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Is this the Naya Pakistan.

I mean this whole fiasco has created extreme hatred towards an establishment that has put Pakistan first come what may. It is easy to tweet and let out frustration from a small screen within AC confined walls but this is getting out of control.

It is the same awam that would blame the army for impeding democracy if the army let out a helping hand. Yet here they are busting their beaks.

I am a staunch Imran Khan supporter but if supporting him leads to the downfall of respect towards our armed forces then I don't want him.

You can't be serious. Please tell me you aren't 20 yet.

The Army and ISI only go after poor kids who fall for militancy/radicalism (RAW-backed) in far flung areas. Rich politicians and their kids are off-limits because they are the urban elite. Even though they do way more long-term damage to Pakistan (damage that affects 220M people) than any sandal-wearing terrorist could. What is the functional different between a treasonous and treacherous politician and a militant from a tiny village?

This is why most people here are fed up with the deep state. It is happy to break the constitution when convenient (e.g., when forcing extensions and disappearing bloggers) but they won't touch the real enemies of the state.

F*** suck hypocrisy.

Role of General Bajwa, and few other Generals, in this process of ousting IK, in consent with US, is beyond doubt. The consequences of this action are unavoidable. Let us face it.

It is in the entire history of the Army. They created N League and Nawaz was groomed. Was he not?

They used violent extremists to pressure governments, only to pay them off ON VIDEO in nicely sealed white envelopes. Did they not?

They have conspired with the US before, and they will do it again. It's very simple; it's in our history and is well-recorded.

Bajwa is just the latest incarnation of a troubling trend. The Corps Commanders are sitting like silent sheep nodding as one man destroys the institution and nation. It's not about Bajwa. The entire top brass has become the main reinforcer of our status quo.
It's been a while since I've been in this forum. It's just that life gets in the way but also gives you lots of life lessons.
After learning all what O have so far, I believe that no matter who you support, whether it's some political party, armed forces or mix of both, in the grand scheme of things, it is not going to matter.

This democracy is not working for the country. At least bring presidential system here or forget about change.
Ever since I've started to get interested in this country's political issues, I've learned that this whole debate of who is right and who is wrong is just pointless. The armed forces have support from public. The elected government is due to public. This whole fiasco on part of both government and opposition is somewhat due to public. As long as the right man for the job is not selected, these things will continue happening as it has in the past. As I've heard from somewhere, the right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world.
Till then, enjoy the show!

PS. I've been away from this forum for far too long now. Don't know what's what here.
You certainly know better than those heading our armoured cores and what not. I can say with certainty you wouldn't even be eligible for a sentry post you dim wit.

You certainly know better than those heading our armoured cores and what not. I can say with certainty you wouldn't even be eligible for a sentry post you dim wit.

Post reported.
What good your armoured cores smartness has offered to this nation. Musharraf brought these thugs back to save his arse and in 10 years these two parties destroyed the complete social fabric of society.
Bajwa a timid prick lost battle of nerves to western pressure before a bullet was fired. And these same folks are bringing back hugely corrupt system and their operators back.
I met with COAS in 2005 in person on several occasions while leading a massive system & communication automation program run over 4 years that today is backbone of organisation communication. I have no contempt towards the institution but I am not mentally inapt not to call out individuals and their top leadership compromised decision making.

Responding to your personal comment is absolutely irrelevant.
Don't you think the online hate-mongering is being seen by soldiers on the ground deployed in the harshest of environments yet their jazba, Imaan is unwavering. Seeing these tweets and social media posts don't you think they will feel demoralised.

Bajwa is here for a few months. Be patient.
Army must allow only dumbfone. The smart phone affects duty besides social media platform access. These mnodern dumbphone may have voice call, camera, navigation features to talk to home but no apps.
On Topic: Yes, IK also said so but you cannot convince yound blood. In fact, i was furious but restrained to use foul language. In addition, Army must accept this new reality. You cannot sweep under the carpet like old days.
Like, AZ gave one speech and its on Youtube/TikTok. He cannot reverse it. Similarly, SC/Politicians/Army mistakes or goof ups will spread like wild fire. Therefore, army must take this their calculation. Army shd have studied that coup in Turkey failed due to just one video.

I guess army must have studied but post effects. Erdogan is cool now and trying to make peace with the US (visited Isreal). @SQ8 @Areesh
I am a frantic IK supporter but will never curse the armed forces. Pakistan exists not because of some Patwaris, Zardaris or even IK. It is because of our brave armed forces.
That fact is 100% true that is why we are not Syria etc. in addition to people resiliance
It's not difficult to type a few words on a Twitter but try just standing in one place for a few hours even in the parade ground let alone doing some defence duty.
Every person has its struggle I worked at garage here, sweeping floors, serving customer faster than others to make Pakistan afloat. My wife is MD (from KE) but still getting 60k salary as civilian contract in CMH. Today she is on 12 hour duty.
Learn from your neighbours, did they bark against their army or anyone else when Chinese released pictures of what actually happened to Indian soldiers in Ladakh. Think before you open your mouth just to get attention.
They are actually brainwashed and over-hyped. i mean they think every world leader consult Modi for mediation. Also, they can quickly change side if Modi says so.
I see what you did there.
Frederick of Prussia to Friends not Masters.

In many ways Pakistan is the modern version of the KOP- an Army with a state . Interestingly, the DOB of the founder of the Prussian Army King Frederick Willaim I- Aug 14!

I had written a small article on this on PDF which I am reproducing here

Field Marshall Ayub Khan- the original Vikas Purush or development man of the subcontinent - indeed could have been another Frederick the Great with a bit of luck.

Bajwa will come and go but standing behind the armed forces is the utmost we can do. What if India decides to make LOC hot. The army carries the burden, not our cheap remarks.

Just like the Army and ISI have carried the burden of supporting the IOK freedom struggle through street renaming and releasing jingles in the past 10 years? What about getting out people killed by RAW-backed militants and having no way to respond in India? Wow, great job increasing the deterrence deficit. I have seen things rot from the inside.

Criticizing the politics of a COAS has no relation to the professional duty of soldiers and young offrs at the LOC. Please learn to differentiate.

Every patriot here criticizing Bajwa (and many past ones like him) also respects the bravery and sacrifices of those at the frontlines.
Just like the Army and ISI have carried the burden of supporting the IOK freedom struggle through street renaming and releasing jingles in the past 10 years?
You mean the government. Stop blaming everything on the army it was not the army's fault that Imran Khan failed to imprison the corrupt goons of this country it's not the army's job to do policing duties.

Matters related to Kashmir are the government's responsibility to accentuate key issues on the world stage and bring them to public view, the army is good at battling it can only fight for Kashmir, and That too on the government's approval.
So what is happening right now? Is the voting going to take place or not?
Criticizing the politics of a COAS has no relation to the professional duty of soldiers and young offrs at the LOC. Please learn to differentiate.

Every patriot here criticizing Bajwa (and many past ones like him) also respects the bravery and sacrifices of those at the frontlines.
You can criticise him all you like after all he is in that position to be judged.

Also, the word "army" is not singular in definition and neither is "establishment " so in future those who are thinking of letting loose some paragraphs just keep that in mind.
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