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Is the Su-30MKI Superior to the Eurofighter And Rafale?

Yet you seem to have a hard time believing it :lol:

I wonder why :P
Two reasons; 1. I've read the RAF's more balanced and professional assessment plus I'm familiar with such exaggerated "rah-rah, for our side!" stories before. They're always 80-90% manure. 2. Like I said, I assumed IAF pilots were professionals not prone to amateurish statements. I guess I was wrong.
Yeah like 10 israeli jets in yom kippur war @500 debuked by a israeli himself.

Breaking the myth of MM Alam | Indian Aerospace/Defense News

Idiocy has no limits but there are exceptions, it wasn't exactly Pakistan V Israel, the PAF pilots were deputed to Arab air forces, i haven't heard about 10 but certainly 5 confirmed kills by the PAF pilots.
As for MM Alam, the PAF HQ released the names of the five IAF pilots shot down in the combat, but then the Indians are known to give Posthumous awards to the living.
Nobody claims that.
we are not exactly talking about you.

Designed by persian Aka riza not a Pakistani,made from INDIAN resources.Even its marble was from makrana,present day India.

Tell that to the author besides i guess unlike Taj Mahal, Babri wasn't a money maker.
AFSPA is not martial law.
Fake encounters unlimited.
SU 35 a much bigger truck and cousin of MKI is the dream of every pakistani.
PAF had already rejected the likes of SU-27 and MiG-29.....as for dreams.....alas the topic....the false bravado of 12-0 cricket score.
@Blue Marlin @mike2000 is back

Have Indian Su-30s really “dominated” RAF Typhoons in aerial combat with a 12-0 scoreline? Most probably not.


As we have already reported, four Indian Air Force Su-30MKI Flankers from 2 Sqd have recently been deployed to RAF Coningsby, UK, to take part in Indradhanush 2015, a two-week training exercise with the Royal Air Force Typhoon FGR4s.

The exercise has ended and the Russian-built aircraft have returned to India but Exercise Indradhanush 2015 left an unexpected trail of controversy after Group Captain Srivastav, the Indian Contingent Commander in the drills, told the Indian NDTV that the performance of his pilots was “exceptional.”

According to Srivastav, India’s most experienced Su-30 pilot, the IAF pilots came away from the exercise with a resounding 12-0 victory against the RAF Typhoons in WVR (Within Visual Range) engagements conducted while in the UK.

Here’s the report of the mock aerial combat exercises published on the NDTV website:

“The first week of the exercises pitted the Su-30, which NATO calls the Flanker, in a series of aerial dogfight scenarios. First, there were 1 v 1 encounters, where a single jet of each type engaged each other in Within Visual Range (WVR) combat, firing simulated missiles to a range of two miles. The exercises progressed to 2 v 2 engagements with two Eurofighters taking on two Su-30s and 2 v 1 exercises where two Sukhois took on a single Typhoon and vice versa. Notably, in the exercise where a lone Su-30 was engaged by two Typhoons, the IAF jet emerged the victor ‘shooting’ down both ‘enemy’ jets.”

So, not only held the Su-30s an edge on the Typhoons on 1 vs 1 and 2 vs 2, but even when a Sukhoi flew against two Typhoons, it managed to shoot down both enemies.

The response to such claims was almost immediate, even though not too detailed. According to an RAF source quoted in an Independent piece the Indian claims were “clearly designed for a domestic audience“.

A UK MoD blog on this topic said: “As you would expect, advanced military capabilities are rarely operated to the limits of their potential, especially when exercising against other nations’ aircraft. This exercise was no exception for the Typhoon Force.”


A spokesperson for the RAF just said:

“Our analysis does not match what has been reported, RAF pilots and the Typhoon performed well throughout the exercise with and against the Indian Air Force. Both forces learnt a great deal from the exercise and the RAF look forward to the next opportunity to train alongside the IAF.”

So, the outcome of the engagements is at least unclear. However something can be said.

First of all, the purpose of such exercises is usually to study the opponents, learn their tactics and strategy, sometimes without showing the “enemy” the full extent of a weapon system capability (even though the latter is also the “excuse” air arms most frequently use to comment alleged defeats). Then, the kill ratio depends on how the scenario has been set up, with the Rules Of Engagement affecting the number of simulated kills.

Actually, this wasn’t the first time the Indian Air Force publicly claimed a resounding (and debated) victory: during Cope India 04, Indian Su-30 were able to achieve a 9:1 kill ratio against U.S. Air Force F-15C jets from 3rd Wing based at Elmendorf Air Force Base, Alaska.

In that case, the kill ratio was confirmed but it was also explained that the F-15s were defeated because they lacked an advanced active electronically scanned array (AESA) and were called to fight the Su-30s in scenarios that involved six Eagles against up to eighteen IAF aircraft with no chance to simulate any beyond visual range (BVR) missile shot (due to the Indian request of not using the AMRAAM). Furthermore, since the drills took place during F-22 budget reviews, some analysts affirm the Air Force intentionally accepted the challenging ROE (Rules Of Engagement) to gain more Raptors…

Anyway, just like all the simulated kills we have much talked about in the past, including some involving F-22 shot down, all these kill ratio claims should be taken with a grain of salt since they are often used for internal “propaganda” and marketing purposes and they have very little value unless we have some details about the scenario, the supporting assets involved in the engagement (AWACS, Electronic Warfare platforms, Ground Controlled Interceptors, etc.) and the ROE.

In this case, for instance, dealing with the ROE, an RAF source said the Typhoons fought “with one arm behind their backs.”

Moreover, WVR engagements, in which the super-maneuverable Su-30 excels, are less likely than BVR (Beyond Visual Range) ones where a Flanker would be much more vulnerable, as Indradhanush 2015 seems to have proved.

Here is what Group Captain Srivastav told NDTV about LFE (Large Force Engagements) that saw from 4 vs 4 to 8 vs 8 engagements at BVR in the skies near Coningsby:

“Asked about the performance of IAF pilots in these Large Force Engagements, Group Captain Srivastav told NDTV his pilots performed “fairly well” though “quantifying [the results] is difficult”. It was not unexpected for the IAF to “lose” one or two jets (over all the Large Force Engagements put together) given that the movement of each formation was directed by fighter controllers coordinating an overall air battle.”

The Aviationist » Have Indian Su-30s really “dominated” RAF Typhoons in aerial combat with a 12-0 scoreline? Most probably not.
Its well known that Russian fighters(and military equipment in general) lag behind their western counterparts in terms of qualitu/performance and capabilities overall. The SU-30s Russia produces in India under license is no different.

However , Russia makes up for the quality deficiency with quantity, which is enough to offset any western technological superiority. Just like the fight between Germany and Russia during the second world war. :guns:

Moreover this news of SU-30 vs Typhoon has already been debated and rebuffed as a hoax. I dont understand why people are still going on with this. Its more like Indas media legendary legacy of dramatization/self praise and creating something out if nothing like we have seen several times on threads here. Even sane Indian members here themselves know this. So dont take it serious. :pop:

Anyway, Even if the news aws true(which we all know isn't), an exercise is a mock up situation and most times some advanced countries dobnt want to reveal their priced fighter jet capabilities to other nations. NOT even to their closest allies.
For example our Typhoons were set to have 'defeated' the F-22 during exercise red flag in 2012. But nobody in their right mind in Britain ever claimed our Typhoons are better/ahead of the F-22. We are not that dumb/naive. Lol :toast_sign: Same for Rafale which was set to have shut down F-22 ,
The hell even an old UAE F-16 was set to have shut down an F-22 during exercises. Guess that means they are better than the F-23.:rofl:
Two reasons; 1. I've read the RAF's more balanced and professional assessment plus I'm familiar with such exaggerated "rah-rah, for our side!" stories before. They're always 80-90% manure. 2. Like I said, I assumed IAF pilots were professionals not prone to amateurish statements. I guess I was wrong.

There has been no assessment by the RAF. All some articles claim are unnamed MoD sources.

Moreover this news of SU-30 vs Typhoon has already been debated and rebuffed as a hoax.

No, it wasn't. It was right after the exercise that the Germans stopped hawking the Typhoon in India.

The leak was politically motivated to stop the Typhoon in India.

This is the IAF press release.

Press Information Bureau

Note this statement:
After the exercise, during debrief, a detailed analysis is carried out to assess the extent of achievement of laid down objectives. There are no classic wins and losses as no weapons are fired as per their actual capability.

The IAF did not say the 12-0 score is not true. They only said not to make a big deal out of it because the Typhoons are still flying, they were not 'really' killed. :lol:

So the 12-0 is backed by the IAF.
There has been no assessment by the RAF. All some articles claim are unnamed MoD sources.

A spokesperson for the RAF just said:

Our analysis does not match what has been reported, RAF pilots and the Typhoon performed well throughout the exercise with and against the Indian Air Force. Both forces learnt a great deal from the exercise and the RAF look forward to the next opportunity to train alongside the IAF.”

Sure sounds like the RAF has to me.
Idiocy has no limits but there are exceptions.
The limit is obvious.The link i posted clearly states that PAF corrected the names of Pilots what was earlier claim by MM Alam.

Care to give the official link with PAF kills ?

Tell that to the author besides

What author ?So it was a poor copy paste from you after all,without a source

5 confirmed kills by the PAF pilots.
Any independent Source besides PAF ?

Fake encounters unlimited.
I have read excerpts from Hamodur Rehman Reham report several times.

PAF had already rejected the likes of SU-27 and MiG-29
SU 35 is not related to Mig 29 and SU 27 or Mig 29

alas the topic....
Who brings Taj Mahal ?
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LOL..... so the IAF "professionalism" depends of whether they agree with your prejudice are not
Not at all. I'm just very familiar with these types of exaggerated claims and stories. They always prove to be mostly wishful thinking and juvenile bragging not worthy of military professionals.
In close combat and dog fight, nobody can defeat MKIs as they have 3D thrust victory Nozzles and can perform pagachev's cobra. Eurofighter has a great T/W ratio and very low RCS. I belive Eurofighter has an advantage in BVR Combat against MKIs.
You bet :D

It does sound like the RAF trying to save face.
No, it sounds like a statement given by professionals who learned much from skilled IAF pilots, look forward to learning more from each other, but diplomatically point out that the exaggerated stories that have been put out regarding the issue, do not correspond to their analysis.
A spokesperson for the RAF just said:

Our analysis does not match what has been reported, RAF pilots and the Typhoon performed well throughout the exercise with and against the Indian Air Force. Both forces learnt a great deal from the exercise and the RAF look forward to the next opportunity to train alongside the IAF.”

Sure sounds like the RAF has to me.

What is his name?

Look at our sources. It has the backing of a TV channel editor, Vishnu Som. It has the backing of the Group Captain of the IAF, Group Captain Ashu Srivastav. It has the backing of the MoD, you can read the press release by the MoD.

Who is that RAF source?

The Germans were creating problems for the Ministry in India. So they used Indradhanush to hammer home the point. Can you tell me why the Typhoon backed out of India after the exercise?

German Typhoon offer. Aug 2014.
German-led European consortium comes up with a cheaper proposal for its Euro fighter Typhoon : DEFENCE - India Today
The new German offer could bring down the total value of the contract by Rs 20,000 crore over its 10-year duration. The scale of the "discount"-formally offered in early July to Defence Minister Arun Jait-ley-was substantial enough to create ripples at the very top of the Govern-ment, with Prime Minister Narendra Modi also being apprised about the development, sources said.

They started a media defaming in May 2015. They started spreading lies about the French, based on cost, timelines, capability etc.
'Price & time parameters for Rafale can't be met' | Business Standard News

This offer came in August 2014. The offer created ripples in the MoD, but MoD realized the cost estimates of the Rafale the Eurofighter made were based on lies. The MMRCA was canceled in March 2015. The Eurofighter executives started defaming the Rafale in May 2015. The IAF hammered the Typhoon in July 2015. The Typhoon exit came a little while later. Press release confirms the hammering, for you guys, since you guys want sources. Our internal sources, the main one on IDF, confirmed the Typhoon was hammered even after the MKIs were not used to their full potential.

The advantage the IAF had during the exercise was, they knew everything they needed to know about the Typhoon while the British pilots had no such knowledge about the MKI. To make it worse, the RAF participated with some of their most experienced pilots while IAF participated with 15 new pilots and only 5 experienced WSOs, the WSOs did not pilot the plane.


Apparently I had a very small part to play in the deal as well.
Oh, don't be ridiculous! It's an RAF statement from their official spokesman concerning these stories!

Okay, so an article comes with with the story of a RAF spokesperson and we should all believe it. What's the guarantee that article is not making it up? Generally, when the RAF makes an announcement, it is printed in many newspapers and websites, not just one article.

But otoh, we have all named people on our side, including an 'official' press release, and we shouldn't believe that?

I'm pretty sure the spokesperson of the RAF is a far more important person than just a Group Captain in the IAF. Why don't I see this spokesperson quoted everywhere?
It could very well be an RAF statement made by a pencil pusher. A professional Spin doctor a.k.a spokesperson.

IAF statement came from the Group Captain who participated in the exercise. Its pretty clear who is more credible.

Not to mention the vague, obscure nature of the RAF statement which proves the point quite convincingly.

Dude, you can't change somebody's mind if they are already extremely biased, regardless of how much proof you provide.
Things like India is the best air force in the world.

It is FAR better and powerful than PAF

It is no surprise that indian air force claimed some whitewash victory over British air force, although such exercises are not a battlezone but the news coming out of India picture it as such. The purpose of such exercises is to create mock up scenarios and try to learn about pilot tactics of other nations and learn from mutual experience. The aim definitely is NOT to brag and drag your feet over it. You would NEVER ever find any other nation bragging any victory over any other country in such exercise. Last time indians were invited to Red flag in US and the outcome was same, although american pilots were found ridiculing indian pilots. Every day there are world's best forces from Russia, China, US, Israel, France, Japan, Pakistan and many other countries are joining these exercises and what comes out of these is so less that people do not even hear about them - but of course how would that be a curry if its not spicy in india and for that matter indians like spice and masala coated fiction. Things like India is the best air force in the world. Yeah right, you are flying russian jets in a british exercise and you are the best. You go to Russia and US to get your pilots trained and you are best. Everything in india for some reason is just the best. Taj mahal is the best piece of architecture even though its designed and built by muslims. India army is the best, although it is protected by laws like AFSPA and has highest suicide rates in the world. Indian Tejas is the best although it is unable to make it to flyers league.

SO much HATRED in one post

You are Going from IAF -- to Indian Army --to SU 30 --to AFSPA --to TAJ MAHAL -- to Tejas

SO much hatred and jealousy is NOT good for your health :lol:
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