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Is this a game changer for India?

There are serious attempts to separate freight and passenger movement on different corridors of tracks supporting Higher Axle load (freight movement, DFC) and higher speed at ~20/21 Ton per axle load supporting Passenger tracks respectively.
India is forced to run very light freight trains (~3500-400 Tons per rake) owing to demand for higher running speed of freight trains so as they donot become bottleneck for passenger train running on same track. As a result a lot of freight trains are looped to allow passenger movement slowing down average speed of freight trains. this is a catch 22 situation, which DFC are trying to solve by allowing heavier trains at higher average speeds using HHP locos.
Second issue which you mentioned already that majority movement takes place on Golden quadrilateral is a case of deep worry. With one train lined up behind other, IR is finding little or no time to take up safety upgrades and routine maintenance which is getting reflected in spate of accidents recently.
We definitely need more roads but we will do well to plan bulk movement on rails by adding capacity.
Given a choice of fixed budget, i would put my money on upgrading rail line capacity for that gives me much higher return on equity and at lower cost of money and environment.

Great Post Anant Bhai... thanks a lot ... thats exactly my thoughts too. Why not spend heavily on railway networks, instead spending so much on 8-lanes Superhighways. It will require lesser land as compared to expansion of Roads Networks, thus keeping in check the cost component, other than that IR has already the largest land bank so they can do it easily without going into hassles of land acquisitions. For passenger traffic, why not convert the whole system to double decker coaches, which were trialled a while ago. India runs on Railways... India needs major investments in Railways.
I remembered taking a cab to an adjacent area(perhaps 5 minutes walk away) when i visited india.

The taxi cab took 15 minutes to reach that place because of the unclear roads and roundabouts..totally ridiculous

I dont think humans or cattle deserve such poorly planned roads

If any one call can for five minute walk mean he is definitely a dumb ***,no rocket science is required to understand personal like you. So the opertunistic taxi driver has utilised your dumbness for his favour for earning more money.
Good Luck to India, to build 83,000km of highway in 5 years, you need to complete 45km of highway in 24 hours, and must work everyday non-stop for the 5 years period. God Speed to you.
Meanwhile in 5 years china can’t even build highway only half of what india plan to do,we chinese are really slow.hope one day china could catch up with india speed
Good Luck to India, to build 83,000km of highway in 5 years, you need to complete 45km of highway in 24 hours, and must work everyday non-stop for the 5 years period. God Speed to you.

Haha u beat me to it.
Yes, I very much know about DFC. If DFC is there, why all these Golden Quadrilateral, Sagar Mala(this being multimodal), Bharat Mala, Interconnected EEZs.

By the way, will you care to explain, which is better mode of transportation for inland cargo, Railways or Road Network. Whats the comparative average speeds, distance covered per day for cargo. Comparative operations costs keeping in mind the Railway network is electrified, maintenance costs. Whats the cost of future upgrades, capacity expansion.

Roads should only be used for Last Mile delivery, rather than to be used to carry freight. For the Last Mile delivery, the State Highways and Rural roads needs to be strengthened. Creating a parallel highway network to DFC is a waste of resources and could be better used to improve feeder roads.
Read the op again!

Good Luck to India, to build 83,000km of highway in 5 years, you need to complete 45km of highway in 24 hours, and must work everyday non-stop for the 5 years period. God Speed to you.
As of June 2017...highways are being built at pace of 25 kms/day. With this impetus target can easily be achieved.
Good Luck to India, to build 83,000km of highway in 5 years, you need to complete 45km of highway in 24 hours, and must work everyday non-stop for the 5 years period. God Speed to you.

What is so strange about that? It is not like people will complete 45 km a stretch. If 50 people working a day can complete 1 Km, 2250 people working in at different places across the country can complete 45 Km a day. Remember India is huge country of 1.31 billion people and there is no shortage of labor.
If the urban planning is bad, no matter how much roads are built, the road will lead to nowwhere
Atleast our road will lead to somewhere people live not like CHINESE Ghost cities where no one lives....Such a fabulous master planning by China, Singapore should also follow..:lol::lol:
Great Post Anant Bhai... thanks a lot ... thats exactly my thoughts too. Why not spend heavily on railway networks, instead spending so much on 8-lanes Superhighways. It will require lesser land as compared to expansion of Roads Networks, thus keeping in check the cost component, other than that IR has already the largest land bank so they can do it easily without going into hassles of land acquisitions. For passenger traffic, why not convert the whole system to double decker coaches, which were trialled a while ago. India runs on Railways... India needs major investments in Railways.

Sorry to sound cynical but this is way easier to siphon off billions of $'s, Than it is to actually develop the existing rail network which is the actual logical solution which ever way you look at it, Most of these contracts will go to the super corrupt, highly politically connected parties as they always do.. It's the same story around the developing world and India cannot be immune to that

It's easier to get the masses enchanted by these mega projects with catchphrases that sell, Thats the way they hide the mass scale corruption from the public
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