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Is Urdu not Pakistan's official language?


Jul 4, 2010
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The article from TOI, please feel free to ignore the thread if you find the news-agency to be Orange/Saffron/Green or any other colour of VIBGYOR.

Can someone enlighten me, I always thought Urdu is the sole official language of Pakistan.

Plea to make Urdu Pakistan's official language dismissed - The Times of India

Plea to make Urdu Pakistan's official language dismissed

ISLAMABAD: A petition seeking to direct the government to make Urdu the official language of Pakistan has been dismissed by the Lahore High Court.

Lahore High Court Chief Justice Khawaja Muhammad Sharif on Tuesday dismissed the writ petition after the petitioner and his counsel failed to appear before the court, the News International reported Wednesday.

Sana Ullah, a local resident, had moved the petition.

He stated that the father of the nation, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, during his address to students in Dhaka in 1948 had announced making Urdu the official language of Pakistan.

He said that this wasn't done even after over 62 years and English was made official language of the country.

The petitioner said that the constitution had also laid down a provision to make Urdu the official language within a specific period of time, yet nothing was done.
Urdu is the national language and english the official one similar to hindi in India.
Urdu is the National language while English is the official language of Pakistan, English is the official language just as a formality there are hardly any people who speak in English. I don't know whats itching them to consider such useless issues when there is a lot at stake here.
Urdu is the National language while English is the official language of Pakistan, English is the official language just as a formality there are hardly any people who speak in English. I don't know whats itching them to consider such useless issues when their is a lot at stake here.

yar kia baat kar de ap nay!
yar kia baat kar de ap nay!
What i meant was that people don't speak English in offices, schools, collages as they should. I think only Cadets are coerced to speak in English at PMA other than that i have hardly seen any institute where its mandatory to speak in English, we mostly speak in Urdu, Dont we?
What i meant was that people don't speak English in offices, schools, collages as they should. I think only Cadets are coerced to speak in English at PMA other than that i have hardly seen any institute where its mandatory to speak in English, we mostly speak in Urdu, Dont we?

Coerced ?

A rather strong word to use .
Pakistan has any Punjabi TV channel? I dont think so. Its mother tongue of so many Pakistanis (approx 8 crore).

According to Wiki -

Though Pakistan has most Punjabi speaking people,without government support and patronage for Punjabi language list of Punjabi tv channels are not increasing.

Only 3-4 Channel.

India has only 3 crore Punjabi speakers still 20+ Punjabi Channels,
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Pakistan has any Punjabi TV channel? I dont think so. Its mother tongue of so many Pakistanis (approx 8 crore).
We have like 5-6 of them even Punjabi news channels, Punjabi movie channels & few others. There are channels of almost every regional language. we have channels in Sindhi,Pashtoo, Siraiki not sure about Baloochi though but i think there would be few in Baloochi as well. BTW you guys assume too much about Pakistan on your own, No?
I kind of said this on some other thread as well.
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Pakistan has any Punjabi TV channel? I dont think so. Its mother tongue of so many Pakistanis (approx 8 crore).

We have channels for all regional languages including punjabi. 4-5 Punjabi channels, several sindhi channels, many pushto channels, some siraiki and balochi channels are broadcasted in Pakistan.

India doesn't have a national language.

Hindi is the official language while English is a 'sub-official' language'

Hindi is not the official lang...atleast not here in South India....:no:

And English/(local lang) are the 2 official languages.
hindi is the national language..but many parts of the country do not speak Hindi, like in south and north east...but english is spoken all over India apart from the regional language of each region.
Hindi is not the official lang...atleast here in South India....:no:

Official language means the one used by the government (in it's papers/documents). Both Hindi and English are official, English is used as official in South (imo)

National language is something which is compulsory for all citizens to learn, India doesn't have any such language

---------- Post added at 10:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:58 PM ----------

hindi is the national language..

no its not dude
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