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Apr 30, 2009
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ISAF and NATO has been playing games and Pakistan should put its foot down and stop all cooperation with these organizations.
A proxy war is being fought in Afghanistan,
Side 1 = US,NATO,Afghan Govt,India and Anti Pakistan Taliban
Side 2= Pakistan and pro Pakistan Taliban
Indians are not this much mad to support Hindu hating TTP which will create more problems for India after getting stronger. Anyway, Watch what Marhoom Farukh Khan of Swat University has to say about TTP.

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time for Pakistan to give some kind of punishment to the forces in Afghanistan for a limited amount of time , so they know you can do something
time for Pakistan to give some kind of punishment to the forces in Afghanistan for a limited amount of time , so they know you can do something

In its current state Pakistan can not afford to fight a war when there is political unrest within the country
at the same time there is a proxy war being fought in different parts of pakistan for for many different personal reasons
Economy is in a hole which seems to be in a blackhole itself
Military has no idea WTF is going on to begin with
Politicians in charge of the country are incompetent to begin with

at this time if we start something specially with US it could be very well be the end of Pakistan
this is not the time to be emotional (read art of war) thats the worst thing pakistan can do to itself

if we want change in Pakistan then Pakistan public has to take command from the corrupt and sold out politicans and throw them infront of a firing squad (literally) and start a new chapter in Pakistan
Now more then ever is the time for people of Pakistan to forget about their minor differences and stick together to get their country out mess (not sit around watching new fashions coming out)

When that Said...

WE are the People, look at the history of US when we declared independence from English we did not just sit around and said ohh well there will be France or Spain who will give us aid for years to come so we can just now chill out
NO first thing first they went on building better Navy in todays world Both navy and air force (and I am sorry if i hurt your lil feelings you emotionalist and very nationalist pakistani who thinks his air force can match anything out there ) but for that you need an infrastructure to go into place, there has to be progression in Pakistan which profits the common man not the wealthy or elitist.

Lets Start this change this change that will change the whole of Pakistan. First we need to start this change within ourselves. This also means the people outside of Pakistan who are still very patriot to their roots. Pickup a social program or start one which will help an individual or several individuals in Pakistan. Start this in your home cities and villages. Stay connected with them and give the poor the helpless a chance to fight and make their and our country a better place a country which is self sustained not on aid from US or any other country

****YOU Sir can make the change start with yourself*****
In its current state Pakistan can not afford to fight a war when there is political unrest within the country
at the same time there is a proxy war being fought in different parts of pakistan for for many different personal reasons
Economy is in a hole which seems to be in a blackhole itself
Military has no idea WTF is going on to begin with
Politicians in charge of the country are incompetent to begin with

at this time if we start something specially with US it could be very well be the end of Pakistan
this is not the time to be emotional (read art of war) thats the worst thing pakistan can do to itself

if we want change in Pakistan then Pakistan public has to take command from the corrupt and sold out politicans and throw them infront of a firing squad (literally) and start a new chapter in Pakistan
Now more then ever is the time for people of Pakistan to forget about their minor differences and stick together to get their country out mess (not sit around watching new fashions coming out)

When that Said...

WE are the People, look at the history of US when we declared independence from English we did not just sit around and said ohh well there will be France or Spain who will give us aid for years to come so we can just now chill out
NO first thing first they went on building better Navy in todays world Both navy and air force (and I am sorry if i hurt your lil feelings you emotionalist and very nationalist pakistani who thinks his air force can match anything out there ) but for that you need an infrastructure to go into place, there has to be progression in Pakistan which profits the common man not the wealthy or elitist.

Lets Start this change this change that will change the whole of Pakistan. First we need to start this change within ourselves. This also means the people outside of Pakistan who are still very patriot to their roots. Pickup a social program or start one which will help an individual or several individuals in Pakistan. Start this in your home cities and villages. Stay connected with them and give the poor the helpless a chance to fight and make their and our country a better place a country which is self sustained not on aid from US or any other country

****YOU Sir can make the change start with yourself*****

In your dreams , you haven't heard what china said .... if usa started cowardly war against Pakistan it will be act of war against china also and it will cause end of "samraj" of usa and they will dig their own grave , russia could also join the party to give nato a face palm.
In your dreams , you haven't heard what china said .... if usa started cowardly war against Pakistan it will be act of war against china also and it will cause end of "samraj" of usa and they will dig their own grave , russia could also join the party to give nato a face palm.
wasey i never expected this reply from you i mean again with the slave mentality dude forget china apney hath nahi hain kia jo mutaj hi ho ker rehna hai tum nai ?
wasey i never expected this reply from you i mean again with the slave mentality dude forget china apney hath nahi hain kia jo mutaj hi ho ker rehna hai tum nai ?

Again wrong USA is not alone neither small country they have NATO and other allied countries ,

China is our ally and friend they have supported us on every platform why should we forget them ? hum dostoon ko bhollany walay log nahi ..

wasey i never expected this reply from you i mean again with the slave mentality dude forget china apney hath nahi hain kia jo mutaj hi ho ker rehna hai tum nai ?

brother fully agree with you. We Pakistani's need to forget about any type of crutches if we want to stand on our feet.
Regarding the subject matter really find it strange that why our agencies have not been able to discover and apprehand any culprits/ agents of the anti-pakistan side & if we have why there is no show/ disclosure of such faces and dangers.

Look at India even if there is a rat from Pakistan, for them it is involves anti-India factors from Pak & its establishments.

There is something grossly wrong which needs proper attention at all levels?

In your dreams , you haven't heard what china said .... if usa started cowardly war against Pakistan it will be act of war against china also and it will cause end of "samraj" of usa and they will dig their own grave , russia could also join the party to give nato a face palm.

did you not read what i said earlier? except for the part you honed into with your blind nationalism

Pakistan needs to stand on its own feet and NOOOO China will not do a jack thing Chinese economy is very heavily dependent on US and western countries why would they throw that all away

Stop with this wishful thinking and start using your brains otherwise the last thread you have in your hand the country you call home will be lost and then who knows what will happen
As for going back to the topic of this thread

I do not remember which Ayat in Quran that states this but it goes along something like this " Jews and Christians will backstab you when they will see a chance "

The issue here is why in the world we have had our base to be used 1st thing. If they used it then why was it not asked to US to leave it after they had their foot hold in Afghan
Why is there so many blackwater and CIA agents roaming around free in pakistan ..where is the heck is ISI and what are they doing
Why isn't the Radar systems up to date
why communications failing when they are needed the most

We have shook hands with devil and now we are complaining why our soul is bound to him and to hell ? common on WAKE UP!!!
TTP is a terrorist organization whose lists of crimes are incomparable. They do not only attack Pakistanis but NATO and Afghan troops at every opportunity they get. It is outrageous to say that we are in anyway supporting them. Was it not one of Taliban factions who targeted and injured over 70 innocent civilians and Afghan security personal in a bomb attack near a NATO base in Afghanistan?

Conspiracy theories only give credence to the enemy, whose main purpose is to create destruction and mayhem. Do we not undermine sacrifices made by thousands from both sides, Afghanistan and Pakistan, in this war? We acknowledge the sorrow the Salala incident has caused the people of Pakistan, and our heartfelt condolences go out to them and especially the families of the deceased. Let us wait and see the results of the investigation before we indulge in further mudslinging, while in the meantime keeping the tight noose around the terrorists. They must not be the ones to benefit from this tragedy!

Maj David Nevers
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
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