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Is the Su-30MKI Superior to the Eurofighter And Rafale?

If you are being an air head, you have succeeded without effort,
Now let me ask you, what does an exercise between RAF and IAF has to do with the ISPR.
Now activate your brain cells and find out how the IAF had to retract it's tall claims statement and stand down.
If you can't understand plain English, I'll repeat it for you: Provide a fookin' link or else pipe down!

Oh man, the crap we have to put up with here! :rolleyes:
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Squadron Leader Ajjimada Bopayya Devayya flew in a Mystere Aircraft as a member of a strike formation that was assigned the task of attacking the heavily defended Sargodha airfield in Pakistan at 0555 hours on 7th September, 1965. All members of the mission except Squadron Leader Devayya returned safely to base. As no other details were available at that time, Squadron Leader Devayya was listed as 'Mission in Action'.

Careful research and innumerable interviews with pilots, who flew on that day, have conclusively proved that Squadron Leader Devayya had performed a pre-eminently daring act. Having accomplished a successful raid over Sargodah airfield at the appointed time, the Mystere aircraft piloted by Squadron Leader Devayya was intercepted by a Pakistani supersonic F-104 Star-Fighter. The pilot of F-104 first fired an air-to-air Sidewinder missile, which Squadron Leader Devayya successfully evaded and the missile hit the ground. However, by virtue of its faster acceleration, the F-104 rapidly closed in on the Mystere and fired a burst of its 20 mm multibarrel cannon and succedded in damaging Squadron Leader Devayya's Mystere. The F-104 went ahead of the Mystere due to its higer speed. Undaunted and with utter disregard for his personal safety, Squadron Leadder Devayya flew his damaged Mystere in pursuit after the F-104. His decision was critical because the Mystere were operating at the extremity of their range and combat with an F-104 meant significantly lowering his chances of return to base. Neither the Pakistani pilots flying skill nor the F-104 superior performance were apparently a match for Squadron Leader Devayya's determination and single-minded purpose. Maneuvering a damaged aircraft, he finally shot down the F-104. Thereafter, it is conjectured that Squadron Leader Devayya was unable to maintain control of his aircraft and was either killed in an unsuccessful low-level ejection or in a crash because of the damage that his aircraft had sustained.

Squadron Leader Ajjamada Bopayya Devayya thus performed an act of conspicuous gallantry in the face of the enemy.

Haha, you do know that Devayya's story has categorically been declared rubbish by credible Pakistani, neutral and Indian sources?

After the incident other pilots (Pakistani and Indian) had recorded seeing Amjad on Devayya's tail ready for the kill and then the next thing they saw was both Devayya and Amjad's aircraft going down, Devayya's in flames and Amjad's with its front fuselage heavily damaged. At the debriefing Amjad claimed that after having shot the Mystere down he had flown through the falling Mystere's debris ingesting it and resulting in the loss of his aircraft. The Indian airforce on the other hand was, quite typically, quick to claim a heroic and unbelievable F-104 kill by Devayya as he fell to his demise. Further investigation into the event brought forward eye witnesses who rubbished both Amjad's and the Indian airforce's claims. The examination of both the aircraft's debris revealed that the eyewitness accounts were in fact true; In the heat of the moment Amjad had completely misjudged his closing speed resulting in him ramming his F-104 into the Mystere's rear end which led to the Mystere fire-balling and the F-104 unable to sustain flight. This just made a mockery out of the IAF since it had already awarded Devayya with the Maha Vir Chakra...a feat India later repeated during Kargil but then that's a story for another time.

Even your below propagandists have ridiculed the Indian claim,

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Haha, you do know that Devayya's story has categorically been declared rubbish by credible Pakistani, neutral and Indian sources?

After the incident other pilots (Pakistani and Indian) had recorded seeing Amjad on Devayya's tail ready for the kill and then the next thing they saw was both Devayya and Amjad's aircraft going down, Devayya's in flames and Amjad's with its front fuselage heavily damaged. At the debriefing Amjad claimed that after having shot the Mystere down he had flown through the falling Mystere's debris ingesting it and resulting in the loss of his aircraft. The Indian airforce on the other hand was, quite typically, quick to claim a heroic and unbelievable F-104 kill by Devayya as he fell to his demise. Further investigation into the event brought forward eye witnesses who rubbished both Amjad's and the Indian airforce's claims. The examination of both the aircraft's debris revealed that the eyewitness accounts were in fact true; In the heat of the moment Amjad had completely misjudged his closing speed resulting in him ramming his F-104 into the Mystere's rear end which led to the Mystere fire-balling and the F-104 unable to sustain flight. This just made a mockery out of the IAF since it had already awarded Devayya with the Maha Vir Chakra...a feat India later repeated during Kargil but then that's a story for another time.

Even your below propagandists have ridiculed the Indian claim,

I don't care what Pakistani source says.The details and citation of Devayya is on IAF website to which i quoted in another thread.
I don't care what Pakistani source says.The details and citation of Devayya is on IAF website to which i quoted in another thread.

Heh.....says the guy out to discredit MM Alam and PAF's official claims....... :lol:

ps: The source I gave was an Indian propaganda mouthpiece and then there are a ton more Indian and neutral sources too. What you meant was that you don't care about the truth and won't believe anything else but what the IAF says....but wait.......there are retired IAF officials disagreeing with IAF's claims as well...... So what you really meant was that you won't believe anything which makes you feel smaller and will peddle ludicrous conspiracy theories and bull-excreta against a fact acknowledged by the whole world because it makes you feel just a tiny bit better, just a tad bigger.
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