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Is the problem at the heart of Islam, the silence of sensible Muslims?

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then it's important one side they don't accept your religion, they have their own imaginary guy in the sky and you have your own.

Jesus is NOT imaginary , he was real and is real

Islam mandate conversion or death or religious tax on the followers of Jesus and jews from whom they claim heredity of Islam. If you accept them as prophet then why hate trade for them ? why Muhammad ordered to kill Jews ?

We dont hate them neither Our Prophet ordered to kill them. The killing part was always in a war and war is art of survival where either you get killed or kill the enemy. simple as that.

there are many people who quit Islam also.

their own choice as well as those who join it.
sect is sect its doesn't matter on which basis you divide social , Skin colour , ethnicity ,race . and sect in Islam are most violent to each other as compare any other religious sects.

don't claim false, book does instead to false deny why don't you reform it ? or restrict it in your life.
:undecided: do you make any sense? or you the multiple id owner here
Its not the current form of Islam its the current flawed political system mixed with feudalism and not just rule.

Okay I agree on this. Islam known to me is also not like its been interpreted by fanatic goons or media these days.

Many things were wrong so it would have been reformed whereas Islam doesnt divide Humans on basis of their social status.

It doesnt divide muslims into categories but when it comes to other religions & their followers, many muslims & islam preachers dont think they are equal humans like themselves.

The Book doesnt say so.

I am afraid, thats not so.

Does Islam tell you to travel by horses and not jets.

Did I say so?

Who told you we want ayatullas abd mullas? never in the history of Islamic Rebuplic of Pakistan, we had ever given chance to these goons to rule us. they always grabbed few seats here and there

Talking specifically about Replublic of Pakistan, the only Political figure Pakistan had as who was not unworthy leader was Mohd Ali Jinnah who was himself non-practicising muslim.

Rest talks about some religious political identity who will not be mullah/ayotullah but a worthy leader are just hypothesis & imaginations.

Dont come up with selective copy past. Islam was and is and will negation of idol worshipping for its followers so saying that there must be no mention of it is just ignoring the facts.

Okay so 14 unsuccessful conquests on sindh till MBQ defeated Hindu Raja Dahir a part of Islamic holy war inspired by quranic text to make world Dar-Ul-Islam ???
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