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Is Turkish defense industry’s ‘success story’ turning sour?

Fcuk them and fcuk everyone who share and spread their bullshit articles.

You know, I dont know this guy or this newspaper, but not everyone with a different opinion has to have an agenda.


On the topic:

The data on the imports can be interepreted in different ways and one way could be that companies anticipated the sanctions incoming and stockpiled supplies. So some projects have hit issues now, but the general trend is positive. And the exports growing are making sure that the development of new products will be financed.
It is obvious that indigenous endeavours take longer than alternatives. This apparent dip signifies the increased effort by Turkey to indigenise. When it comes to exports, many factors can effect that. You judge the success story by the overall picture over a long period, not by taking a snap shot of a very small time period and then extrapolating. I feel the article actually addressed enough itself to contradict that hyperbolic title, but it seem their underlying bias was too much to resist going for that negative headline.
wtf is stupid fckwit METIN GURCAN ?

He said that " The imports are overwhelmingly raw materials such as steel from Finland to make armored vehicles and intermediate products such as turboprop engines from Ukraine to make drones. The increase in imports is an alarming sign for the Turkish defense industry, underscoring its extreme dependency on foreign inputs""

1) ANKA-S and AKSUNGUR UCAVs use indigenous TEI PD-170 turboprob engine
yes AKINCI UCAV will use Ukraine engine but Ukraine is not terror supporter the EU country
Ukraine doest give a sht to Pkk terror organization and Ukraine is so happy to work with Turkey
Turkey gives Bayraktar TB-2 and AKINCI UCAVs to Ukraine and Ukraine gives AI-450 turboprop engine to Turkey
win-win solution

btw even Israeli UCAVs use foreign engine

2) Turkey bought steel from Finnish company Miilux to make armored vehicles .. ( and Turkish OYAK bought 70% of Finnish company Miilux )

as of october 2019 Finland's decision to halt arms exports to Turkey, but Turkish Oyak Group company Miilux does not include to halt arms exports to Turkey

and the armor plates, the raw materials of which are produced in Eregli/Turkey, have all the competencies in our Miilux Manisa factory to perform heat treatment and necessary shaping and have been producing since August 2019

so since August 2019 , Turkey's MANISA Oyak Miilux produce all the needs of high strength steel including steel armor without the need for outsourcing

Turkey has less than $1 trillion of GDP and still develops around 700 military projects .... No any country in the world with less than $1 trillion of GDP which develops around 700 military projects .. ( only Turkey )
and stupid idiots like METIN GURCAN says Is Turkish defense industry’s ‘success story’ turning sour?

Nobody can develop hundreds of military projects in a few years
10 years ago there were not indigenous systems such as

-- ANKA-S and AKSUNGUR UCAVs with indigenous PD-170 turboprob engine
-- SOM and ATMACA Cruise Missiles with indigenous KTJ-3200 turbojet engine
-- KORAL and REDET Radar Electronic Warfare Systems
-- CAFRAD AESA Naval Radar
-- EIRS Early Warning Radar
-- HISAR-A and HISAR-O Air Defense Systems
-- BOZDOGAN and GOKDOGAN air to air missiles
-- OMTAS and MIZRAK anti Tank Missiles
-- TRG-122 and TRG-300 guided MLRS
-- KHAN/BORA Ballistic Missiles
-- LGK , NEB , TEBER , HGK , KGK laser guided and smart Bombs

and many more

Indigenous weapons have changed the game in Idlib/Syria , also in Libya

and thanks to the US and the EU's arms embargo on Turkey
They will make Turkey as global defense industry when another hundreds of Turkish military projects enter service in the next 10 years
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The data on the imports can be interepreted in different ways and one way could be that companies anticipated the sanctions incoming and stockpiled supplies. So some projects have hit issues now, but the general trend is positive. And the exports growing are making sure that the development of new products will be financed.
AFAIK most of -SAN's have been working on alternative suppliers in case of a Western embargo. There is a long list of Chinese and Russian companies for subcomponents so I don't think this is a problem right now. The problem is, in the long term, Turkish defence industry is not profitable. And with the draining capital of state treasury, it would get harder and harder to finance all of these lavish projects.

When IBM faced with diminishing returns from their PC division back in the 90s, they diversified and nowadays most of their revenue stream is coming from their consulting business. This is what companies like Aselsan and Havelsan should do, they are more than capable to enter the biomedical market for instance, they also contain the required talent for telecommunications and nanotechnology within these companies. We can also share the technology for several subcomponents to foreign countries, integrating them into our supply chain. Pakistan, Gulf States, CARs and Balkan countries are perfectly fit for that kind of diversification.
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I would be careful with anything coming from Al-monitor since its an UAE mouthpiece with an anti-turkey agenda and that metin gurcan is full of shit. I also remember that he wrote 5 months ago that Turkey doesnt have any airdefences to defend tripoli and misrata yet today we know that there are G-class frigates deployed in the region. At the end thats how the author makes his money and there is nothing wrong with that but careful with this, its an opinion piece and one which is questionable.
AFAIK most of -SAN's have been working on alternative suppliers in case of a Western embargo. There is a long list of Chinese and Russian companies for subcomponents so I don't think this is a problem right now. The problem is, in the long term, Turkish defence industry is not profitable. And with the draining capital of state treasury, it would get harder and harder to finance all of these lavish projects.

When IBM faced with diminishing returns from their PC division back in the 90s, they diversified and nowadays most of their revenue stream is coming from their consulting business. This is what companies like Aselsan and Havelsan should do, they are more than capable to enter the biomedical market for instance, they also contain the required talent for telecommunications and nanotechnology within these companies. We can also share the technology for several subcomponents to foreign countries, integrating them into our supply chain. Pakistan, Gulf States, CARs and Balkan countries are perfectly fit for that kind of diversification.

In my opinion, defense tech is so interesting, because it is leading to innovation and eventually brings that innovation to civilians products. Our companies have not been doing that at all. Now I know that missiles will probably not have any civilian use cases, but other stuff does and thats where the money is.

Of course having the right political environment for our defense products to be attractive for export would help too.
Which was accepted by Adnan Menderes the guy who akpsheeps worship
Marhsall plan started in 48 till 52 in Tukey. Menderes came to power in 50. Inonu was in charge when Marshall plan started.
It is easy to critisize the Marshall plan and those in charge back then because hindsight is 20/20, but we got to consider it in terms of those times. WW2 ended a couple years prior, poverty was rampant, etc. So blaming and judging those in charge back then due to this is not exactly fair without looking at the issue as a whole.
In my opinion, defense tech is so interesting, because it is leading to innovation and eventually brings that innovation to civilians products. Our companies have not been doing that at all. Now I know that missiles will probably not have any civilian use cases, but other stuff does and thats where the money is.

Of course having the right political environment for our defense products to be attractive for export would help too.

So many of the stuff we use today comes from military innovations and funding.

Crazy when you think of it. Because wars have led to the deaths of thousands if not millions but also brought rapid changes.
When you consider the massive powers of a state to support r&d it’s not surprising that all that came from military projects.

IMO, build medicinal factories with government support, produce copy products (patent expired products, just like Israeli Teva does). Reduce import and even export to countries like Denmark. Payback debt to state, ensure this factory never ends up in foreign hands because they will drain it and **** it up, US companies, banks. Do this a lot. Which is why Teva never leaves Israeli hands.

Danish energy company shares was sold to US bank and they turned around and screwed Denmark. Danish politicians pretended it would not happened, but it did. In a last ditch, Danish retirement company gave the exact same offer as the US company to try prevent the sale to US bank.
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When you consider the massive powers of a state to support r&d it’s not surprising that all that came from military projects.

IMO, build medicinal factories with government support, produce copy products (patent expired products, just like Israeli Teva does). Reduce import and even export to countries like Denmark. Payback debt to state, ensure this factory never ends up in foreign hands because they will drain it and **** it up, US companies, banks. Do this a lot. Which is why Teva never leaves Israeli hands.

Danish energy company shares was sold to US bank and they turned around and screwed Denmark. Danish politicians pretended it would not happened, but it did. In a last ditch, Danish retirement company gave the exact same offer as the US company to try prevent the sale to US bank.

In Australia, General Motors took taxpaying money to keep Holden alive.

And the Politicians could no do anything apart from ranting.

Metal Storm a defence company in Australia had innovative products until it got bankrupt because Australian politicians believed there was no need to fund such innovative project and just keep on buying from the USA.

Politicians can be short sighted a lot of the times then whine when they get robbed while allowing allowing good companies to die off.

Companies have lots of power when it comes to the game of capitalism the Americans are at the top.
That is why you need democratic institution to sloe down politician, so they don’t screw up too much. And in a diversified country you need coalition to run properly, without internal agreements everything one party makes is dismantled by others when goverments change. Because one party rule is always narrowminded. Germany is the best example of this coalition. Fanatic devotion to economic sustainable ruling.
Turkey will emerge as one of the most technological advance military power among Muslims country who can produce necessary equipment in-house. Temporally some equipment are outsourced from outside but eventually everything will produce inside. I hope my best for turkey and its people..
You know, I dont know this guy or this newspaper, but not everyone with a different opinion has to have an agenda.


On the topic:

The data on the imports can be interepreted in different ways and one way could be that companies anticipated the sanctions incoming and stockpiled supplies. So some projects have hit issues now, but the general trend is positive. And the exports growing are making sure that the development of new products will be financed.
This is certainly the case with German defense imports.

According to the latest German news, Turkey is the biggest single importer of German defense products in 2019.

However, most of the imported equipment is related to the German submarines which are currently under construction. There are no new deals between the both countries which basically means that our imports will decline further in the long term.
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