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Is this the Naya Pakistan.

3 generations of corps commanders have ousted IK, not just Bajwa. Bajwa is just the face of the traitors
Army of muslims nations are not there to defend their ppl but to Defend and mantain status quo which is beneficial to colonial Powers . You think these ppl Will not act like Egyption army which killed thousands of innocents when they were protesting against ouster of Morsi ?

They Will butchere Pakistanis too when they Will need to pleas their White masters who made their very institution! Our generals are unfortunately aware that when that time Comes average soldier Will not follow their command nor the ppl Will not tolerate their Killing Spree (thank God we have no tolerance for bloodshed) and that Will mean end of their colonial era mindset which is present in all.institution in pakistan.
I am very critical of the armed forces you can ask anyone around here. But times like these require us to support our armed forces, even more, our eastern could take advantage you don't think the soldiers deployed don't have access to social media and all this hate-mongering is being seen only by Bajwa. Or would you like some core commander to dethrone Bajwa?

The army is based upon merit it's not some militia. The army will take action when it is required.

You think soldiers are going to be worried about tweets if they have arty shells crashing around them? :lol:

just want to point out one thing , which is very odd and no one has mentioned it yet

please watch the tweet again , they have purposefully muted Allah Hu Akbar chant , how is this possible??

i am shocked to say the least , is this the new direction of pakistan and its armed forces? perhaps diktat from uncle sam
Very interesting thing you have noted.

We will have to wait and see if it is a trend.
Will Pakistan be independent by harassing the armed forces. Are you looking for an Arab spring?
Nobody is looking for an Arab Spring. Pakistani People will Always Stand Shoulder to Shoulder with Brave Soldiers of Motherland. Which are on Borders, In Areas of Terrorism and Sacrificing Their Day and night for Security. However Bajwa will never regain the Trust of Pakistani People. A Nail in his own Coffin.
COAS and group of his cronies
You certainly know better than those heading our armoured cores and what not. I can say with certainty you wouldn't even be eligible for a sentry post you dim wit.

Post reported.
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