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Is There a Storm Brewing !

To them Sultan Mehmood Ghaznavi and Sultan Shahabuddin Ghori, who were born and brought up in Indus Valley,
This Indus valley must be quite huge to accomodate places like Ghor and Ghazni. Ghazni is at least 500 km from the Indus and Ghor must be double that.
Theory of Kill switches or deliberate software malfunction has been debunked and thrown into trash by most of the senior and respected members here, people who actually know what they are talking about .. This whole thing was brought by a Crazy old American guy here who claims that he threatens General Kiyani and Ex-DG ISI . America is exporting its weapons to not just Pakistan but many countries who to say the least rely on them to defend their countries, you really think all these countries , their experts , their Engineers and air force Personnel are dumb idiots who couldn't catch anything ? Turkey , Israel , Pakistan , KSA , UAE , Europe , Australia , Japan , S.Korea against some Pakistani's and their Conspiracies ? Doesn't cut with me .
Could not agree more
Plus F-16 which Pakistan is using is being used by a lot of countries and just think for the sake of argument that Paf losses 20 f-16s in a full blown out war without any success and falling from sky like a duck create panic amount those countries

suddenly no one will be willing to buy f16 from USA and will loss spare parts , upgrade market on top of it

I don’t know where these stupid theories are coming from
Could not agree more
Plus F-16 which Pakistan is using is being used by a lot of countries and just think for the sake of argument that Paf losses 20 f-16s in a full blown out war without any success and falling from sky like a duck create panic amount those countries

suddenly no one will be willing to buy f16 from USA and will loss spare parts , upgrade market on top of it

I don’t know where these stupid theories are coming from

Presented by none other than @MastanKhan the biggest fraud on PDF .

Kindly Google how aircraft can be hacked and controlled like drone.

You do realize Hacking is different than Sabotage ? or pre-existing Kill switches/bugs/Software malfunctions ?

Yes and no. Agreed that it will tank their exports and support programs but we would be fools to think it doesnt exist. So tread with caution cause they're is nothing wrong with being cautious but there is plenty of good.

Again, it has been discussed to death here on PDF, you have a doubt talk to people like @gambit @Oscar @Hodor @Knuckles Pakistani's somehow have this weird thing that they want to look out of this world for others, Yeah we have some Super power that Despite Kill switches we manage to fly F-16 and defeat enemies, We do this we do that blah blah blah ..Not a single Advance country like Japan , EU , S.Korea have every had these conspiracies .
Presented by none other than @MastanKhan the biggest fraud on PDF .

You do realize Hacking is different than Sabotage ? or pre-existing Kill switches/bugs/Software malfunctions ?

Again, it has been discussed to death here on PDF, you have a doubt talk to people like @gambit @Oscar @Hodor @Knuckles Pakistani's somehow have this weird thing that they want to look out of this world for others, Yeah we have some Super power that Despite Kill switches we manage to fly F-16 and defeat enemies, We do this we do that blah blah blah ..Not a single Advance country like Japan , EU , S.Korea have every had these conspiracies .

Hacking with use of backdoor in software is the main kill switch and this has been done before by west.
Presented by none other than @MastanKhan the biggest fraud on PDF .

You do realize Hacking is different than Sabotage ? or pre-existing Kill switches/bugs/Software malfunctions ?

Again, it has been discussed to death here on PDF, you have a doubt talk to people like @gambit @Oscar @Hodor @Knuckles Pakistani's somehow have this weird thing that they want to look out of this world for others, Yeah we have some Super power that Despite Kill switches we manage to fly F-16 and defeat enemies, We do this we do that blah blah blah ..Not a single Advance country like Japan , EU , S.Korea have every had these conspiracies .


It’s been done by the west before where they’ve given access back door to their allies of the West to counter weapon systems they have sold.

The French are notorious for this and British as well.

Kill switch not in sense plane will not take off but weapons would for example be disabled and not explode etc basically a malfunction.
Presented by none other than @MastanKhan the biggest fraud on PDF .

You do realize Hacking is different than Sabotage ? or pre-existing Kill switches/bugs/Software malfunctions ?

Again, it has been discussed to death here on PDF, you have a doubt talk to people like @gambit @Oscar @Hodor @Knuckles Pakistani's somehow have this weird thing that they want to look out of this world for others, Yeah we have some Super power that Despite Kill switches we manage to fly F-16 and defeat enemies, We do this we do that blah blah blah ..Not a single Advance country like Japan , EU , S.Korea have every had these conspiracies .
Did you understand what I meant to say? I'm saying their is absolutely nothing wrong with being cautious and that it would be nice to diversify the roles those equipments are designed for. Is that clear now?

It’s been done by the west before where they’ve given access back door to their allies of the West to counter weapon systems they have sold.

The French are notorious for this and British as well.

Kill switch not in sense plane will not take off but weapons would for example be disabled and not explode etc basically a malfunction.

As long as there is no evidence for it, its nothing but a conspiracy theory started on PDF by a irrelevant Old man who has nothing better to do with his life .

No one ever complained or caught anything of that sort in any American made weapon or system , if there were any as i said , EU , S.Korea , Pakistan , Israel & ME, Japan they might have come across it, as for weapons malfunctioning or not doing its job we just saw PAF the so called AF who's F-16 suppose to have these so called KS would have shown a little bit of issue or any past incident would surface by now, Not a single AC or ACM have ever share any concern of that, TBH its nothing but a conspiracy for those who see America is ultimate evil and our natural enemy which it is not , Yes America peruse its interest even if it means hurting Pakistan but who doesn't ?

American Defense Industry worth Billions of dollars and Organizations who buy US weapons are 95% happy and Satisfied including our own Air force . There is no Evidence for you to back your theory , its nothing a BS story .Sorry bro

Hacking with use of backdoor in software is the main kill switch and this has been done before by west.

Again, Hacking a system is different than pre-existing bugs or Software Malfunctions , you are confusing your self with two different things, let me try explain, A radar in a fighter jet is used to track or detect the Targets, locked on them, and fire but there are means that Radar can be jammed, so Jamming is kinda Hacking but doesn't falls under the Malfunction category or Bug, Every Radar is privy to be jammed , not because there is a problem with the Radar, but the other systems specifically designed to jam or hack it . I hope you understood .

PAF never overtly or covertly ever express concern over the so called KS or Bugs in their F-16, in fact they actively trying to get upgrades, and even addition F-16's new and Old . It holds a lot of weight and we should not pretend to be have more knowledgeable than those who has first hand experience on the machine itself .
As long as there is no evidence for it, its nothing but a conspiracy theory started on PDF by a irrelevant Old man who has nothing better to do with his life .

No one ever complained or caught anything of that sort in any American made weapon or system , if there were any as i said , EU , S.Korea , Pakistan , Israel & ME, Japan they might have come across it, as for weapons malfunctioning or not doing its job we just saw PAF the so called AF who's F-16 suppose to have these so called KS would have shown a little bit of issue or any past incident would surface by now, Not a single AC or ACM have ever share any concern of that, TBH its nothing but a conspiracy for those who see America is ultimate evil and our natural enemy which it is not , Yes America peruse its interest even if it means hurting Pakistan but who doesn't ?

American Defense Industry worth Billions of dollars and Organizations who buy US weapons are 95% happy and Satisfied including our own Air force . There is no Evidence for you to back your theory , its nothing a BS story .Sorry bro

Again, Hacking a system is different than pre-existing bugs or Software Malfunctions , you are confusing your self with two different things, let me try explain, A radar in a fighter jet is used to track or detect the Targets, locked on them, and fire but there are means that Radar can be jammed, so Jamming is kinda Hacking but doesn't falls under the Malfunction category or Bug, Every Radar is privy to be jammed , not because there is a problem with the Radar, but the other systems specifically designed to jam or hack it . I hope you understood .

PAF never overtly or covertly ever express concern over the so called KS or Bugs in their F-16, in fact they actively trying to get upgrades, and even addition F-16's new and Old . It holds a lot of weight and we should not pretend to be have more knowledgeable than those who has first hand experience on the machine itself .

The bugs allow to take control or create problems it seems you don't understand what basically it is and how this has been used since 90s.
The bugs allow to take control or create problems it seems you don't understand what basically it is and how this has been used since 90s.

You use the word Hack, Hacking is different than Bugs which are deliberately put prior the delivery of the product , Hacking a drone or software comes from external systems, so a drone hacking is not = to a Bug or Kill switch, no matter in which era its done .
To them Sultan Mehmood Ghaznavi and Sultan Shahabuddin Ghori, who were born and brought up in Indus Valley, were "invaders"; but the Aryans, Scythians and the likes, were tourists, who came to this land on proper immigration visas.:lol:

Any evidence to confirm what you have just said?

RIWWIR knows. He has mentioned Sultan Mehmood Ghaznavi and Sultan Shahabuddin Ghori being born in the Indus Valley.
This Indus valley must be quite huge to accomodate places like Ghor and Ghazni. Ghazni is at least 500 km from the Indus and Ghor must be double that.

RIWWIR knows. He has mentioned Sultan Mehmood Ghaznavi and Sultan Shahabuddin Ghori being born in the Indus Valley.

Sorry. I was mistaken, due to misreading the geography of the current day Afghanistan. In fact, Ghazni is located, in a small Endorheic basin, draining to a lake named Ab-i Istada and this basin adjoins the Indus basin or valley. Ghor is located in another Endorheic basin, named Sistan Basin, with Helmand River, which also adjoins the Indus valley or basin.

Ghazni is located at a distance of about 290 km from Indus river, whereas Ghor is further away by about another 290 km.
April may be.. But I see end of May more feasible. But if Pakistan waited for that time than it will be a great foolishness. Better roast all forces in Kashmir.

And how do you suppose those forces be roasted?
They are lil birdies and you are the hunters or what?
Did it ever dawn on you that they are armed men and they shoot back when you shoot at them?

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