth withdrawal of coalition forces, it is important not only that the political process in Afghanistan should be led by Afghans themselves but also that the country's neighbours honour the commitments made at the Kabul conference of 20 July. Mere lip service will not bring stability.

Pakistan has proved through its actions that stability in Afghanistan is an imperative. Pakistan has taken firm action against terrorists and observes zero tolerance against foreign extremists trying to take refuge within its borders. More importantly, the democratic government in Pakistan believes in a stable Afghanistan and by extension a stable region so that all nations in the region may focus their energies on addressing the plight of their poor. Instead of manufacturing evidence against Pakistan, it would be advisable for us all to work for stability in Afghanistan through peaceful means.
please tell me how authentic are WIKILEAKS?? weren't they just "observations" from paid field observers???

weren't these similar to the whole "LEAKS" coming out of IRAQ before the invasion of IRAQ!!! these leaks have 0 CREDIBILITY due to past record!!

We all know what those 0 CREDIBILITY leaks from Iraq led to.. Dont we?? I hope you didnt say that these leaks are similar in that sense...
Yeh bilawal ke kitne **** hai??
Bilawal bhutto zardari??
Lolzz he is going to promote his son and MQM wants to stop him from promoting his son. So both are morons working for personal interests instead of Pakistan

And then people say why you support army

Too much of negativity in your mind, what makes u think MQM want to stop him promoting his son? MQM want Zardari's visit canceled bcoz of Cameron.

There are many others thing in which MQM stood against PPP(even they are in govt) to win the confidence of Pakistani people.

Too much of negativity in ur head.
Too much of negativity in your mind, what makes u think MQM want to stop him promoting his son? MQM want Zardari's visit canceled bcoz of Cameron.

There are many others thing in which MQM stood against PPP(even they are in govt) to win the confidence of Pakistani people.

Too much of negativity in ur head.
Please don't peddle Altaf as any better here, he should leave the UK renounce his nationality if he cares about Pakistan so much. Only then he can talk.
I do not know when the politics of family business will stop in Pakistan. This is a suicidal decision to bring this young boy into politics. People blame Army for interference but the same people promote this kind of childish politics. If people continue with the practice of dynastic politics , Army will intervene. Pakistan is not a family property of anyone while the Army serves the republic.
Too much of negativity in your mind, what makes u think MQM want to stop him promoting his son? MQM want Zardari's visit canceled bcoz of Cameron.

There are many others thing in which MQM stood against PPP(even they are in govt) to win the confidence of Pakistani people.

Too much of negativity in ur head.
Dude...Zardari is an A$$HOLE....But Altaf is bigger one....He is a citizen of UK ..He himself first should leave UK...He don't have guts to come to Pakistan and he says he cares about Pakistanis....He don't care about what cameron says...All he cares about is his politics...It was just his political statement...
This thread is like the english wickets at the moment, ball moving around all over the place. I have no idea what is being discussed over here now but i will speak my mind.
Most will not agree with this but i think Obama has a lot to gain from wikileaks. A black man in the White House has his limitations, the american establishment (pentagon) where not in his favour, for him to convince them to pull out of Afg is difficult. Most big armies keep investing in defeat, it is not easy to leave empty handed, USSR left after their economy had collapsed. So the wikileaks has created immense pressure from the US public to end the war. This gives Obama better chance to convince the pentagon. The president of change has yet to deliver any change or else the black president will only be remember for the color of his skin.
In this case or infact in any case when the US leaves they would need Pakistan to exert its influence over the Afg resistance to come to an agreeable solution for all. USA does not want to look like a loser, they want to install a govt in Afg which satisfies all the stakeholders but they dont have any control over the most important one the Taliban. Pakistan is the key if US has to save face in international community.
Some countries have their economy as their tool for survival others have other means not fully known and understood.
Mods I am just pasting this under many topics so that I could get the maximum awareness. if any nuisance, then feel free to delete.


Dear Pakistani Brothers and Sisters!

Pakistan is facing one of the worst floods in its recorded history. Hundreds have lost their life, thousands have lost their loved ones and Millions have lost their belongings. People have been forced to live under the sky and hope that some of their fellow country men/women would extend a hand of help and rescue.

While the Nation mourns and suffers this azab/chaos and looks to the Political leaders/admin for some sort of order and rescue, our PPP leaders are planning to have a party in UK and celebrate the begining of next of kin (aka Dictator Family) Bilawal bhuttos political career. Thousands of Pounds worth of Tax payers money has already been spent for booking of hotels and halls in UK. Even the recent Bashing of Pakistan by Brit PM has not turned any heads. Even the Army officials have canceled the meetings on their own. Have our Poitical leaders no shame? Have they no Character? Is there agenda to lead Pakistan to Prosperity or to secure rein of their next Generation on Pakistan? I believe the answer is not hard to judge!

When will we rise up and say enough is enough? This is our Pakistan. Remember, no matter how long you live in foreign land you will never be a gora. period! Doest matter if you have a Passport of not. One more false flag operation and you will see which group you blong to. Remember Pakistan is not Bad .. its only us who have handed our land to corrupt thiefs. Pakistan does not need your money, Pakistan needs you! Pakistan needs its sons and its daughters. One generation must sacrifice in order for the next to prosper on a strong foundation. We must protest what is right and what is wrong. We must take what is rightfully ours.

I would call all my Pakistani brothers and sisters living in or around UK to arrange a protest against Zardari partying in UK. Please call or arrange all your family, friends, colleagues to come forward and protest, throw eggs, shoes on these shameless looters. REMEMBER! Pakistan is yours. You own it! You are responsible for it! Stop looking at others to do your work. Now is the time to let all the Pakistanis know that "WE WILL NOT LET THIS CONTINUE, WE WILL PROTEST AND STOP THESE LOOTERS FROM MAKING FUN OF US"

I have never been to UK so I dont know where to gather or what Pakistani societies are active in UK. I would welcome your comments on how to arrange this protest. Some one just suggest a place to assemble for this protest. Please pass this to different forums and forward this to all your friends.

When Pakistan i accused of something, Indian member have a field day and take out their rant and say Pakistan can't do anything.

When Pakistan takes a stand on something, then again Indian members come in and do their rant and go blah blah blah.

Will you guys ever leave something for Pakistani members to rejoice about and talk about ??

If ISI or Pakistan is taking a stand on something, what is the problem with you people, let us do it and let us face the good and bad out of it, you guys mind your own country.

ISI chief not visiting UK has nothing to do with India, but still Indian member came in and spoiled whatever good was in it.

For the highlighted part taimi its been happening for quite some time, almost every Pakistani thread either its on JF-17 or perhaps core Pakistani issues which has nothing to do with Indians, gets spoiled, derailed and trolled by many Indian members here. I for one strongly believe that the moderation policy of defence.pk should be reviewed and certain implementations should be made other wise i am afraid the standard of debate in threads will further hit downwards.

Lolzz he is going to promote his son and MQM wants to stop him from promoting his son. So both are morons working for personal interests instead of Pakistan

And then people say why you support army

Jana is seriously right ..

When law and order hits Jack, call in Army

When operation needs to be done call in Army

When dealing with Indian call in Army

When earthquake comes call in Army

When the floods come call in Army.

and in this case, for showing any sort of "Ghairat" Army.

Makes me think why are we paying for the civilian government.

then they complain army takes over !!

Where as they meddle in army's promotion systems,
appointing services chiefs
and removing them.
Jana is seriously right ..

When law and order hits Jack, call in Army

When operation needs to be done call in Army

When dealing with Indian call in Army

When earthquake comes call in Army

When the floods come call in Army.

and in this case, for showing any sort of "Ghairat" Army.

Makes me think why are we paying for the civilian government.

then they complain army takes over !!

Where as they meddle in army's promotion systems,
appointing services chiefs
and removing them.

Sorry for the intrusion, -

All the points you have given are the moral responsibility of the army during National crisis, army is not trained just to fight.
Army is under the command of the Chief, but the working of army and where to use it is under the Civil Govt.
If army becomes autonomous, then its a Uganda like scene under IdI Amin, or covert dictatorship.
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